诗意美,poetic beauty
1)poetic beauty诗意美
1.QIONG Yao has a good understanding of classical Poet,Ci,Qu and Fu,and often uses them in her novels,so her novels are characterized with a classic poetic beauty.琼瑶对诗词曲赋的理解和运用简直到了登峰造极的地步,其小说所表现出来的古典诗意美在文坛独领风骚。
2)beauty of poetic flavor诗意美
1.Luolan,a famous Taiwanese female writer,had the special hobby to music,the drawing and the poetry,which displayed in her creation istic style aspect:musical beauty,aesthetic drawings and beauty of poetic flavor.这种爱好在其创作艺术风格方面表现为:音乐美、绘画美和诗意美
2.In respect of emotion,image,artistic conception and sense of music,this paper expounds the beauty of poetic flavor of language in his prose from surface to inner essence.本文从语言的情感、形象、意蕴、乐感四个方面对朱自清散文语言的诗意美由表及里地展开了论述。
3)poetic eu logy诗意赞美
4)Aesthetic poetic诗意审美
5)the ima gist poems in England and America英美意象派诗歌

1.Comparing the Images in Ancient Chinese Poems and those of the British and American Imagist Poems;略论中国古典诗歌与英美意象派诗歌中的意象
2.On the Influence of Chinese Classic Poetry and Poetics upon Imagist Poetry中国古典诗歌及诗论对英美意象派诗歌之影响
3.The Influence of British and American Imagist Poetry on the Early Style of Chinese New Poetry;论英美意象派诗歌对中国新诗初期诗体的影响
4.China s Translation of British and American Imagist Poetry in the 1930s;英美意象派诗歌在20世纪30年代中国的译介
5.Artistic Absorption of the Anglo-American Imagist Poetry From Chinese Classical Poetry;异质文化中的艺术借鉴——英美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌比较
6.Image:Imagist Poetry and Classical Chinese Poetry;意象:欧美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌
7.The Impact of Chinese Classic Poetry on Imagist Poetry;中国古典诗歌对美国意象派诗歌的影响
8.The Influence of American Imagists on WEN Yi-duo’s Poetry美国意象派对闻一多诗歌创作的影响
9.The Aesthetic Transference of Image in Poetry--With Analysis on Versions of Tang Poems;诗歌意象美的传递——以唐诗英译为例看诗歌翻译
10.Comparative Study of Images in Imagist Poetry and Chinese Classical Poetry中国古典诗歌与美国意象派诗歌中意象的比较研究
11.On Donne s Metaphysical Images and Their Impact;英国诗人邓恩的玄学派诗歌意象及其影响
12.Ezra Pound's Imagist Poetry from the Chinese and Western Poetics Aesthetic Intersection从庞德意象派诗歌看中西诗学的审美交汇
13.On the Imagist Poetry s "Misreading" of Classical Chinese Poetry;论意象派诗歌对中国古典诗歌的“误读”
14.Emotionally Dominating Poetic Musicality;以情绪节奏统领音乐节奏——简论英美意象派诗人对诗歌音乐问题的看法
15.Influence of the English Version of Sino-Japan s Poetry on the British-American Imagist Movement;中日诗歌的英译对英美意象主义诗歌运动的影响
16.A Modernist School of Poetry Holding "Image First" in High Esteem--A Commentary on Russian Imagist Poetry;“形象第一”的现代主义诗派——试论俄国意象派诗歌
17.Imagism Movement and Free Verse Movement of English Poetry:Their Background;论英语诗歌的意象派运动及自由诗革命的生成背景
18.Appreciation of the Conceits in the Love Poems of Metaphysical Poet John Donne;英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩爱情诗歌中的意象群赏析

beauty of poetic flavor诗意美
1.Luolan,a famous Taiwanese female writer,had the special hobby to music,the drawing and the poetry,which displayed in her creation istic style aspect:musical beauty,aesthetic drawings and beauty of poetic flavor.这种爱好在其创作艺术风格方面表现为:音乐美、绘画美和诗意美
2.In respect of emotion,image,artistic conception and sense of music,this paper expounds the beauty of poetic flavor of language in his prose from surface to inner essence.本文从语言的情感、形象、意蕴、乐感四个方面对朱自清散文语言的诗意美由表及里地展开了论述。
3)poetic eu logy诗意赞美
4)Aesthetic poetic诗意审美
5)the ima gist poems in England and America英美意象派诗歌
6)A comparison between American and Chinese imagist poetry美中意象诗比较

诗意1.诗思﹔诗情。 2.诗的内容和意境。 3.像诗里表达的那样给人以美感的意境。 4.指作诗的方法。