宋荦,Song Luo
1)Song Luo宋荦
1.A Study of Song Luo and "Jiangzuoshiwuzi" Group;开府江南的宋荦与“江左十五子”
1.SongLuo,styled Muzhong,was known by Mantang,also known by Mianjinshanren and Xipofangyaweng,from Shangqiu,Henan.宋荦,字牧仲,号漫堂,又号绵津山人、西陂放鸭翁,河南商丘人。
3)The Chronicle Biography of Song Luo宋荦年谱
4)Research for Song Luo宋荦研究
5)Song Shiluo宋世荦
1.A Discussion on Song Shiluo’s Taozhou Cong Shu and Its Impact试论宋世荦刊刻《台州丛书》及其影响

1.A Discussion on Song Shiluo’s Taozhou Cong Shu and Its Impact试论宋世荦刊刻《台州丛书》及其影响
2.The Competition between Tang Poetry and Song Poetry and the Study of the Characteristics of Song Poetry in the 20 Century20世纪的唐宋诗之争及宋诗特征研究
3.Duke Hsiang of Sung ruled in the Spring and Autumn Era.宋襄公是公元前七世纪春秋时代宋国的国君。
4.The academic contribution of Wang Zhongluo s History of the Wei,Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties;王仲荦《魏晋南北朝史》的学术贡献
5.On the pre-modernization of Chinese literature communication during Tang and Song Dynasty--The transformation of Tang and Song literature communication in the vision of "Song is the beginning of modern China";论文学传播在唐宋之际走向近世化——“宋代近世说”下的唐宋文学传播变革
6.On Lv Dafang s Map of Chang an City in the Song Dynasty and the Restored Map;宋吕大防《长安图》及后世复原图研究
7.Summary of Birthday-Related Ci Poety in the Song Dynasty since 1980s;20世纪80年代以来宋代寿词研究综述
8.On the Tribute Tea from Beiyuan Tea Farm and the Publishing of Cai Xiang s Essays on Tea;宋代福建北苑“贡茶”与蔡襄《茶录》的问世
9.On Conventional Development and Manifestation of Traditional Chinese Opera in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋临安戏曲的世俗化发展与表现
10.State-governing Consciousness in the Historical and Geographical Documents of Northwestern Frontiers in Southern Song;“经世”意识与南宋川陕边防史地类文献
11.A Survey of Song Family s Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation;松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述
12.Social Background and Historical Effect of Chinese National Culture Achieving Its Apex in Song Dynasty;论华夏民族文化“造极于赵宋之世”
13.Controversy on poems of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty in the 20th Century and its significance;20世纪的“唐宋诗之争”及其启示
14.The Ways that Zhe School in Southern Song Dynasty Influenced;南宋浙派对后世琴派的影响及其脉络
15.Export of Porcelain Before the Song and Yuan Dynasties and International Cultural Exchange;宋元以前的陶瓷输出与世界文化交流
16.First Forensic Scientist of the World,SONG Ci,and Collection of Grievance Relief Stories;“世界第一法学名医”宋慈和《洗冤集录》
17.The development of literature style from Tang dynasty to Song dynasty --Between literature and society;唐风宋韵的流变——文运与世运之间
18.Origins of the Northern Song Dynasty s Scholars Lack of Political Capability;试析北宋士人“治世”才能缺乏的原因

1.SongLuo,styled Muzhong,was known by Mantang,also known by Mianjinshanren and Xipofangyaweng,from Shangqiu,Henan.宋荦,字牧仲,号漫堂,又号绵津山人、西陂放鸭翁,河南商丘人。
3)The Chronicle Biography of Song Luo宋荦年谱
4)Research for Song Luo宋荦研究
5)Song Shiluo宋世荦
1.A Discussion on Song Shiluo’s Taozhou Cong Shu and Its Impact试论宋世荦刊刻《台州丛书》及其影响
6)eminent; extraordinary; outstanding卓荦

宋荦Song Luo宋荦(1634~1713)[]清代诗人。字牧仲,号漫堂,又号西陂,津山人。河南商邱人。顺治四年(1647),应诏以大臣子列侍卫。逾年考试,铨通判。康熙三年(1664),授黄州通判,累擢江苏巡抚,官至吏部尚书。 宋荦以大臣子入仕,笃学好交游,淹通掌故,有诗名。清代邵长蘅曾选王士与宋荦诗为《王、宋二家集》。宋诗不及王诗的超逸,而清刚隽上,亦自可观。其诗多赠答、题画、咏物、记游之作。其中如《盘山诗》、《黄山松石歌寄金仁叔将军兼索子湘和》、《乌江》、《石盆峪龙潭歌》、《椰子》等诗,含蓄酝藉,标格隽上,颇见特色。宋荦有论诗著作《漫堂说诗》,他论诗主张尊杜甫,认为韩愈、苏轼、黄庭坚、陆游、元好问都是学杜而成家的。但他对苏轼“弥觉神契”(《漫堂说诗》)。他和王士是好友,但论诗主张有异。论者认为他是清代学宋诗派中的重要诗人,比他晚生10余年的查慎行则为学宋诗派中成就最高的诗人。 宋荦论文宗唐、宋诸大家。清初文人鉴于明代前后七子强学秦、汉散文之失,标宗唐、宋而在实践上卓有成就的当推侯方域、魏禧和汪琬。宋荦曾合刻侯、魏、汪三家文为《国朝三家文钞》,影响颇大。 宋荦著作有西陂类稿50卷、《漫堂说诗》及《江左十五子诗选》等。                 管林