乡土美术,Local art
1)Local art乡土美术
1."Local art is the crystallization of human wisdom, but also an important component of Chinese culture part, it has distinctive local features and characteristics.”乡土美术是人类智慧的结晶,也是中华文化的重要组成部分,它具有鲜明的地方色彩和特点。

1.The significance of folk and local art education in Teachers Colleges;高师美术中开展民间乡土美术教育的意义
2.Application of Beauty-creation Pattern to Middle School Native Soil Fine Arts Teaching;“创美模式”在中学乡土美术教学中的运用
3.Developing Local Fine Arts Education in Tianshui Human Landscape;利用天水的人文景观进行乡土美术教育
4.Based on Grassland Folk Culture Tradition to Probe the Contemporary Fine Arts Education in Middle School立足草原民族文化传统,探索中学乡土美术教育
5.Discussion of the Folk Aesthetic Authoritativeness and Basic Fea-ture of the Activities of Fine Arts in the Rural Area;论乡土美术活动中的民间审美权威性及其基本特征
6.Optimization of the Art Teaching System Using Local Resources;利用乡土资源优化美术教学体系的研究
7.Local Aesthetics and the Artistic Praise for Miao National Minority Folk Ideal--Aesthetic Characteristics of the Miao National Minority Folk Filed Flower乡土美学与民间理想的艺术礼赞——苗族民间锉花的审美特征
8.Writer and Local Color Works;一种自得之美的艺术追求——从《边城》看沈从文“乡土文学”的艺术风格
9.On the aesthetic style of Cao Wenxuan s initiation stories;曹文轩成长小说乡土抒情的美学风格
10.The Chinese in the Eyes of American Local-color Writer Harte;美国乡土作家哈特眼中的中国人形象
11.On Situ Meitang s Outstanding Contributions To The Land Reform In The Homeland Of Overseas Chinese;司徒美堂对侨乡土改工作的杰出贡献
12.A sadly beautiful local love song: A comparison of "local literature" between Shen Cong-wen and Mizukami Thutomu;哀婉而凄美的乡土恋歌——沈从文与水上勉“乡土文学”之比较
13.Life is Elsewhere--On the Local Aesthetics Aesthetic Subject Identify Paradox;“生活在别处”——乡土美学审美主体身份悖论初探
14.The Characteristic of Native Audio-visual Art and the Studying of the Technique of Expression;乡土视听艺术的特征及表现手法研究
15.Oxymoron and the Subject Matter About Native Literature;“矛盾修饰”与乡土文学的表现艺术
16.On the Local Flavor and the National Art of The Remote Town;试论《边城》的乡土特色及民族艺术
17.Probing Into Technical Problem of Land Use Comprehensive Planing in County Level;乡镇土地利用总体规划编制技术探讨
18.Aboriginal Beauty of Returning to Native Roots--Discussing Hu Xiang Characteristic of Zhou Libo’s Homeland Livelihood Short Novels;回归乡土的原生态之美——论周立波故乡生活短篇小说的湖湘特色

local aesthetics乡土美学
1.Local,defined in the discipline of local aesthetics,refers to the countryside and village that is synchronically opposite to city in time and space after the emergence of capitalist commercial economy and the industrial civilization.在乡土美学之既定学科语境中的乡土,是指资本主义商品经济和大工业文明出现以来,与城市在空间形态和时间性质上双重同步对立的农村、乡村。
3)local technology乡土技术
1.In present architecture design,regional architecture creation is an important aspect,which is the response of natural characteristics in different regions,traditional culture,and local technology in architecture practice,emphasizing the special nature and objectivity of the building.在当代建筑设计中,地域性建筑创作是重要的一个方面,它强调建筑的特殊性与客观性,是不同地域自然特色、传统文化以及乡土技术在建筑实践中的反映。
4)Native American Church乡土美洲教会
5)American Vernacular Architecture美国乡土建筑
6)native audio-visual art乡土视听艺术
1.In order to find out the reason that native audio-visual art is welcomed, and promo.近几年中国的电视屏幕上涌现出一大批“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”的乡土视听艺术作品,这些节目把镜头对准普通百姓,表现新时期老百姓的生产、生活及情感,具有浓浓的乡土气息和生活气息。

乡土人家酒楼名  称: 乡土人家酒楼经营特色: 香辣虾、双味鱼头丸地  址: 海淀区北蜂窝路101号(西客站铁道大厦北50米)地  段: 公主坟、万寿路地区、翠微地区、军博地区、军事博物馆地区、中华世纪坛地区、西客站地区、西站地区营业时间: 10:00-22:00 服 务 费: 无乘车线路: 374支路北京西站下车、320、414、特6到铁路医院下车 客 容 量: 300人均消费: 50 停 车 位: 40