1.Analysis on Conversion Pattern of HBV Markers in the Carriers of Hepatitis B Virus;乙型肝炎病毒携带者HBV血清标志物转归分析
2.Screening 21-hydroxylase deficiency carriers in androgen excess women of Chinese Han nationality;中国汉族雄激素过多症女性21-羟化酶缺陷症携带者基因检测
3.Study on characteristics of phenotype and genotype of Chinese carriers of steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency;中国人21-羟化酶缺乏症携带者基因型和临床特点研究

1.small arms( weapons light enough to be carried in the hands )轻武器(可随手携带者
2.He has the HIV virus.他是个艾滋病病毒携带者
3.The Present Research Situation of Psychological Health Condition of Asymptomatic HBV Carriers;HBV携带者心理健康状况研究现状
4.A Research on Exercise Capacity of College Students with HBV Majoring in Physical Education;体育大学生HBV携带者运动能力的研究
5.The Investigation Anaysis of Families of HBV Carriers;HBV携带者家庭内感染因素的调查分析
6.Research on the Stigma of HBV Carriers in the Perspective of Medical Discourse从医学话语看乙肝病毒携带者的污名
7.Investigation of Psychological State of HBV Carriers乙肝病毒携带者的心理状况调查分析
8.About77 per cent said they would not employ hepatitis B carriers.%的被访企业表示不接受乙肝病毒携带者
9.An estimated forty-two-million people were living with the virus.据估计,世界上共有4200万人是艾滋病病菌携带者
10.To make the carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in a pedigree with hemophilia A.对一血友病A(HA)家系进行携带者及产前诊断。
11.Direct Sequencing in Hemophilia A Carrier Diagnosis and Prenatal Diagnosis直接核酸测序法进行血友病A携带者及产前诊断
12.In Africa, 20 percent more women than men are living with HIV.在非洲地区女性爱滋病毒携带者较男性多20%。
13.Carriers of hepatitis B often show no symptoms.乙肝病毒携带者通常不会表现出任何症状。
14.Operators should wear protective clothing a breathing apparatus, a helmet, working boots, lifeline.操作者应该穿防护衣和携带呼吸器,戴安全帽,穿工作鞋,携带安全绳。
15.distress signal warning device求援信号装置者携带的一种手动装置
16.Dogs are used to sniff out unlawful drugs which travelers are carrying.狗被用来闻出旅行者非法携带的毒品。
17.an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player.为比赛者携带高尔夫球棒的服务员。
18.A new polymorphism locus of mitochondrial DNA in patients with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathyLHON患者携带新的线粒体多态位点

HBV carrierHBV携带者
1.Study on MCT syndrome types of HBV carrier in second health condition;亚健康状态HBV携带者中医证候特点研究
2.Objective To investigate the effects of anti-hepatitis B placenta transfer factor on HBV carrier and reveal the underlying mechanisms.目的观察泰来肽治疗HBV携带者的临床疗效及其可能作用机制。
3.METHODS 217 patients with tuberculosis were divided into HRZE(S) and HLAMKO treatment groups, liver function tests were monitored once2 weeks before and after the treatments, and the hepatotoxicity of 47 HBV carriers was assessed during anti tuberculosis therapy.方法 选择肺结核患者 2 17例 ,随机分成 HRZE(S)和 HL AMKO两个治疗组 ,于治疗前和治疗后每 2 wk检测肝功能 ,并观察临床症状 ,比较两种化疗方法对肝功能的影响 ;同时分析 4 7例合并 HBV携带者肝功能的变化 。
3)HBsAg carriersHBsAg携带者
1.Analysis of HBV combination models of serological makers in 876 HBsAg carriers;876例HBsAg携带者血清中HBV标记物组合模式分析
2.Selenium also had a latent function of preventing liver cancer in HBsAg carriers.研究将评价补硒对HBsAg携带者肝癌发生的效果。
3.[Objective]To understand the examination result of HBV DNA and alanine aminotransferase(ALT) among HBsAg carriers in Longan county of Guangxi.[目的]了解广西壮族自治区隆安县HBsAg携带者血清乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)情况。
4)HBsAg carrierHBsAg携带者
1.Investigation on transformation of 197 HBsAg carriers;197例HBsAg携带者转归调查
5)the persons infected with HIVHIV携带者
6)health carrier健康携带者

携带者携带者〖HT5”SS〗carrier  ①病原体侵入人体后,可以停留在入侵部位,或侵入较远的脏器,继续生长、繁殖,而人体不出现任何的疾病状态,但能携带并排出病原体成为传染病流行期间的传染源。②在常染色体隐性遗传中,隐性基因只有成双的基因存在时,方能得到表现,而带有一个病理隐性基因的个体并不发病,却能将病理基因传给子代。这带基因个体为携带者。