社会功利性,social utilitarianism
1)social utilitarianism社会功利性
1.The social utilitarianism and spiritual utilitarianism in the Song Dynasty caused a complicated and combined mode of court paintings.有宋一代,社会功利性生命意识和精神功利性生命意识的并存必然使得院画呈现出一种双向糅合的复杂模态,人物画坚守为政治礼教服务的传统,社会功利性生命意识依然强劲。

1.Beauty should have the qualities of truth, objectiveness, social utility, emotion and novelty.美应该具有真实性、客观性、社会功利性、情感性和新颖性的特征。
2.On Utility and Relativism of Aesthetic Taste in Consuming Society;论消费社会中审美趣味的功利性和相对性
3.axiom for social welfare function社会福利功能的公理
4.social welfare functional constituency社会福利界功能界别
5.The Function of Social Psychological Adjustment about Non-Profitable Organizations;非营利性组织的社会心理调节功能研讨
6.Cardozo s Thought of Social Utility--Review on The Nature of the Judicial Process;卡多佐的社会功利观——解读《司法过程的性质》
7.Public Welfare System and Social Network:Their Functional Interaction as the Base of Social Inclusion Policies;公共福利制度与社会网的功能互补——包容性社会政策的基础
8.On the social attribute and function of the new social class论新社会阶层的社会属性和社会功能
9.What is "Public Interest"? The Utilitarian Definition and Its Constitutional Limitations;“公共利益”是什么?——社会功利主义的定义及其宪法上的局限性
10.She is recognised for her socially critical novels and plays.耶利内克获奖归功于其小说和戏剧深刻的社会批判性。
11.Social Analysis on Students Utilitarian Study in Chinese Sport Colleges and Universities;对我国高等体育院校大学生功利性学习的社会分析
12.Legitimacy of Social Policy Function in Government Procurement and Protection of Party's Interest政府采购社会政策功能的正当性及当事人利益保护
13.An Analysis of Utilitarianism--Commenting on the social justice in social transformation;功利主义评析——兼论社会转型中社会公平问题
14.The Pragmatic Trait of Max Weber s "Understanding Sociology";“理解社会学”的功利性——解析马科斯·韦伯《社会科学方法论》的实用主义倾向
15.There is just too much emphasis on utilitarianism in our society.反正我们的社会太讲究功利。
16.Utilitarianism was the logical backbone of his attempts at social reform.功利主义是其社会改良的逻辑支撑。
17.Utilitarian Teleology and Socialist Market Economy;功利主义目的论与社会主义市场经济
18.Strengthen the Party s Functions of Interest Integration and Build a Harmonious Democracy Society;增强利益整合功能 努力构建和谐社会

social utility社会功利
1.This paper put the emphasis on analyzing the method of sociology,especially Social Welfare embodied in it,and it draws the conclusion that Cardozo s thought of social utility plays the predominant role.重点对卡多佐的社会学方法,尤其是其中的"社会福利"进行分析,进而得出卡多佐背后更深层之社会功利观的支配性作用的结论,并对其社会功利观提出的原因——对形式主义的反对进行了重点论述,最后对其社会功利观提出了一点质疑。
3)a utilitarian society功利社会
1.From a political philosophical point of view, an institutional society is a well off society s political prerequisite and a utilitarian society is its moral presupposition.从政治哲学的角度考虑 ,中国小康社会的政治前提在于它是一个制度社会 ,道德预设在于它是一个功利社会。
4)utilitarian society社会功利化
5)over-utility society超功利社会
6)social function社会性功能
1.It isthe value show of education s important social function that oureducation must be suitable the requests of society ? ecnomy ? science,culture and so on.本文试从艺术教育的独特角度 ,来论述与探讨艺术教育的社会性功

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决