抗美援朝,War to resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea
1)War to resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝
1.The victory of War to resist U.抗美援朝的胜利与政治动员密切相关。
2.This thesis retrospects the period-from the liberation to the basical completion of the socialist transformation-which is called "striding with songs"; comprehensively analyses the patterns of the report and propaganda of the mass media (especially the party newspaper) in War to Resist U.回顾了建国初期到我国基本完成三大改造这一“凯歌行进的时期” ,通过对新闻媒介 (主要是党报 )在抗美援朝、镇压反革命、“三反”“五反”、三大改造中宣传报道模式的全面分析 ,系统总结了正确的舆论导向在建国初期对经济建设的巨大推动作用。
3.In War to Resist U.抗美援朝战争时期,中国人民志愿军在中共中央、中央军委的正确领导下,继承和发扬人民军队的光荣传统,严格执行宽待俘虏政策,对战俘实行革命的人道主义,取得了举世瞩目的成效。

1.On the Identical Factors between the Strategic Decision-making for Aiding Vietnam to Resist French Invasion and the One for Aiding Korea to Resist American Invasion;援越抗法与抗美援朝战略抉择的共同性
2.We fought the War of Resistance Against Japan for eight years and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea for three years.抗日战争打了八年,抗美援朝打了三年,
3.USA Aids to South Korea in the War to Resist USA and to Aid Korea and Its Influence;抗美援朝战争中美国对韩国的援助及其影响
4."Resist the U. S. to Aid Korea "and "Aid Vietnam to Resist the U. S. " --How Did China Deal with the Korean War and the Vietnam War;“抗美援朝”与“援越抗美”——中国如何应对朝鲜战争和越南战争
5.Third Campaign in War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争第三次战役
6.Second Campaign in War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争第二次战役
7.Fourth Campaign in War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争第四次战役
8.Life was very tough, too, during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea [1950-53].抗美援朝的时候也是很苦的啊!
9.Undoubtedly winning the war was in their interest.当然,争取抗美援朝的胜利对他们有利。
10.May we win victory on the front of our movement to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea!祝我们在抗美援朝战线上的胜利!
12.Yet the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea did not cost us too much.可是,抗美援朝战争用的钱也不十分多。
13.To what was this victory due?抗美援朝的胜利是靠什么得来的呢?
14.Counterattack in the Autumn of 1952 in War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争1952年秋季反击作战
15.After its founding, it fought for three more years in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.建国后又进行了三年抗美援朝战争。
16.In the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, people fell over each other to join up.在抗美援朝战争中,人民踊跃报名参军。
17.The Influence of the War to Resist USA and to Aid Korea upon the Church-run Universities in China;抗美援朝战争对我国教会大学的影响
18.On Mao Ze-dong s Excellent Political Wisdom in the Korean War;从抗美援朝看毛泽东的高超政治智慧

Korean War抗美援朝
1.On Policy-Making for Negotiation of the Cease-Fire of the Korean War;抗美援朝战争中的停战谈判决策研究
2.On the Relation of the Korean War with the Rise of China International Status;论抗美援朝战争与中国国际地位提高的关系
3.The Korean War and the Formation of an International Strategy of Building a Major Rear Area;抗美援朝战争与中国建设大后方国防战略思想的形成
3)To resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea.是抗美援朝。
4)the War to Resist USA and to Aid Korea抗美援朝战争
1.The Influence of the War to Resist USA and to Aid Korea upon the Church-run Universities in China;抗美援朝战争对我国教会大学的影响
2.USA Aids to South Korea in the War to Resist USA and to Aid Korea and Its Influence;抗美援朝战争中美国对韩国的援助及其影响
5)the war to resist America and aid Korea抗美援朝战争
1.In 1953, the war to resist America and aid Korea was ended.1953年,抗美援朝战争结束。
2.From the analysis of the theory of great power and great power station, we believe the China’s political and military great power situation has been set up in the war to resist America and aid Korea.从对大国和大国地位的理论分析出发,可以认为,中国的政治大国、军事大国地位是在朝鲜半岛的军事斗争中确立起来的,对于中国而言,1950年进行抗美援朝战争,是开始被世界视为大国的一个标志。
6)War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争
1.The Korean nationality of China together with other Chinese people makes outstanding contributions to safeguard the country in the Anti-Japanese War launched by Japanese imperialist to invade China and in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea launched by American imperialist.中国朝鲜族在抗击日本帝国主义侵略中国的抗日战争中,在抗击美帝国主义侵略朝鲜的抗美援朝战争中,同全国人民一道,为保卫祖国作出了卓越的贡献。
