1.Influence of stretch on α_1 receptor agonist phenylephrine regulated vasoconstriction in rabbit regional arteries;牵拉对α_1受体激动剂苯肾上腺素诱发兔离体血管收缩反应的影响(英文)
2.Studies on the Mechanisms of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction and its Difference Between Two Strains in Isolated Perfused Lungs and Intact Model of Rats;大鼠离体肺和整体缺氧性肺血管收缩及其种系差异的机制研究
3.Capsaicin Inhibits Angiotensin Ⅱ Induced Vasoconstriction in Mice辣椒素抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ介导的血管收缩

1.Of, relating to, or causing constriction of blood vessels.血管加压的血管收缩的,与血管缩小有关的,或导致血管缩小的
2.Capsaicin Inhibits Angiotensin Ⅱ Induced Vasoconstriction in Mice辣椒素抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ介导的血管收缩
3.Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart.恐慌会使血管收缩,增加心脏负担。
4.Doctors believe(1) smoking, nicotine caused vasoconstriction.西医认为()烟,烟碱引起血管收缩
5.Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome:a Case Report可逆性脑血管收缩综合征:附1例报道
6.Either of two polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful vasoconstrictor, that function in the body in controlling arterial pressure.血管收缩素,高血压素两种多肽激素,其中一种是有效的血管收缩素,在体内控制动脉血压
7.A sudden constriction of a blood vessel, causing a reduction in blood flow.血管痉挛由于血液流动的减弱而导致突然的血管收缩
8.To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.为了保存肌肉所需要的血液,皮肤血管收缩,而肌肉血管舒张。
9.Furthermore Pycnogenol? inhibits the nicotine-induced constriction of blood vessels.而且碧萝芷?抑制尼古丁引起的血管收缩
10.The normal response to a drop in body temperature is peripheral vasoconstricition.体温下降时正常的反应是周围血管收缩
11.Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules.组织胺能引起血管收缩,并增强小静脉的透性。
12.The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions produces vasoconstriction.局麻药溶液中加入肾上腺素,使血管收缩
13.Na, K-ATPase Involves in the Hypoxic Vasoconstriction in Rat Isolated Basilar Artery;Na~+,K~+-ATP酶在缺氧性脑血管收缩中的作用
14.The Ion Channel Mechanism of 15-Ketoeicosatetraenoic Acid (15-KETE) on Rat Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction;15-KETE致大鼠缺氧性肺血管收缩的离子通道机理
15.Na~+, K~+-ATPase Involes in the Contraction of Cerebral Artery Induced by Anoxia;Na~+,K~+-ATPase参与缺氧诱发的大鼠脑血管收缩
16.These drugs reduce blood pressure by blocking an enzyme that converts angiotensin to an active form that constricts blood vessels.这些药物通过拦阻激活血管紧张肽的酶降低血压。血管紧张肽造成血管收缩
17.A narrowing or constricting, especially of the aorta or of a blood vessel.变窄尤指血管或大动脉的变窄或收缩
18.If the arterioles are contracted, the size of the vascular bed is decreased.如果小动脉收缩,血管床就会减

vascular contraction血管收缩
4)pulmonary vasoconstriction肺血管收缩
1.Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction(HPV) is the rapid,reversible increase in pulmonary vascular resistance that occurs when the alveolar oxygen tension falls below a threshold level,thereby achieving ventilation/perfusion matching.低氧性肺血管收缩反应(HPV)是指在急性低氧时,肺泡氧分压降到某一临界值,肺血管发生的快速、可逆的收缩反应,以纠正肺泡通气/灌流的不匹配。
