书法批评,calligraphy criticism
1)calligraphy criticism书法批评
1.In Wei and Jin Dynasties characters evaluations were popular,emphasizing classification of characters,revelations of personality styles and the use of metaphor,all of which led to the formation of different schools in calligraphy criticism.人物品藻的这些特点促成了当时书法批评中的流品论、风格论及其"象喻"法的形成。

1.On establishment of an objective model of calligraphy critique;书法客观批评模式的构建——源于当前一些书法批评的批评
2.Calligraphy Indicating Own Personalities": The Formation of Su Shi s Critical View on Calligraphy during his Huangzhou Period;“书如其人”:苏轼黄州时期书法批评观的确立
3.It's important to hold the three critical molds to set up noumenon of calligraphy critical对三种批评模式,应有具体的把握策略,以建构书法批评的本体。
4.Aesthetic Criticism Thought in "The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy" of JIANG Kui;论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想
5.he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court.他批评法庭给予的赔偿的仲裁书。
6.The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea.《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。
7.The Secrete Skills Are Not a Few On the Parts of "Writing Skills" by "Artificial Masterpieces" of "A Dream of Red Chambel";书中之秘法亦复不少——《红楼梦》脂批以“美文”评“作法”谈片
8.His criticisms of my book tally closely with yours.他对我这本书的批评跟你的批评非常吻合。
9.the reviewers gave his book a sound slating.评论家严厉批评了他的书。
10.the reviewer's criticism was unnecessarily insulting.书评作者的批评没有必要这样欺侮人。
11.Some critics slashed his new book.一些评论家严厉批评他的新书。
12.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析
13.Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective;文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索
14.Grades of Poetry Critique of Poetry Written by ZHONG Rong;钟嵘《诗品》的批评意识与批评方法
15.Not using critical standards or methods, as in evaluation.不加批评的评估中不使用批评性标准或方法的
16.campaign advertising that was Based solely on negatives.以批评为主的广告手法
17.Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it.人若批评弟兄,论断弟兄,就是批评律法,论断律法。
18.China has been criticising Japan for rewriting history in textbooks.中国一直批评日本的教科书篡改历史。

critical view on calligraphy书法批评观
3)the criticism of the Dynasty of the Republic of China民国书法批评
4)painting and calligraphy criticism书画批评
1.Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy criticism pays much attention to the subject’s moral and mental level.中国传统书画批评中,非常重视艺术主体的道德和精神境界,人品决定艺品的传统理论命题,无疑将艺术批评导向艺术家的人格批评。
5)On the literary criticisms of textual discourse书话批评论
1.Application of criticism in the modern nursing administration;批评法在现代护理管理中的应用
2.China s biographical criticism took shape in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.中国的传记批评法形成于春秋战国时期,自汉魏以来,历经了德行、才性、人格精神、胸襟、思想立场等发展阶段。

批评与自我批评  中国共产党在长期革命斗争中形成的优良作风之一,也是社会主义学校德育方法之一。它在形成健全的集体舆论,树立良好校风,提高学生觉悟和帮助学生改正缺点错误方面都有重要作用。    批评是指教师对学生或学生对同学的不恰当的思想言行给予否定的评价,唤起他们的警觉,去努力改正自己的错误和缺点。为了使批评能够收到良好的效果,批评者要弄清被批评者错误的事实及其来龙去脉,进行符合实际的恰如其分的批评;要有耐心,允许被批评者申辩,并通过摆事实、讲道理帮助他们认识错误,指出改正的办法,启发他们自觉改正。与此同时,要充分估计被批评者可能作出的反应,设法防止其反应的消极方面,或做好准备,使其及时消除。要从团结的愿望出发,尊重学生的人格,鼓励学生自我改正的信心。批评要取得学生集体的支持,以加强批评教育的作用。要教育学生正确对待批评,不讳疾忌医,不因受到批评而失去上进的信心。    自我批评是指在自我认识、自我评价的基础上,对自己不恰当的思想言行进行批评,督促自己改正错误和缺点。自我批评是自我教育的重要方式。要帮助学生充分理解共产主义思想品德的要求,使他们明了自我认识和自我评价的准绳。人们的自我认识和自我评价的能力,常常落后于认识和评价他人的能力,要教育学生对自己高标准、严要求,经常反省和深刻剖析自己的思想言行。要教育和鼓励学生根据社会主义社会和学校生活的准则,诚恳地检讨自己的思想言行,争取老师、同学对自己更多的帮助。