1.Preparing starch nanospheres by inverse microemulsion polymerization and its application in biomedicine;纳米淀粉微球的制备及其在生物医药中的应用
2.Cultivation of Creative Biomedicine Talents in the Support of State Cultivate Base;以基地为依托 培养创新与创业型生物医药人才
3.Safety of biomedicine and it's countermeasures生物医药的安全性及其对策

1.Georgia Biosciences Partnership (GBP)美国乔治亚州生物医药组织
2.The Research on Competive Strategy of C.P.Freda Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd;山东正大生物医药公司竞争战略研究
3.Research on Application of Grid Technology in Bio-medicine R&D;应用网格技术提升生物医药研发能力
4.Current Situation and Recommendation of Diopharmaceutical R&D in China;中国生物医药R&D的现状分析与建议
5.Establishment of R&D Grid System for China s Biomedicine;我国生物医药的网格化研发体系建设
6.The Evaluation System of Venture Investment on Chinese Bio medicine Industry;我国生物医药行业风险投资评估研究
7.Preferred sectors: Human and Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Nutrition, Biotechnology.比较喜欢投资的部门:人类和牲畜医药品、营养品、生物医药
8.Research progress of rare earths and related compounds in biological medicine稀土及其配合物在生物医药上的研究进展
9.The doctor is dispensing medicines.该医生在配制药物。
10.D: As for drug therapy, traditional medicines are used such as her, mineral, animals, etc.医生:至于药物治疗,中医常用草药,矿物质,动物药等。
11.D: As for drug therapy, traditional medicines are used such as herbs, mineral, animals, etc.医生:至于药物治疗,中医常用草药,矿物质,动物药等.
12.The most widely-prescribed psychiatric drug in the country is an anti-depressant.医生最常开的心理药物是抗抑郁药。
13.Application of Pharmacoeconomics in Health Care Decision Making;药物经济学在医药卫生决策中的应用
14.D: Roughly speaking, there are two common ways of CTM curing diseases: drug therapy and non-drug therapy.医生:大体说来,中医有两种治疗方式:药物治疗和非药物治疗。
15.Research on the Experiment Teaching Reform on the Medical Microbiology at the Chinese Medicine Institution中医药院校医学微生物学实验教学改革与探索
16.Doctors recommended that the drug should be taken off the market.医生建议市面上应停止出售该类药物.
17.State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology医药生物技术国家重点实验室
18.A discussion of medical microbiology teaching reform of Chinese pharmacy specialty;中药专业医学微生物学教学改革探讨

1.The weakness of new drug R&D capacity has restricted the development of bio-medicine industry of China.研发能力薄弱是制约我国生物医药产业发展的重要因素,本文从生物医药研发关键活动的需求出发,结合网格技术及其“资源共享、协同工作”的思想,指出可以通过网格技术的应用,提供高性能计算能力,进行生物数据与信息的整合,共享仪器资源,并开展协同研发工作,实现对生物医药研发活动的支持,以提高研发能力。
2.Before writing , author analyzes and summaries the situation of market and production of bio-medicine in and abroad , also the situation of industrial development and trend , systematically and seriously.生物医药将是本世纪最具有发展潜力和国际竞争最激烈的高技术产业之一。
3.Recently bio-medicine industry has been developing at high speed.生物医药产业作为六大高新技术产业之一,近些年来以惊人的速度发展,并且为生产这些生物药品的企业和国家带来巨额利润,受到各国的高度重视。
3)biological medicine生物医药
1.The reflection on the development of the biological medicine industry in China;我国生物医药行业发展问题的思考
2.Protoplast fusion technique is becoming more and more important in the studying and exploiting of biological medicine, a series of new species have been built through it and produced a large economic value,which also promoted the industrialization of biological medicine.细胞融合技术正日益成为生物医药研究开发中的一项重要技术 ,利用它创建了一系列兼具亲本优良性状的生物和生物制品并产生了良好的经济效益 ,促进了生物医药的产业化。
1.Study on the Developmental Mode of Chinese Biopharmaceutics;我国生物医药发展模式研究
6)biomedical industry生物医药产业
1.Studies on biomedical industry of United States based on innovation network;基于创新网络的美国生物医药产业研究
2.The standardization is the fundamental guarantee for the biomedical industry, meanwhile industrialization promotes the standardization.具体到生物医药产业的标准化问题,本文从国际化标准、各国的自有标准以及国内标准的国际化进行了阐述,并提出了对我国中医药标准化问题的部分思考。

《皇汉医药全书》《皇汉医药全书》 《皇汉医药全书》   医学全书。原名《汉方医药全书》。日本·栗原广三撰。吴嘉博译。前列总说,以下分五部论述,即汉方医术发达史、病理解说、药理解说、药剂解说、处方解说。作者联系哲学、理学以及社会、文化、医药等发展的历史,分析中国医药学,并介绍汉方医药流传日本的源流概况。在阐述病理、病证等方面参考了西说,有一定的参考价值,认为汉方医学不是科学(见自序),则是极端错误的。现存1935年上海中西医药书局铅印本。