1.Efficacy of splenocytes in inducing stable long-term chimerism in murine mixed haploidentical MHC matched bone marrow transplant model;小鼠混合骨髓移植中脾细胞诱导持久稳定嵌合体的作用
2.Effect of cyclosporin A on the production of IFN-γ by murine splenocytes;环孢素A对小鼠脾细胞IFN-γ产生的影响
3.The changes of Th1/Th2 balance and apoptosis in splenocyte of menopausal rats;更年期大鼠Th1/Th2平衡与脾细胞凋亡

1.Humoral immunity research on combination transplantation of antogeneic Splenic cell and slices after rat’s splenectomy大鼠脾切除后自体脾细胞和脾片联合移植体液免疫学研究
2.Effects of Monochromatic Light on Spleen Histology and Proliferation Response of Splenocyte in Laying Hens of Laying Period单色光对产蛋期蛋鸡脾脏组织结构及脾细胞增殖的影响
3.Effects of elemene combo-tumor cell vaccine immunotherapy on tumor growth and cytotoxicity榄香烯复合瘤苗免疫治疗对肿瘤生长和脾细胞细胞毒活性的影响
4.The Analysis on the Types of Cytokines Produced in Mice Induced by the Phage as Epitope Vaccine;噬菌体作为疫苗载体诱导小鼠脾细胞产生细胞因子类型的研究
5.Effects of CCK-8 on Proliferation and Th1/Th2 Cytokine Balance of Splenocytes in CIA Mice;CCK-8对CIA小鼠脾细胞增殖及Th1/Th2细胞因子平衡的影响
6.Splenectomy will usually correct the cytopenias.脾切除通常将纠正细胞减少。
7.DHEA Regulates Activation of Mouse Spleen Lymphocytes;DHEA对小鼠脾淋巴细胞活化的调节
8.Studies on the Mechanism of Cadmium-Induced Apoptosis in Chicken Splenic Lymphocytes;镉致鸡脾脏淋巴细胞凋亡机理的研究
9.Study on Correlation Between Spleen-Asthenia Syndrome and Islet a Cells Changes;脾虚证与胰岛A细胞变化相关性研究
10.Biological Activity of Elipta on the Aged Mice Splenolymphocytes;旱莲草对老年小鼠脾淋巴细胞的作用
11.Hepatosplenic γδ T-cell Lymphoma:Report on A Series of 2 Patients and Correlative Literature Review肝脾γδT细胞淋巴瘤2例并文献复习
12.Endothelial Splenic Stroma Cells Program Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Differentiate into Regulatory Dendritic Cells;内皮型脾脏基质细胞诱导造血干细胞分化为调节性树突状细胞
13.Function of Dendritic Cells in Splenic Asthenia Chronic HBV Infectors Intervention Role of Spleen-invigorating Prescription慢性乙型肝炎脾虚患者树突细胞的表型改变及健脾方的干预作用
14.Cultivation of Osteoclast-like Cell Derived from Spleen Pluripotent Stem Cell and Its Effects on Osteoblast Proliferation and Functions;源于脾多潜能干细胞的破骨细胞样细胞体外培养及其对成骨细胞生长和功能的影响
15.2)the self-renewal capacity of day-13 CFU-S was significantly higher than that of day-9 CFU-S; 3)the radiation sensitivity of day 13 CFU-S was significantly lower than that of day 9 CFU-S With Do Values of 1.47 ± 0.03 and 1.04 ± 0.05 Cry respectively.霤FU-S生成的脾集落细胞类型以单系主要是红系细胞为主;
17.Experimental Study of the Effects of A、R on MCF-7 Cells、Hela Cells and Splenocytes;AS_2O_3、R对MCF-7、Hela细胞和脾淋巴细胞作用的实验研究
18.Functional Regulation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells by Mouse Splenic Stromal Microenvironment;小鼠脾脏基质微环境对浆细胞样树突状细胞的功能调控作用

