1.Research on development and apoptosis of condyle;大鼠髁状突发育和软骨细胞凋亡的研究
2.Influence of osteoprotegerin on bone and cartilage metabolism of mandibular condyle in ovariectomized osteoporotic mice;骨保护素对去卵巢小鼠髁状突骨和软骨的影响
3.Study on the Symmetry of Condyle and Ramus in Crossbite Cases with Spiral CT Images;单侧后牙反患者髁状突及下颌升支对称性的螺旋CT研究

1.Morphology typing of 100 Chinese condyle heads by skull base position X-ray ana lysis反瞰髁状突头部100侧形态的X线分析
2.Clinical analysis of intracapsular condylar fractures with removing the fragments:A retrospective study of 5 patients髁状突囊内骨折摘除术5例临床观察
3.Autogenous Coronoid Process as a New Donor Source for Reconstruction of Mandibular Condyle;自体喙突移植重建下颌髁状突的实验研究
4.Relationship between the Function and Morphology after Condylar Fraction;髁状突骨折后关节形态与功能相关性研究
5.Objective To study the cell biological characteristics of dedifferentiated condyle chondrocytes.目的研究去分化髁状突软骨细胞的细胞生物学特性。
6.ATF-2 functions differently in condyle cartilage and growth plate growth活化转录因子-2在髁状突软骨生长发育中作用机制
7.The Study on Effect of Growth Differentiation Factor-5 in the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage of Developing Temporomandibular Joint;GDF5在大鼠颞下颌关节发育早期髁状突软骨中作用的研究
8.A Comparison of PTHrPmRNA Expression between Mandibular Condyle Cartilage and Growth Plate Cartilage in the Early Development;PTHrPmRNA在髁状突软骨与生长板软骨发育早期表达变化的比较研究
9.Establishment of the Management of Medical History Database of Maxillofacial Fractures and Retrospective Study of Condylar Process Fracture;颌面骨折数据库管理系统的建立及髁状突骨折的回顾性研究
10.TGF-β1 Expression and Histological Changes in Condyle in Response to Bilateral Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis of Canine;狗双侧下颌牵张成骨中髁状突的组织结构变化和TGF-β1的表达
11.The Clinical Application of Diagnosis and Therapy for the Condyle Fracture by Three-dimensional Rebuilding of the Helix CT;螺旋CT三维重建在髁状突骨折诊治中的临床运用
12.The Correlative Study of Condyle Rotation Angle and Curative Effects of Occlusal Reconstruction by Different Therapeutic Regimens髁状突旋转角度与咬合重建不同治疗方案疗效的相关性研究
13.Mandibular reconstruction of prefabricated titanium framework combined with cancellous bone术前模型外科功能性重建髁状突及半侧下颌骨缺损
14.Replantation of Free Condyle to Treatment of Condylar Neck Fracture29例髁状突骨折游离再植钛板坚固内固定治疗的临床观察
15.Study on Modified Culture and Biological Characteristics of Normal Human Condylar Chondrocyte人胚髁状突软骨细胞的改良培养及生物学特性的研究
16.The Gene of Hepatocyte Growth Factor to Transfect the Chondrocytes of Rabbit Condylar and the Research of TMD Cured by Chondrocytes Transfected;肝细胞生长因子基因转染兔髁状突软骨细胞及转染细胞对TMD的治疗研究
17.X-ray and clinical charactecistics in sagittal fracture of the mandibular condy le髁突矢状骨折的影像学特征及临床分析
18.The current research situation about the effect of Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion orthopedic force on condyle安氏Ⅲ类错畸形矫治对髁突影响的研究现状

mandibular condyle髁状突
1.Experimental studies of consevative treatments on condylar cartilage after sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle in young minipigs;保守方法治疗髁状突纵形骨折对软骨影响的实验研究
2.Objective To explore the effective method for mandibular condyle tumor.目的 探讨下颌骨髁状突肿瘤的有效治疗方案 ,以恢复患者术后的美观及牙合功能的重建。
3.Temporomandibular joint is a diarthrodial joint with both translational and rotational movements, and mandibular condyle is one of the major components.下颌髁状突是颞下颌关节的主要组成部分之一。
3)condylar fracture髁状突骨折
1.Objective: To study the use of middle and low-set condylar fractures by rigid fixation with miniplates.方法成人髁状突骨折32例,其中22例采用小型接骨板坚强内固定,另外10例保守治疗。
2.In last century, treatment for the condylar fracture was still the hot spot of the argument.髁状突骨折的治疗到目前为止一直存在一定的争议,一部分观点认为,切开复位内固定不是治疗髁突骨折的最佳选择,因其可能出现较多的并发症;另一部分观点则认为保守治疗阐述的结论并不恰当,因其缺乏长期追踪,髁状突骨折移位后如未行开放复位,由于结构错乱,在几年或几十年后会出现骨关节的病理性改变。
3.Objective: To compare and analyse the clinical effectiveness of treatment of condylar fractures with various technics.目的:研究不同方法在髁状突骨折治疗中的临床效果,探索髁状突骨折治疗方法的选择依据,总结不同治疗方法各自的优缺点。
4)condyle fracture髁状突骨折
1.The Clinical Application of Diagnosis and Therapy for the Condyle Fracture by Three-dimensional Rebuilding of the Helix CT;螺旋CT三维重建在髁状突骨折诊治中的临床运用
2.Objective To explore the advantage of 3 dimensional computerized tomogrphy(CT)in diagnosing condyle fracture.目的探讨三维CT影像技术在髁状突骨折诊断中的应用价值。
5)Condylar fractures髁状突骨折
1.Results: Condylar fractures occured mainly in the male, and in 21-30 years old age.目的:探讨下颌骨髁状突骨折的发生特点。
6)condylar process fractures髁状突骨折
1.Objective To study the feasibility of intraoral approach arthroscope-assisted replacement and fixation of mandibular condylar process fractures.结论口内入路内镜辅助下行髁状突骨折复位与固定的方法具有安全、创伤小、疤痕小等微创外科手术特点。

齿状突异常齿状突异常abnormal odontoid 包括无齿状突、齿状突发育不全或齿状骨,病因未明。多无症状。有时可因C1、2不稳定而产生疼痛或斜颈,亦可因神经受压出现相应症状。过伸、过屈X线片,不稳定超过10mm或椎管间隙小于13mm,应行复位及稳定手术,如有脊髓受压,加行减压术。