1.Discussion on the prevention measures of the head down-bending of plate;预防中厚板轧制头部下扣途径探讨
2.Experimental study of head dynamics response of+Gx & + Gz impact;+Gx和+Gz复合冲击下人体头部响应的实验分析
3.Analysis on cracking at head of tensile sample of hrb335 hot rolled ribbed barsHRB355热轧带动肋钢筋拉伸试样头部开裂分析

1.head, thorax and abdomen头部、 胸部及腹部.
2.The head, especially the top of the head where hair grows.头部头部,特指头顶上长头发的部位
3.A protective covering for the head.头盔保护头部的遮盖物
4.Abnormal largeness of the head.巨头头部的畸形硕大
5.Pat covered her head with a scarf.帕特用头巾包住头部
6.with head or back bent low.头部或者背部弯得低。
7.having the head and face covered.头部或面部被遮蔽的。
8.drill(ing) head钻头; 主轴头; 钻床床头箱; 钻削动力头;钻头头部, 钎头
9.A covering or an ornament for the head.头巾,头饰头部的遮盖物或装饰物
10.Can you feel your abdomen, chest, neck and head?你能感到腹部、胸部、颈部和头部吗?
11.Toward the head or anterior section.向头部朝向头部或身体前端
12.The section of a bridle that fits over a horse's head.马笼头套在马头部的那部分马勒
13.helmet (goalkeeper): Used to protect head and face.头盔(守门员用):用来防护头部和面部。
14.Hair is short on the face developing into a distinct mane, from the crown to the withers, surrounding the head and neck.面部的短毛发逐渐增长为头顶部和肩部的鬃毛,环绕头部和颈部。
15.Of or relating to a corona, especially of the head.冠部的有关冠部的,尤指头部
16.a crown circling a king's head;环绕国王头部的皇冠;
17.Specification for design of sawtooth intake锯齿取水头部设计规程
18.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。

3)butt end大头平头部
5)head protection头部保护
6)head's distance头部距离

头部 头部——  股价长期趋势线的最高部分。