1)EEG[英][,i: i: 'd?i:][美]['i 'i 'd?i]脑电信号
1.Physiological and Anatomical Fundamentals on the Non-Linear Analysis of EEG Signals;脑电信号非线性分析的人体生理学与解剖学基础
2.Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform Method of EEG.;基于脑电信号Hilbert-Huang变换的睡眠分期研究
3.Method and application of removing noise from EEG signals based on ICA method;基于ICA的脑电信号去噪方法研究与应用

1.Studies on EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface基于脑电信号的脑—计算机接口的研究
2.Study on the EEG-Based Brain Computer Interface;基于脑电信号的脑-机接口技术研究
3.The Processing of EEG and the Design of the Supply Power for Electroencephalograph;脑电信号处理及脑电图仪电源的设计与仿真
4.The design of an improved notch filter on surface EEG measurement脑电信号采集中工频陷波电路的设计
5.Design of EEG Acquisition Circuit Based on USB通用串行总线脑电信号采集电路设计
6.Design of Detecting Circuit of EEG for BCI用于BCI的脑电信号检测电路的设计
7.Classification of EEG Signal Based on Approximate Entropy基于近似熵的思维脑电信号分类研究
8.Application of Wigner Distribution in Electroencephalograpy (EEG) Signal Processing维格纳分布在脑电信号处理中的应用
9.The Flash-Visual Evoked Activity of Human Brain and Its Digital Spectral Analysis脑电信号的闪光诱发及其数字谱分析
10.Application of SVM in EEG signal classification支持向量机在脑电信号分类中的应用
11.The EEG Signal Analysis Based on Wavelet Transform基于小波变换的脑电信号分析(英文)
12.Distribution of Multifractal Strength of 16-Channel Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals16导脑电信号分形强度的左右分布
13.New signal acquisition method and application of EEG一种新型脑电信号的采集方法和应用
14.Processing of the EEG and Its Application in the Artificial Hands;脑电信号的处理及其在假肢中的应用
15.Simulation of Spatiotemporal Pattern Embedded EEG and Its Analysis;内嵌时空模式的脑电信号仿真与分析
16.Analysis of the Human EEG During Sustained Maximum Voluntary Contraction;持续最大随意运动期间脑电信号研究
17.A Design of EEG Collecting System Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的脑电信号采集系统的设计
18.EEG Separation Based on ICA;基于独立分量分析的脑电信号的分离

EEG signal脑电信号
1.Acquisition and procession apparatus of EEG signals based on VB6.0 and virtual instruments;基于VB6.0的虚拟脑电信号采集分析仪器
2.Design of EEG signal acquisition system based on USB2.0基于USB2.0的脑电信号采集系统设计
3.In this article,we discuss the design of EEG signal acquisition system based Cypress PSoCTM,which includes the hardware configuration and software design method.脑电信号是一种很重要的生物医学信号,它是临床医学诊断和脑科学研究的一种重要手段。
3)EEG signals脑电信号
1.During the process of measuring EEG signals,there exists unavoidably the interference from ECG artifacts,which makes it a difficult task for the doctors to make a right diagnose by exploiting the EEG signals.在脑电信号测量过程中,不可避免的会存在心电信号的干扰,给医生的诊断带来困难。
2.This paper introduces a new kind of EEG Telemetry and Tele\|Monitoring system, which uses TDM technology to transmit multi\|leads of EEG signals to the Monitoring Center through public telephone networks; the sender of system also sends the codes representing the methods of EEG potential evocation synchronously, which supplies the guidance for analysis in Monitoring Center.本文介绍了一种新型的脑电遥测和远程监护系统的研制 ,利用时分多路复用技术 ,通过公用电话线传输多导联的脑电信号至监护中心 ;同时 ,发射端还同步发送脑电位诱发编码以标识当前传输状态和内容 ,为监护中心的远程诊断提供依据。
3.The design of EEG signals collection and management system based on Window is used to research the EEG signals under acupuncture.为了研究针灸情况下的脑电信号的特点,设计了一个基于Windows平台的脑电信号采集与管理系统。
4)Electroencephalogram (EEG)脑电信号
1.A virtual electroencephalogram (EEG) recording and analysis instrument was introduced which can not only realize no paper tracing, record and play, but also provide quantitative EEG analysis.研制了一种“虚拟式脑电记录分析仪”,不仅可以实现脑电信号的无纸描记、记录和显示,而且可以对脑电信号进行定量分析,进行脑电特征波形(如癫痫样波、棘波等)提取和时频域特征分析。
2.Electroencephalogram (EEG) or brain wave is a typical kind of bioelectricity signal.脑电信号包含了大量的脑内神经元活动信息,同时也包含了来自人体其他器官组织产生的生物电信号(如心电、肌电和眼电等)以及各种外界因素引起的干扰信号。
3.Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the spontaneous electrical activity recordings of brain cells from scalp, which is the outer-representation of all electrical activities in human’s brain and contains ample information useful for physical, psychological and pathological analysis.脑电信号是从头皮记录到的脑细胞群的自发性或诱发性电活动,它是人脑内部各种活动的外部表征,蕴含着丰富的生理、心理及病理信息。
1.To measure the brain activity variations under different depth of anesthesia(DOA),and investigate whose influence on electroencephalogram(EEG) of the SD rat,the KC complexity(C(n)) and the spectral entropy(H) were introduced to analyze EEG and four components under different DOA.为了研究大鼠在不同麻醉深度下大脑活动的变化,探测麻醉深度对其脑电信号(EEG)的影响,采用KC复杂度和谱熵对不同麻醉深度下的EEG及其4个主要频段信号进行了复杂性分析。
2.much message of health is consisted in the electroencephalogram signal.脑电信号是大脑皮层的神经元具有的生物电活动。
3.Distinguishing the states of "movement" or "rest" in electroencephalogram(EEG) plays an important role in the domain of brain computer interface(BCI).该算法能够在运动开始后1 s内检验到脑电信号的变化,从而证明了该算法在BCI的实用性,达到了良好的识别效果。
6)EEG[英][,i: i: 'd?i:][美]['i 'i 'd?i]脑电信号(EEG)
1.EEG are bioelectrical activity generated by the central nervous system ,it contains a lot of the information about status and changes in the nervous system.脑电信号(EEG)是中枢神经系统产生的生物电活动,它包含了丰富的神经系统状态和变化的信息。
