尿失禁,Urinary incontinence
1)Urinary incontinence尿失禁
1.Expression of lysyl oxidase in the pelvic floor tissues of women with stress urinary incontinence;女性压力性尿失禁盆底赖氨酰氧化酶表达的研究
2.Awareness of gynecologic medical staffs on urinary incontinence;妇科医护人员对尿失禁认知状况的调查研究
3.The Investigation on the the effect of the muscle levator ani exercise for urinary incontinence in patients after transurethral prostatectomy;肛提肌训练对前列腺手术后尿失禁影响的研究

1.Vesicourethral form of MRI in female stress urinary incontinence女性压力性尿失禁膀胱尿道的MRI形态
2.Tension free mid urethral slings in treatment of stress urinary incontinence无张力尿道悬吊术治疗压力性尿失禁
3.Only 1 patient required intermittent dilation once a week for 6 months.全组性功能均恢复,无尿失禁发生。
4.The Clinical Study in Treating Urinary Incontinence After Stroke with Electro-Acopunture;电针治疗脑卒中后尿失禁的临床研究
5.Analysis of Urinary Incontinence after Prostatectomy;前列腺切除术后尿失禁影响因素分析
6.Clinical Study on Treating Urinary Incontinence after Stroke with Acupuncture Therapy;针灸治疗脑卒中后尿失禁的临床研究
7.TVT-O procedure for the treatment of 21 cases of stress urinary incontinenceTVT-O治疗女性压力性尿失禁21例报告
8.Clinical observation on effect of light degree of female stress incontinence治疗轻度女性压力性尿失禁疗效观察
9.The Effect of Pelvic Floor Training on Female Urinary Incontinence during Postpartum产后盆底肌功能训练治疗女性尿失禁
10.Research Status of the Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation on Postpartum Urinary Incontinence盆底复健防治产后尿失禁的研究现状
12.Urodynamic Examination of Female Rat Stress Urinary Incontinence Model大鼠压力性尿失禁模型的尿动力学研究
13.Objective To investigate urethral morphological changes in patients with stress incontinence after the operation of traumatogemic urethral stricture.目的研究创伤性尿道狭窄术后压力性尿失禁的尿道形态学改变。
14.Investigation of Reconstruction of Functional Urethra in Preventing the Incontinence after Radical Prostatectomy with Urodynamic Approach;功能尿道重建预防前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁的尿动力学研究
15.Urodynamics Diagnose Female Urinary Incontinence and Evaluate Urinary Continence Associated with Perineal Sonography;尿动力学诊断女性尿失禁及联合会阴超声评估尿控功能的研究
16.Mechanical analyses on urethra wall after suburethral slings for female pig stress urinary incontinence女性压力性尿失禁尿道下吊带术后尿道壁的力学分析
17.Report of 6 Cases of Senile Functional Urinary Continence of Females Treated by Presacral Blockade骶前封闭治疗功能性老年女性尿失禁6例
18.Experimental Study of Muscle Derived-stem Cell for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence;肌源性干细胞治疗压力性尿失禁的实验研究

1.Effects of lying and sitting positions on ultrasound urodynamic parameters in women with incontinence;体位对女性尿失禁B超影像尿动力检查的影响
2.Treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with tension-free vaginal tape-obturator system;无张力阴道吊带术—闭孔系统治疗女性压力性尿失禁
3.Analysis of urinary incontinence after prostatectomy;前列腺切除术后尿失禁影响因素分析
3)urine and feces incontinence尿便失禁
1.Objective To investigate the training methods of urine and feces incontinence.目的探讨尿便失禁的术后功能训练方法。
4)urinary incontinence (UI)尿失禁(UI)
5)incontinence diaper失禁尿布
6)incontinence of urine小便失禁;尿失禁

尿失禁尿失禁urinary incontinence  不能由意识来控制排尿,致使尿液不自主地流出。分为:①真性尿失禁:由于膀胱或尿道病变,致膀胱逼尿肌张力持续性增高及尿道括约肌麻痹,尿液不能控制者。见于炎症、结石、结核及肿瘤。②假性尿失禁:又称溢出性尿失禁,因尿路梗阻、尿潴留使膀胱充盈压增高,尿液被迫溢出。③应力性尿失禁:由于尿道括约肌松弛,各种原因致腹压升高,尿液被挤出膀胱。④先天性尿失禁:见于先天性尿路畸形。