女性美,female beauty
1)female beauty女性美
1.On Female Beauty in Qin and Han Dynasties in the Dimension of Western Body Theories;身体理论视域中的秦汉女性美研究
2.And through the description to female,they tried to portray the female beauty which had influenced their lives and deposited in their bottoms of heart.川端康成和沈从文以其特殊而又相近的生活经验和情感体验,对女性生活作了大量细致深入的描述,并通过对女性的描写来着力刻画一种对他们生活产生过影响并积淀在其思想和心灵深处的女性美,表现出他们对女性和女性美的偏爱和崇拜。
3.So, we can conclude that these lovelies are the classic represents of the female beauty of the later feudal society.因此可以说,佳人形象是封建社会后期女性美的高峰,标志着我国古代小说女性形象美学风貌的转型。

1.He was entrancing, with that epicene beauty.他是迷人的,带着女性美
2.Analysis of the Traditional "Painting Ladies" of the Ancient Female Beauty浅析传统“仕女画”中的古代女性美
3.On the Feminine Beauty of New Songs of the Jade Terrace and its Aesthetic Value;论《玉台新咏》中的女性美及其审美价值
4.This Beauty parlour knows Best of all how to make a female Beautiful.深知女性美丽之道的莫过于本美容美发厅。
5.womanly qualities, virtues女性的特性、 美德.
6.know very well how to make a female Beautiful深知女性的美丽之道
7.The Duty of American Women to Their Country美国女性对国家的责任
8.Women's Bureau of U.S. Department of Labor美国劳工部女性事务处
9.a women's articles shop knows how to make a female Beautiful very well.妇女用品商店,深知女性的美丽之道。
10.West Feminism Thoughts and American Women Study西方女性主义思潮与美国妇女史研究
11.On Feminine Ideal in Allan Poe s Works of "Death of Beauty";论爱伦·坡“美女之死”作品中的“女性理想”
12.A girl, especially a beautiful one.美女女孩,尤指美丽女子
13.Where Chinese may be obsessed with pale skin, Americans are obsessed with tanned skin.当中国女性一心想变白时,美国女性想变黑。
14.A Tentative Study on Girlish Images Across Cultures: Chinese Versus U.S. Women s Magazine Ads;试比较中美女性杂志广告中的女性形象
15.Staying in the Mood of Poetry about Feminine Appreciating the Beautiful Life--Studying in Feminine Prose during the May 4th Time;女性审美人生的诗意栖居——五四女性散文研究
16.Americal School of Feminism:Femisnist Narrative;女性主义美国学派——女性主义叙事学简论
17.The Beauty of Reason and the Beauty of Women: An Interpretation of Beavoir s Existentialism of Women;理性之美,女性之美——诠释西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦的女性生存论思想
18.In the portrait of females, the tribute paid to modern females was replaced by admiration for classical ones.在女性形象塑造方面,由对现代女性的崇尚转向对古典女性的赞美;

feminine beauty女性美
1.She parodies orthodoxical weddings,fairytales,feminine beauty and phallus-centered beauty standards to mock and at the same time to reiterate the patriarchal,heterosexual aesthetics.她借助戏仿传统婚礼、童话原型、经典的女人形象以及男性眼中的女性美标准,来嘲讽并重宣正统男权社会的审美及伦理标准,颠覆但并不显偏颇,从而得以轻松地讲述女人的故事,避开了一般性的伦理解读和道德批评。
2.During the Tang dynasty, owing to the open social enviroment, though woman s beauty, was not free from sexuality, it began to add new spirit to the norm of feminine beauty.女性美一直是文学上关注的话题 ,但最初表现的是女人对于男人的物质用途。
3)feminine charm女性美
1.The one-divided-into-two and two-combined-as-one perceptual existence of Chinese goddess of love and beauty proves that in the system of deep national mental structure,the aesthetic judgment for feminine charm is that love and charm coexist and the love and charm of the goddess represents a superutility aesthetic.中国的性爱神与美神成为一而二、二而一的感性存在可以证明,在民族深层心理结构体系中,对于女性美的审美价值的评判是:爱与美同在,女神的爱与美代表着一种超功利的美学观念的发生。
2.<Abstrcat>Japanese aestheticist writer Tanizakizyunichirou pursues in his literary creation traditional classical charm,everlasting feminine charm and morbid faculty charm and thus shapes his special idea "feminine worship".日本唯美派作家谷崎润一郎在文学创作上,追求传统的古典美、永远的女性美、病态的官能美,形成其具有特色的"女性崇拜"思想。
1.Their femininity can find its own way to express and takes on a new look.同时,女性的自我得到不同程度的发展,性别特征得以张扬,女性美发生了新的变化。
5)attractive female美貌女性
6)feminine beauty女性之美
1.Accordingly,poems expressing the feminine beauty,love between man and woman should be categorized into amorous poetry.与之相对应,表现女性之美、男女之情的诗歌是当之无愧的艳诗。
2.However, this paper holds that the love mode embodied in Jinyong s novels is determined by his progressive female worship mind, which makes feminine affection and feminine beauty another attraction in addition to the heroic bosom and chivalry in Jinyong s novels.这一模式使女性情怀、女性之美在金庸小说中成了与英雄胸襟、英雄侠义并驾齐驱的一个看点。

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