Spleen cells脾细胞
1.Effect of the extracellular fluid of spleen cells exposed to low-dose γ-irradiation on DNA radiation tolerance in mouse thymus cells;低剂量γ射线照射后小鼠脾细胞外液对胸腺细胞DNA辐射抗性的作用
2.Effects of squid ink on the NO production and IFN-γSecretion by spleen cells and macrophages in mice;乌贼墨对小鼠脾细胞和巨噬细胞NO生成及IFN-γ分泌水平的影响
3.Effects of dihydroartemisinin on apoptosis of spleen cells in rats infected with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia;双氢青蒿素对卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎大鼠脾细胞凋亡的影响
3)spleen cell脾细胞
1.Effects of chlorfenapyr on DNA damage of spleen cells and liver cells in mice by single cell gel electrophoresis;溴虫腈对小鼠脾细胞和肝细胞DNA损伤作用
2.Effect of polysaccharides from Porphyra haitanensis on the activities of spleen cells;坛紫菜多糖对脾细胞活性的影响
3.Immunotolerance induced by infusion of spleen cells and liver nonparenchymal cells into portal vein;脾细胞和肝脏非实质细胞门静脉输注诱导免疫耐受的研究
1.Effects of the splenocytes in murine mixed bone marrow transplantation;小鼠脾细胞在混合骨髓移植中的作用
2.Effects of whole-body irradiation with X-rays on apoptosis in mouse splenocytes and peritoneal macrophages;X射线全身照射对小鼠脾细胞和腹腔巨噬细胞凋亡的影响
3.Inhibition effect of estradiol on proliferation of splenocytes and intervention of Sangjisheng (桑寄生);雌二醇对活化脾细胞增殖的抑制作用及桑寄生的干预
1.On the Cytotoxicity of Spleenocytes Activated by IL-2 and Tremella polysaccharide to Tumor Cells in Vitro;IL-2联合银耳多糖激活的脾细胞对体外肿瘤细胞杀伤作用的研究
2.Immunological Tolerance Induced by Combination of Donor Spleenocyte and Herba Asari Lignin on the Heart Allograft Rats;细辛木脂素联合供者脾细胞对心脏移植大鼠免疫耐受的诱导效果

造脾造脾comb building 三人工造脾(eombb‘lding)^为地使蜜蜂右艺时间橄翻上筑造橄脾的技术。这种方法可使蜜蜂在笼丰富,内造出供蜂王产卯或贮蜜的巢脾。外界蜜粉源;卜幼年气候沮和,蜂群内有产卯力强的蜂王和较多的消是造的蜂毛框:一26拉紧框上要平埋线晓上,蜂群有辅框插通常温较群一巢脾强群框造新巢中小入强检查重扭20℃境,镶部的的蜂继箱雄蜂出保二后,内贮雄蜂其他蜂,饲料充足,巢内拥挤,缺乏贮蜜和产卵的地方脾的有利条件。无王群、处女王群、蜂王已被幽自群和有分蜂倾向的蜂群,不宜造脾。 造脾之前要准备好穿有铅线、镶好巢础的即在巢框两侧梁的中线各钻三四个小孔;用2‘号铅线顺巢框侧梁的小孔穿三四道,先固定一端铅线后再固定另一端(见上线器);将巢础镶人匀梁下方的槽沟内,并用熔化的蜡粘牢;镶嵌巢袱整,用齿轮或电热埋线器将框线压人巢础内(贝价)。木方蜜蜂也可用巢础条嵌在上框梁下或铅还可用1/4、l/3的小块巢础贴在框梁的中部。翌的巢脾框梁上出现白色新蜡时,在主要流蜜期,喇助蜜源并加强奖励饲喂时,就可将镶好巢础的身人蜂群内让蜜蜂造脾。 造脾的蜂群如果是中、小群或新分群,巢础札插在粉蜜脾与子脾之间。如果是强群,蜜足,与高,也可插在子脾之间或继箱内。中等群势的叫次插加l框,强群可以同时插人两三框,与巢内白间隔放置。生产巢蜜或多箱体饲养蜂群,可以泊的巢箱或两个箱体之上加整箱的巢蜜格或巢耐脾。连续造脾时,要等巢础造好2/3以上时,再力础框。为了多造优质巢脾,往往先把巢础框加经群,让它们将巢房造到两三毫米高时,再提出来毛群修造完成。巢础框加进蜂群以后,应在第2多一次,如发现巢础皱折,加以矫正,已经破损或尸曲的巢础应予提出,另加巢础框。 造雄蜂脾同样宜在外界蜜粉源充足、气温在以上的条件下进行。方法是将巢框穿上24号铅牢雄蜂房巢础,或将较老的工蜂房巢脾切去干1/2或1/3,插人强群中使蜜蜂修造。流动放峭场,可利用大流蜜期后转地的机会,在强群巢箱亘里的外侧加进已穿铅线的巢框,使其在巢框上提房巢脾。转地到目的地后,选择造好的雄蜂脾,扫存,或将已造部分而尚未完成的雄蜂脾,在紧脾留在群内继续修造。修造好的雄蜂脾不宜留在君蜜,最好让蜂王产一批卵,待雄蜂出房后保存。月房巢础修造的雄蜂房巢脾适合用于生产雄蜂蛹。方法修造的雄蜂脾只宜培育雄蜂,供育王之用。 (吴永中陈世