1.Comparisons of juveniles behavior problems between town and country in Yingkou district;营口地区城乡儿童少年行为问题调查
2.Comprehensive Prevention and Cure of the Muscle Injures of Juvenile Middle and Long Distance Runners;少年中长跑运动员肌肉损伤的综合性防治
3.The Research on Juvenile Tennis athlete s Footwork Training;少年网球运动员步法训练的研究

1.La Jeunesse《少年》(《赤光》)
2.a teen-ager is a teen ager.青少年毕竟是青少年
3.Guide to Juvenile青少年导刊(年刊)
4.teenage fashions, problems, children青少年的风尚、 青少年的问题、 少年儿童.
5.teenage fashions, problems,childre青少年的风尚、青少年的问题、少年儿童.
6.Junior Police Call and Youth Liaison Section少年警讯及青少年联络组
7.Yes, I am a teenager. / No, I am not a teenager.是的,我是青少年。/不,我不是青少年
8.Few teenagers in our city use drugs.我们城市极少有青少年吸毒。
9.Ethnic identity and problem behavior of minority adolescents;民族认同与少数民族青少年问题行为
10.personable young man一位十分英俊的少年
11.a callow youth of seventeen.单纯的十七岁的少年
12.a teen-age set一批十几岁的青少年
13.What's the annual interest rate?年息(率)是多少?
14.They also agreed to an 85% cut by the year 2007.到2007年减少85%。
15.A smile makes a man young.笑一笑(啸),十年少。
16.The man who saves when young will have more to spend when he is old"年少节俭,年老不愁"
17.Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations老年人和老少团结年
18.The annual precipitation in the whole country is less than the figure of the conventional years and even lower than the serious draught year 2000.全国年度降水量少于常年值,且少于大旱的2000年。

1.Objectives: in order to learn about the effects of summer training on the physical function of junior bicycle athletes.为了了解夏训对少年自行车运动员身体机能的影响,对少年自行车运动员进行为期6周的夏季集训,在夏训前后各安排一次完全相同的训练课,在训练课前后记录不同时刻的心率、训练结束即刻RPE值,并测试训练前后的免疫球蛋白及CK、LDH、BUN等生化指标。
2.The testing on junior soccer player’s basic tactic knowledge can clearly know about their developing level and find out existing problems in training in order to take corresponding measurements to improve the training quality.对少年足球运动员进行基础战术知识测试可以了解他们基础战术知识的发展水平。
3.To know the changes of metabolism,internal secretion and immunity in male junior judo athletes after 1-week High volume training.为了解一周大运动量运动对柔道少年男性运动员机体代谢和内分泌免疫机能的影响,对少年柔道运动员进行为期1周的大运动量训练,在不同时段测试血清CK、LDH、BUN、T、C和免疫球蛋白等指标。
1.Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine combined with western medicine for internet addiction syndrome in youth中西医结合治疗少年网络成瘾综合征
2.To Explore the effect of aerobic exercise on the cardiac function of youth, a 12 weeks prescribed aerobic exercise is conducted to the 12 youth.为了探讨有氧运动对青少年心脏工作能力的影响 ,采用有氧运动处方对 12名少年进行了 12周的定量锻炼 ,同时设定对照组。
3.The key point, which is the youth and children project should be made to stand out during carrying out the body building plan of the whole people.全民健身计划的实施要突出重点,重点是青少年和儿童工程。
1.Effects of clozapine and risperide on serum interleukin-2,-10,-18 in adolescent schizophrenia patients;利司培酮、氯氮平对少年精神分裂症患者血清白细胞介素-2、-10、-18水平的影响
2.Analysis of Children and Adolescent Subcutaneous Fat Examination Material in He nan Province in 2005;2005年河南省部分儿童青少年皮脂厚度检测资料分析
3.Clinical studies of escitalopram in the treatment of child and adolescent depressive disorder;艾司西酞普兰治疗儿童少年抑郁障碍临床研究
1.The Young Image of Su Tong s Initiation Stories;苏童成长小说中的少年形象
2.The young TaeKwonDo players are reserve forces for the development of TaeKwonDo in China.少年跆拳道运动员是我国发展跆拳道运动的后备力量,通过对少年跆拳道运动员运动损伤的调查与分析,寻找少年跆拳道运动员运动损伤的特点,提出对少年跆拳道运动员运动损伤的预防措施,提高训练水平加强医务监督防治运动损伤提供参考依据。
