1.Progress in research on detecting gestation in sheep using real-time B-mode ultrasonic scanner;B超监测母妊娠研究进展
2.Analysis of amino acids in brain polypeptide of sheep;脑多肽的氨基酸含量分析
3.Application of Cysteamine in Sheep production;半胱胺在养生产中的应用

1.Goat, Goat, Goat, Goat小,小,小,小
2.A calf/lamb/goat bleats.小牛/小/山叫。
3.a pork/lamb/mutton chop猪[羔/]排骨.
4.A female sheep, especially when full grown.母,牝,尤指成年母
5.Woolen sweaters are made of wool. Wool comes from sheep.毛衫是由毛作的。毛来源于绵
6."The hart, the gazelle, and the roe, the mountain goat and the pygarg and the antelope and the mountain sheep."鹿,羚,狍子,野山,麋鹿,黄,青
7.The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的毛,如绵
8.The dogs herded the sheep together.牧狗把群赶到一起。
9.The shepherd guided his sheep down the hill.牧人引领下了山。
10.The sheep are at feed before the shepherd.正在牧人面前吃草。
11.Having wool or woollike hair.有毛或毛状须发的
12.The ewe gave birth to only one lamb.这母只产了一个羔。
13.give birth to a lamb, of ewes.生育小,用于母
14.a little sheep, so white and nice.一只小,一只小
15.The sheep is sporting with her lambs.老在和小玩耍。
16.You have no goats, and yet you sell kids.没有老山,还把小卖。
17.One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.一生癣,群受害。
18.Get the sheep within.把赶进圈里面去。

1.Comparative study on histodynamics in adult goat and human heart;成人和成体心脏组织动力学比较
2.Histodynamic observation of endocardium in adult goat and human heart;成人和成体心脏心内膜的组织动力学观察
3.Observation of Purkinje fiber and Purkinje fiber-cardiac muscular bundle junction in goat ventricle;心脏蒲肯野纤维和蒲肯野纤维-心肌束连接观察
3)Sheep and goat羊
1.The paper discussed the sheep and goat breed resource situation now in our country and foreign, including the formation reason and character istics of microsatellite DNA. 本文论述了目前我国及国外绵山品种资源现状,微卫星DNA形成特性以及国内外关于利用微卫星DNA研究绵山品种资源的进展,以期更好地推动我国绵山品种资源系统评价和保护的研究。
2.Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goat (CLA) caused by Corynebaterium Pseudotuberlosis which could infect multiple animals, such as sheep, goat, camel, horse, bovine, is a kind of zoonotic and chronic infectious.绵和山干酪样淋巴结炎(caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goat,简称CLA)也称绵和山伪结核病(pseudotuberculosis in sheep and goat),是由伪结核棒状杆菌(Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis)引起的一种人畜共患的慢性传染病。
1.Preparation of an Experimental Chinese Caprine Model of Tibia Diaphyseal Defect Used in Tissue Engineering;组织工程用山胫骨骨缺损模型的制备
2.The Advanced Progress of POU1F1Gene in Bovine and Caprine;牛、POU1F1基因的研究进展
3.Study on Osteanagenesis and Revascularization of Tissue Engineered Bone Accelerated by Pedicle Deep Fascia Flap in Vivo (Caprine);山体内带蒂深筋膜瓣促组织工程骨成骨及再血管化的研究
1.A study on the monitoring techniques with B-mold ultrasound scanner and the ultrasonography during embryo transfer in ewe;胚胎移植B超监测技术及其影像的研究
2.Study on the Dynamic Monitoring Technique by B-mold Ultrasound Scanner in the Process of Embryo Transfer and the Establishment of the Illustration in Ewes;胚胎移植过程中的B超动态监测研究及图谱创建
6)Tan-sheep Lamb滩羊羔羊
1.Study on Digestibility of 13~16-day-old Tan-sheep Lamb to Corn Protein Meal and Extruded Soybean Flour;13~16日龄滩对玉米蛋白粉·膨化大豆粉消化性的研究
