渐江,Jian Jiang
1)Jian Jiang渐江
1.Comparing Jian Jiang and Ni Zan’s Differe nt Ways in Learning from the Tradition;渐江与倪瓒取法传统的比较研究
2.On the Evolution of Jian Jiang s Thought and the Influence on His Painting Style;论渐江的思想嬗变及对其画风的影响

1.On the Evolution of Jian Jiang s Thought and the Influence on His Painting Style;论渐江的思想嬗变及对其画风的影响
2.The Similarities Between Jian Jiang and Corot on the Beauty of Tranquility;渐江笔下的山水和柯罗风景画的幽静之美
3.By ten the fiver is broader. Steaming with the swift torrent, we leave Wu Gorge.十点,江面渐趋广阔,急流稳渡。 穿过了巫峡。
4.In the late of East and West Jin Period, Li Yong's family becomes a very influential family in Jiang Xia area.两晋后期,江夏李氏逐渐成为当时江夏地区非常有影响的士族家族。
5.The continental deposits of Enping formation aged from Oligocene to Eocene of Palaeocene are well-developed and widespreaded in the Pearl River Mouth Basin.珠江口盆地下第三系始新统至渐新统恩平组分布广泛。
6.3.Good reservoir rock giving high productivity in Oligocene to Middle Mi- ocene;(3)以渐新统珠海组和下中新统下珠江组为储层,具备油层高产条件;
7.During the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the development and transmission of Quanzhen Daoism in the south of the Yangzi River, Jiangxi gradually became an active region of Quanzhen Daoism.宋元明清时期,随着全真道在江南的传播与发展,江西渐成为全真道活跃的地区。
8.Covering an area of2,400 square kilometers in east China, Taihu Lake is a major source of drinking water for people living in Shanghai and east China's Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.太湖占据了中国东部2400平方公里的面积,是生活在上海,江苏,渐浙江一带人们的主要水源。
9.by [ in ] drib(b)lets一点一点地, 渐渐
10.After the two opium wars,"Treaties System"had been formed,the shipping right of inland river and coast was robbed by westerners.两次鸦片战争之后 ,随着“条约制度”的形成 ,中国的江海航运权逐渐为外人所攘夺。
11.Emperor of Wu often hunted outside, so he built many luxury pavilions as residences for the aristocrat. And agricultural production was gradually developed.吴王常外出打猎,为此在今松江一带营建华亭,作为贵族们的馆舍,农事生产逐渐展开。
12.From Wei and Jin Dynasties to Tang Dynasty, the connotation of Liaodong, regarded as a territory name, is extending, including the whole Datong River valley, even the whole area under Koguryo's jurisdiction.魏晋至唐,辽东作为地域名内涵在逐渐扩大,包括整个大同江流域,甚至是高句丽政权的所有辖区。
13.Oligocene-Miocene Dinoflagellates Biostratigraphy and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation in Northern South China Sea, Panyu Uplift of Pearl River Mouth Basin;南海北部珠江口盆地番禺低隆起中新世/渐新世沟鞭藻生物地层及古环境意义
14.Research on the Effects of Progressive Relaxation on Relieving Anxiety of Jiangsu Male Fleuret Team Members;渐进式心理放松训练对于降低江苏男子花剑运动员焦虑水平的效果的研究
15.Theory of Node-axes Evolving and Diffusing and Regional Tourist Spatial Structure in the Yangtze River Delta;“点-轴”渐进扩散理论及其在长江三角洲区域旅游空间结构研究中的应用
16.Wenzhou Model and Zhejiang Reform: Co-existence of Diverse Systems and Gradual Transformation;多种制度变迁方式并存和渐进转换的改革道路──“温州模式”及浙江改革经验
17.Thereafter I began a slow recovery.此后我开始渐渐康复。
18.In autumn leaves of trees grow yellow.树叶在秋天渐渐变黄。

1.Through researching majority poetry which leaved by Jianjiang,we may see, the Recluse mood occupy the absolute dominant position in his heart.渐江是新安画派的领军人物。
3)Jiɑn Jiɑng渐江(1610~1664)
4)A thaw is setting in.江河渐渐解冻了.
5)The Research about the Problem of Jianjiang渐江若干问题研究
6)little by little渐渐
