1.The effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on heterochromatin;组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂(HDAIs)对异染色质的作用
2.Variation of Heterochromatin and Chromosome Polymorphism in the Tufted Deer;毛冠鹿种内异染色质变化与染色体多态
3.The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe are two ideal eukaryotic model organisms for the study of important cellular functions including heterochromatin formation, cell cycle and DNA replication.芽殖酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)是用来研究异染色质形成、细胞周期、DNA复制等重要细胞功能的理想单细胞真核生物。

1.A chromosome composed primarily of heterochromatin.异染色体主要由异染色质组成的染色体
2.Chromosome material with exhibits of such behaviour is called heterochromatin.表现这种现象的染色体物质叫做异染色质
3.Euchromatin is thought to be actively involved in transcription and therefore protein synthesis, while heterochromatin is inavtive.异染色质由于折叠压缩程度高,所以被碱性染料染色时着色较深。
4.Study on the Mutation in Chromosome Heterochromatic Region and its Genetic Effects染色体异染色质区变异特征及其遗传效应的研究
5.Tightly coiled chromosomal material that stains deeply during interphase and is believed to be genetically inactive.异染色质紧紧盘绕在一起的染色体物质,在分裂期间染色,据信在基因中并不活跃
6.Heterochromatic areas tend to stain intensely during interphase, sometimes forming condensed masses called chromocentres.异染色质部分在间期有染色很浓的倾向,有时形成浓缩的块状,这些块状叫做染色中心。
7.The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery.如此大量的结构异染色质的来源及其在染色体组型进化和物种形成中的任务仍是一个谜。
8.Heterochromatin has shown to be composed largely of short repeated polynucleotide sequences.异染色质大部分是由短而重复的多核苷酸序列所组成的。
9.Establishment of Wheat-Agropyron cristatum Alien Addition Lines──Ⅱ. Identification of Alien Chromosomes and Analysis of Development Approaches小麦-冰草异源附加系的创建──Ⅱ.异源染色质的检测与培育途径分析
10.kiss roll pad dyeing面轧辊轧染(用于织物单面染色或双面异色染色)
11.an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration.染色体变异的生物体。
12.Aberrance of the Chromosomal in 20 patients(3.7% in 545 patients).染色体变异共20例,占3.7%。
13.Comparative Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease;常染色体显性多囊肾病的差异磷酸化蛋白质组学研究
14.Studies on Germplasm Diversity and Biological Functions of Extrachromosomal DNA in Arthrospira;节旋藻染色体外DNA的种质差异性研究及其生物学功能探索
15.Conclusion Chromosome abnormalities may be one of the important causes of abortion, stillbirth, monster and malformation.其中常染色体异常16例,性染色体异常3例,染色体形态异常7例,标记染色体3例。
16.Chromosomal material that is genetically active and stains lightly with basic dyes.常染色质具有遗传活性并被碱性染料略为染色的染色质
17.(of substance of a cell nucleus) readily colored by stains.(属于细胞核物质)容易被染色剂染色。
18.(of substance of a cell nucleus) not readily colored by stains.(属于细胞核物质)不容易被染色剂染色。

alpha heterochromatiα异染色质;甲异染色质
3)beta heterochromatinβ异染色质;乙异染色质
4)heterochromatic knob异染色质纽
6)Heterochromatic region异染色质区
