1.Progress in study on loss mechanism of cloudy appearance in orange juice;橙汁混浊态丧失机理的研究进展
2.Loss and Protection of Biodiversity生物多样性的丧失及其保护
3.This article,on basis of analysis of the loss of the world and China's marsh area,gives an analysis to the marsh area loss reasons,and supplies a scientific reliance for the marsh's protection and management.本文在分析世界及中国湿地面积的丧失的基础上,对湿地面积丧失的原因进行分析,为湿地的保护与管理提供科学的依据。

1.(iii) It has lost its business creditworthiness;(三)丧失商业信誉;
2.Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of use of Toes丧失或永久完全丧失脚趾的功能
3.stocking anesthesia长袜型感觉丧失症 长袜型感觉丧失
4.functional hearing loss功能性听力丧失 功能性听力丧失
5.Sleep produces a loss of consciousness but not a loss of pain.睡眠可以产生意识丧失,但不丧失痛觉。
6.Permanent Total Loss of Sight of both Eyes永久完全丧失双眼视力
7."To disable, damage, or impair the functioning of"丧失、损坏或削弱…的功能
8.lose freshness, vigor, or vitality.丧失新鲜精力或活力。
9.an accident which bereaved him of his wife and child使他丧失妻儿的事故
10.The accident roBBed him of his health.那事故使他丧失了健康。
11.partial or complete loss of hearing.听力部分或全部丧失
12.Disability-adjusted Life Year丧失工作能力调整岁数
13.serious permanent incapacity永久严重丧失工作能力
14.permanent partial incapacity永久丧失部分工作能力
15.tending to deprive of oxygen.倾向于使之丧失氧气。
16.blinding anger使人丧失理智的愤怒
17.loss of blood, health, prestige, money丧失血液、 健康、 威信、 钱财
18.She began to lose faith in herself.她开始对自己丧失信心。

1.This article, from her experience of life, combining with her personal characteristics, analyzes the origin of her tragic complicated psychology in terms of self-pursuit, self-lose and self-struggle.本文从陈白露的生活经历入手,结合其个性特征,从自我的追求、自我的丧失和自我的挣扎三个方面分析、判断陈白露复杂矛盾心理的产生及其悲剧的根源。
1.The losing of the rights to keep and arrange the tariff marked China’s customs completely turned into semi-colonist customs and China’s independent tariff controlling rights was completely lost.海关税款保管和支配权的丧失,标志着中国海关完全沦为半殖民地性质的海关,中国关税自主权完全丧失
2.Nowadays loans of business banks have gradually lost its mobility and been fixed in the enterprises which borrows loans.保持贷款的流动性是实现银行信贷资产安全性和效益性的基本条件,现有商业银行的部分贷款已丧失其流动性,被固化在借款企业中,甚至还在不断增加新的贷款投放,贷款处于负流动状态。
5)habitat loss生境丧失
1.In this paper,the Allee-like effect is introduced into a dynamical metapopulation model of multi-species under habitat loss to study the 29 rare species living in Yan.将似Allee效应引入集合种群动力模式,建立了生境丧失下具有似Allee效应的n-珍稀物种的集合种群模式,并以江苏盐城滩涂湿地中的29种珍稀物种为研究实例。
2.Based on the habitat suitability maps, the causation and change law of habitat loss and fragmentation of red-crow.生境丧失及破碎化是引起物种濒危和生物多样性降低的主要原因。
3.Habitat loss and fragmentation have been associated with the decline of endangered species.由自然和人为原因引起的生境丧失与生境破碎化已严重影响到野生动物的生存。
6)hearing loss听觉丧失

丧失丧失loss  丧失(l 055)在心理、社会或生理方面造成不可挽回的损失。如在心理及社会方面,包括失业,失恋,失去家人或偶像;在生理方面,失去身体的部分或全部功能。不管丧失的程度和意义如何,当个人在经历它时,都可能产生悲伤和哀凄的感觉。 (荡慈冲撰梁宝勇审)