1.Applying the learning theory of Rogers humanistism in modern nursing education;罗杰斯人本主义学习理论在现代护理教育中的应用
2.Enlightenment Obtained from the Similarities and Differences of the Teaching Thoughts of Skinner and Rogers;从斯金纳、罗杰斯教育思想的异同中所获得的启示
3.Reform of college classroom teaching in the light of Rogers creation view;从罗杰斯的创造观看高校课堂教学改革

1."In Ben Rogers' hayloft.“本-罗杰斯家的干草棚里。
2."Benjamin Rogers, did you tear this book?"“本杰明-罗杰斯,书是你撕的吗?”
3.and Miss Rogers said, @Yes, Debbie?罗杰斯小姐说:“黛比,你有什么想法?”
4.Rogers was disciplined for talking back to his superior.罗杰斯由于和上司顶嘴而受到处分。
5.That's very good.@ Miss Rogers answered,“完全正确。”罗杰斯小姐回答说。
6.Rogers was mildly dubious.罗杰斯的态度有点不明朗。
7.I hereby declare Mr Rogers elected."我特此宣布,罗杰斯先生当选了。"
8.Happily Mark Rogers got the bulge on George.幸运的是,马克·罗杰斯胜过乔治。
9.Rogers was first off the mark.罗杰斯第一个偏离原定方针。
10.Peter Rogers: Glad to see you again, Carl.(彼得·罗杰斯:很高兴又见到你了,卡尔。)
11.asked Roger Chillingworth.罗杰,齐灵渥斯问道。
12.asked Roger Chillingworth again.罗杰-齐灵渥斯又问道。
13.remarked old Roger Chillingworth.老罗杰-其灵渥斯评论说。
14.He's pegging at Crossjay.他正守着克罗斯杰。
15.Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece.杰斯特罗狠狠地对他侄女皱起眉头。
16.asked Roger Chillingworth, glancing quietly aside at the minister.罗杰-齐灵渥斯平静地斜睨着牧师说。
17.His name was announced as Roger Chillingworth.据称他名叫罗杰-齐灵渥斯。
18.It was old Roger Chillingworth that entered.进来的正是老罗杰-齐灵渥斯。

Carl Rogers罗杰斯
1.The authors of this paper have explained and analyzed the teaching concepts of Carl Rogers for the exploration of the new trends of the developing patterns in clinical teaching based on the clinical teaching patterns in our country.通过解析罗杰斯的教育观,并结合我国目前的临床医学实习教学模式,力图把罗杰斯教育思想观的启示用于探讨临床医学教学模式内涵的新趋势,并从注重理论联系实践、培养学生的创新能力、重视个性发展、临床医学教学新模式的多样化趋势四个方面进行了阐述。
2.The authors of this paper explained and analyzed the teaching concepts of Carl Rogers for the exploration of the new trends of clinical teaching pattern based on the present clinical teaching pattern in our country.通过解析罗杰斯的教育观,并结合我国目前的临床医学教学模式,力图把罗杰斯教育思想观的启示用于探讨临床医学教学模式的内涵,并从注重理论联系实践、培养学生的创新能力、重视个性发展、临床医学教学新模式的多样化趋势四个方面进行了阐述。
3.Carl Rogers client centered originated in America and thus was deeply influenced by western culture and customs.罗杰斯“以当事人为中心”的理论源于美国 ,深受西方文化与社会习俗的影响 ,能否移植到东方文化的土壤 ,有益于中国的心理咨询事业呢 ?从中国传统文化、心理治疗思想和中国人的性格特点及当前中国咨询现状等四个方面 ,能论证当事人中心疗法在我国推广应用之可行性。
3)Carl Ransom Rogers (1902~  )罗杰斯,C.
4)Carl Rogers卡尔·罗杰斯
5)Rogers Plan罗杰斯方案
6)Rogerian counseling罗杰斯辅导
