积墨,Accumulated Ink
1)Accumulated Ink积墨

1.On Several Orchestration Techniques Used in Yang Liqing’s Huangmo Muse (Hungriness Twilight)积墨·破墨·泼墨——杨立青《荒漠暮色》中的几种管弦乐配器技法
2.Mountain distant mountain behind the stone, accumulate with garrulous pen black law order chapped and succeed, simple and honest , remote.山石后面的远山,用碎笔积墨法点皴而成,浑厚、悠远。
3.Ink piling: Build up of ink on offset blanket.堆墨:油墨堆积于胶布上的情况。
4.Piling: The builup or agglomeration of ink pigment or paper dust on press rollers, plates or blankets.堆墨:积聚在印刷机的墨辊间,版面或胶布上的油墨颜料或纸粉团块。
5.Black storm clouds were low and heavy over the Gulf.黑压压的积雨云低垂在墨西哥湾上空。
6.Positive Viewpoint of Mohist Tianzhi and Minggui墨子“天志”“明鬼”思想积极意义分析
7.The low density graphite gets higher friction coefficient and bulk worn loss than the high density graphite.低密度石墨的摩擦系数和体积磨损量比高密度石墨材料高。
8.Study on Electrodeposition Process and Properties of Self-lubricating Cu-graphite and Ni-graphite Metal Matrix Composites;铜—石墨及镍—石墨金属基自润滑复合材料的电沉积工艺和性能研究
9.Backing away: Ink refuse to flow out of the duct because of the pasty nature and built-up of thixotropy of the letterpress or offset ink. Also called Hanging back.滞墨:由于活版或柯式墨的糊状性质和触变性的累积使它滞留在墨槽里而不流出来。
10.Vast quantities of soil reach the Gulf of Mexico to become ocean sediment.有大量的泥沙到达墨西哥湾,变成了海洋沉积物。
11.The Dot Coverage Prediction of the Inkjet Printing and Dot Gain Study喷墨印刷中的网点面积率预测及网点扩大研究
12.Small-area estimation of forest stand structure in Jalisco, Mexico墨西哥哈里斯科(Jalisco)林分结构小面积估测(英文)
13.Microstructure and properties of ESD coating on spheroidal graphite roll球墨铸铁轧辊电火花沉积层组织结构和性能
15.Effect of Expanded Volume of Expanded Graphite on Adsorption of Formaldehyde膨胀石墨容积对甲醛气体吸附性能的影响
16.The Effect of DCS in DIP on the Deposition of Pitch in Mechanical Pulp脱墨浆DCS对机械浆中胶体树脂沉积行为的影响
17.Gear mark/streak:A dark colour line across the printed sheet.A defect caused by worn gears or dirts gathered on gears of a press cylinder.墨条痕:横过纸面的一条深色墨痕。是印刷机上的圆筒齿轮因磨蚀或污物堆积所引致的故障。
18.Direct Determination of Trace Vanadium in Jet Fuels by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Accumulative Sampling累积进样石墨炉原子吸收光谱法直接测定喷气燃料中痕量钒

Accumulated ink law积墨法
3)ink redeposition油墨沉积
4)graphitic area ratio石墨面积率
1.Thc graphitic rear ratio of single grain, mean value of graphitic area ratio and graphitic globuring ratio can be ealculated througy using of OMNICON 3600 image analyzer to determine graphitic roundness value and through using computer system to treat.利用OMNICON3600图像分析仪测定石墨圆度值,通过计算机处理系统计算出单颗料石墨面积率、石墨面积率平均值和石墨球化率。
