绘画材料,painting materials
1)painting materials绘画材料
1.The painting materials as the basic element of the painting language in the Occident have been the main grounds of differentiating the kinds of paintings.西方绘画材料作为绘画语言的基本元素之一,除了是区分画种的主要依据之外,还承担了作为精神载体的作用。
2.With the transmission and extension of traditional painting materials in a modern painting,it demonstrates the importance of the drawing materials,which are,throughout the development process of human painting,art,as a painting aesthetic element.传统绘画材料在现代绘画中的延续与传承,体现出绘画材料作为重要的审美元素贯穿人类绘画艺术的发展始终,它带动了绘画艺术的不断发展创新。

1.Tempera Painting and Modern Painting Materials;丹配拉绘画与现代绘画材料研究综述
2.Transmission and Versatility of Traditional Painting Materials in a Modern Painting;西方传统绘画材料在现代绘画中的传承与变通
3.The Features of the Techniques for Different Painting Materials and Their Artistic Expressions;绘画材料技法的特性及其艺术表现力
4.On the Painting Materials in the Use and Development in Contemporary Oil Painting;论绘画材料在当代油画创作中的运用和拓展
5.The skin of a sheep or goat prepared as a material on which to write or paint.羊皮纸用作书写或绘画材料的绵羊或山羊的皮
6." Ink is the traditional painting medium of China and Japan, where it has been used with long, haired brushes of wolf, goat, or badger on silk or absorbent paper."水墨是中国及日本的传统绘画材料,画笔为狼毛、羊毛或獾毛的长毫画笔,画常作在丝绸或宣纸上。
7.Paradise Paintings to Paper Flower: Comparative values in the pictorial Material from Cave 17, Dunhuang;从净土图到纸花──敦煌藏经洞出土绘画材料的价值比较
8.This article presents a brief introduction to the manifestation of oil painting in respect of the making of priming paint, media properties of painting materials, and etc.本文从底料制作、媒介以及绘画材料性能等几方面简要介绍了油画的表现形式。
9.Comparison between Primitive Rock Art Materials and Modern Rock Painting Materials原始涂绘岩画材料与现代岩彩画材料之比较
10."You know, paintings are also classified by forms besides by medium."你知道,除了材料,绘画也由形式划分。
11.The Necessity of Tempera;开设坦培拉绘画技法材料课的必要性
12.The mutual use and synthetic utilization of water-property material drawing水性材料绘画的相互借鉴与综合运用
13.On Toner as a Medium of Representation of Art in Modern Sketch Drawing;谈色粉材料在现代素描绘画中的艺术表现
14.Image·Picture--humane imagery consideration in painting teaching ofcontemporary synthetical materials;意象·图像——当代综合材料绘画教学中的人文思考
15.Re-evaluation of the Colors in the Traditional Chinese Color-Painting from the Perspective of Material Science;从材料学角度重审中国传统重彩绘画色彩
16.Comprehensive Material and Abstract Language -On the Forms of Expression in Comprehensive Painting;综合材料与抽象语言——试论综合绘画的图式表现
17.On Application of Materials to Contemporary Chinese Painting and Skills Involved;当代中国绘画综合材料的应用与表现技法
18.On Discussing the Characteristics of Propylene Material and its Application and Expressiveness in Good-Sized Paintings大型绘画中丙烯材料应用与优越性表现

comprehensive material painting综合材料绘画
1.This article introduces several creative methods,by which the material of "paper" is used for comprehensive material paintings.本文介绍了几种在综合材料绘画中使用"纸"材质创作的方法。
3)painting with water-based material水性材料绘画
4)paint trolley绘画材料推车
5)Painting material绘画材质
6)painterly matters绘画题材
1.This article narrates patriotism of her paintings which rooted in her essentiality and her revolutionary thought through two points that one is her painterly activities and the other is painterly matters.本文从其绘画活动和三大绘画题材入手分析贯之于其中的爱国情怀,这种情怀是她独特的本性,亦是其坚定的革命思想使然,这也足以表明何香凝在中国近现代绘画史上的大师级地位。

书写和绘画材料书写和绘画材料Writing and Drawing Materials  第14卷书写和绘画材料shu2.L性能特点‘ 中国的文具有独创的品格和优良的传统,中国的笔、墨、纸、砚自古被称为“文房四宝”,悠久的祖国历史和灿烂的民族文化都依赖它们的功能而传播,古代许多书画名作最终是以留在纸上的墨迹作为作家的艺术表现形式和鉴赏的依据,所以“纸寿千年”“一点如漆”就显得特别重要。 由于制墨原料的改进,一锭佳墨具有质坚如玉、色泽黑润、历久不褪、欲笔不胶、入纸不晕、香味浓郁、落纸如漆、书写自如等优点。墨的优劣主要以“烟细、胶轻、色黑”为佳。用作绘画,墨色要能分浓淡层次。2.2.品种 墨的品种可分为两大类,即实用墨类和观赏墨类。实用墨类又分黑色墨、彩色墨和药墨。黑色墨又分油烟墨、松烟墨和炭黑墨。 油烟墨:是用桐油等动植物油精炼成烟,拌以皮胶、冰片精制而成; 松烟墨:是用优质松烟、皮胶作主要原料制成; 炭黑墨:是用优质工业炭黑、皮胶或骨胶制成。2.3.制造工艺 中国古时制墨方法是用松取烟制成松烟墨。明代以后用油烟制墨,油烟制墨主要用桐油、麻油、猪油等动植物油为原料,用以燃烟,同时加以广胶、察香、梅片、珍’珠、冰片等名贵中药香料等制成。名墨面上镌刻有名人的绘书或题诗,并加描金。因此,中国的高级墨不仅是一种书写材料,并且是具有独特民族风格的艺术品,用它书写或绘画,可以保存而不变质。 现代制墨主要工艺过程为:炼烟、刻模、和料、成型、晾墨、打磨、描金、制盒、包装,共九道工序。 中国墨的产地主要是安徽、北京、上海,安徽省款县(今属黄山市)是徽墨的发源地,享有“墨乡”“墨都”之称。2.4.墨汁 墨汁是中国的一种传统书写材料,为使用中国墨带来了方便。墨汁由炭黑、骨胶和水3种主要材料以及各种添加剂调合而成。炭黑要求颜色黑、粒子细、亲合力强,而骨胶在墨汁中起悬浮炭黑、调整浓度和胶合等作用,有助于增强遮盖力和光亮度,同时墨汁还要没有墨粒、渣滓、气泡和臭味;对艺术用墨汁则要求墨色好、浓淡适宜才能有很好的艺术效果。 一般墨汁配方,%: 炭黑6~8 固体胶8~10 纯碱0.3~0.4 防腐剂1一2 助剂i~1.5 加水稀释至100荡。3.墨水、油墨〔2〕 墨水(i nk)是使甫最广的书写、绘图和记号材料,在国外亦可通称为书写液体(writing fluid)或记号球体(marking nuid)。中国对墨水中粘度较大或粘稠状有色液体则称为油墨,如圆珠笔油墨。