陈师曾,Chen Shizeng
1)Chen Shizeng陈师曾
1.Comparing Idea on Chinese and western Paintings from Chen Shizeng to Fu Baoshi;从陈师曾到傅抱石的中西绘画比较观
2.This article in obtains the literature material in the foundation, revolved Chen Shizeng "the Beijing Custom" the atlas, the utilization generalized analysis method, inquired into comprehensively this work produced the history cultural context and the creation motive, and to it in the drawing history significance and the historical influence, have done the thorough research.本文在所取得文献材料的基础上,围绕陈师曾《北京风俗》图册,运用综合分析的方法,全面地探究该作品产生的历史文化背景及创作动机,并对其在绘画史上的意义及历史影响,做了较深入的研究。

1.Comparing Idea on Chinese and western Paintings from Chen Shizeng to Fu Baoshi;从陈师曾到傅抱石的中西绘画比较观
2.Cheng Shizeng: Forerunner of the Modern Change of Chinese Freehand Figure Painting of 20th Century;陈师曾对20世纪中国意笔人物画的贡献
3.He adopted the advice of his friend, Chen Shizeng, and changed his painting style from a meticulous approach to free sketching, thus forming his own painting style.他接受画友陈师曾的劝告,由工笔和小写意转向大写意,终于自成一体。
4.President Chen Shui-bian was one of the defense attorneys involved in Formosa Incident.陈水扁总统曾是美丽岛事件的辩护律师之一。
5.Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶,
6.After visiting the peaks and caves, Marshal Chen Yi who for many years was Minister of Foreign Affairs in China wrote the following poem:陈毅游后,曾赋诗称赞:
7.Hello! Hello! Mr Chen.您好!您好!陈老师。
8.He said that Guru Chen wrote a praise to Dakinis, but did not wrote one for the Dakas( male Sunyata practitioners).他说陈上师曾造空行母赞颂,但是并没有写一个空行勇父(性的空乐行者)赞颂之文。
9.Like President Chen, Mr Hsieh is a former lawyer who in the past defended dissidents under the authoritarian rule of the KMT.和陈“总统”一样,谢长廷也当过律师,在国民党威权统治时期曾为持不同政见者做过辩护。
10.The Impression of Chen Fan --a Memorization of the Interview with Mr. Chen Fan;陈帆印象——一次对陈帆老师访问的纪要
11.Hello! Dear Mr Chen.你好! 亲爱的陈老师。
12.Chennault's air fleet took an extensive part in the civil war.[3]陈纳德航空队曾经广泛地参战⑶。
13.Comment on Biography of Mu Dan by Chen Bo-liang;“历史曾在此走过”——评陈伯良《穆旦传》
14.He was a teacher of Chinese for a time.他一度曾是汉语教师。
15.He had not really pressed for it in personal conversation.他在个人的谈话中也不曾真正力陈要这样干。
16.Something old, especially a song that was once popular.旧时的车陈旧的东西,尤指一首曾风行一时的歌
17.A case in point is Chen Jingkai, who improved world records on eight occasions.一个范例就是陈镜开,他曾八次打破世界记录。
18.Chen Yuanlin,Zeng Zhongxing and Bai Shouchang 1985 The Rhesus Monkey. Science Press,Beijing,China.7陈元霖、曾中兴、白寿昌1985猕猴。科学出版社,北京。

Cheng Shizeng陈师曾
1.Cheng Shizeng: Forerunner of the Modern Change of Chinese Freehand Figure Painting of 20th Century;陈师曾对20世纪中国意笔人物画的贡献
3)Chen Yizeng陈绎曾
4)Xu Shi-zeng徐师曾
1.The Study of Xu Shi-zeng s Wen Ti Ming Bian;徐师曾《文体明辨》研究
5)Mɑ Shizeng马师曾(1900~1964)
6)CHEN Xing-shen and ZENG Jiong-zhi陈省身与曾炯之
