1.Dynamic changes of c-fos expression in guinea pig cochlea after noise exposure;噪声暴露对豚鼠耳蜗c-fos基因表达的影响
2.Effect of aldosterone on aquaporin and ionophorous protein expressions in guinea pig cochlea;醛固酮对豚鼠耳蜗水通道及离子通道蛋白的作用
3.Expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax protein in cochlea of diabetic rats;Bcl-2和Bax蛋白在糖尿病大鼠耳蜗中的表达
1.The central, conical, bony core of the cochlea.蜗轴耳蜗中央的圆锥形骨质柱轴
2.Hensen's stripe(耳蜗覆膜下)亨森氏纹
3.Modified cochlear view in cochlear implantation人工耳蜗植入术后改良耳蜗位平片的探讨
4.Cochlear otosclerosis:3 cases report and literature review耳蜗性耳硬化症3例报告及文献复习
5.Stria vascularis of the cochlea generates the endocochlear potential( EP) and secretes potassium into endolymph.研究目的:血管纹产生耳蜗电位(P)向耳蜗内淋巴分泌钾离子。
6.A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing.耳蜗内耳的螺旋形内腔,像蜗壳,有主要用于听的神经末梢
7.Study of Highly Proliferative Cells from the Cochlea of the Newborn Rats and Neomycin's Effect on the Nestin Expression in the Cochlea;新生大鼠耳蜗高增殖细胞的研究及新霉素对耳蜗nestin表达的影响
8.The Influence of Cochlea Injury on Cochlear Neucleus of Chinchilla;卡铂损伤灰鼠耳蜗内毛细胞对其耳蜗核神经元的影响
9.Establishment of Normative Cochlea Measurements on HRCT Imagings to Aid in the Dignosis of Cochlea Hypoplasia;耳蜗HRCT径线测量及在耳蜗发育异常诊断中的应用
10.Effects of Cochlear Blood Vessels Sympathetic Denervation on the Cochlear Blood Flow and Auditory Physiologic Function in Guinea Pigs;豚鼠耳蜗血管失交感神经支配对耳蜗血流及听觉生理功能的影响
11.Comparison of Neural Stem Cells Transplantation into Cochlea Via Roundwindow Membrane with the Basal Turn of Cochleostomy;神经干细胞耳蜗移植——圆窗膜和耳蜗底转途径的比较
12.Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases of Cochlear Implantation and Clinical and Image Studies of Cochlear Position Malformation;人工耳蜗植入63例临床分析及耳蜗位置异常的临床和影像研究
13.Preliminary Studies of the Effect of Isoflurane on Rat Cochlea and Isolated Guinea Pig Cochlear Outer Hair Cells;异氟醚对大鼠耳蜗和豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞作用的初步研究
14.MRI measurement for inner ear structures正常人内耳前庭、半规管及耳蜗的MRI测量
15.Effect of Contralateral Hearing Aid for on Performance of Cochlear Implant User人工耳蜗植入者对侧耳佩戴助听器的效果评价
16.Cochlear implant in patients with congenital malformation of the inner ear先天性内耳畸形患者人工耳蜗植入的临床体会
17.The progress of preoperative MRI for cochlear implatation in patients with sensorineural hearing loss感音神经性耳聋者人工耳蜗术前的MRI研究进展
18.A Histological Observation on Young and Grown-up Guinea Pig Cochlea幼年及成年豚鼠的耳蜗组织学观察
1.Interaction of Calcium Channel Blocker and Noise on the Cochlear Functions in Guinea Pigs;钙通道阻滞药与噪声对豚鼠耳蜗功能的交互作用
2.Diagnosis and Observation of Cochlear and Vestibular Meniere’s Disease;耳蜗型与前庭型梅尼埃病的诊断
3.Cochlear implantation in patients with ossified cochleas;耳蜗骨化患者人工耳蜗植入术
3)cochlear blood flow耳蜗血流
1.Laser Doppler measurements of cochlear blood flow With the assistance of Perimed Flowmetry;应用Perimed激光多普勒血流仪对家兔耳蜗血流的测量
2.The influence on cochlear blood flow and inner ear elect rophysiology after placing NaCl osmotic solution in round window of Chinchilla;利用激光多普勒血流仪测定氯化钠高渗液置圆窗对耳蜗血流影响的实验研究
3.The effects of noises at different frequencies on cochlear blood flow in guinea pigs and the role of cervical sympathetic nerve in noise-induced cochlear blood flow were investigated with laser Doppler flowmeter.本文利用激光多普勒血流计测量了不同频率的噪声暴露和不同暴露时间对豚鼠耳蜗血流的影响。
4)cochlear implantation耳蜗植入
1.Cochlear implantation in patients with otitis media-related diseases;中耳炎性病变患者的人工耳蜗植入
2.Cochlear implantation in patients with ossified cochleas;耳蜗骨化患者人工耳蜗植入术
3.Evaluation of different electrode insertion techniques in cochlear implantation;人工耳蜗植入进路的评价
5)Cochlear hydrops耳蜗积水
6)Cochlear nerve耳蜗神经
耳蜗内耳的一部分,在内耳的最前部,形状像蜗牛壳,内部有淋巴和听神经,是听觉的感受器。(图见〖耳朵 〗)