1.Suppression of Schistosoma japonicum Eggs on TNBS-induced Colitis in Mice;日本血吸虫卵抗TNBS诱导的小鼠结肠炎的观察
2.Objective To explore protective immunity effect against Capillaria hepatica infection induced by soluble egg antigen (SEA) in rats.目的 探讨肝毛细线虫虫卵可溶性抗原 (SEA)诱导保护性免疫的效果。
3.Objective To inquire into the value of the features of eggs of Paragonimus proliferus and Pagumogonimus skrjabini in classification.目的 探讨虫卵的特征在并殖吸虫分类学上的意义。

1.It eats frogs, insects, and larvae, which are the eggs insects' lay.它吃青蛙、昆虫和昆虫卵生成的幼虫。
2.Progress of research on ovicidal and larvicidal activity against parasites in vitro体外杀灭寄生虫虫卵及其幼虫的研究
3.Eggs are excreted in the urine and feces.虫卵从尿、粪中排出。
4.A chemical agent that kills eggs, especially the eggs of insects.杀卵剂一种杀死卵的化学药剂,尤指杀死虫卵的杀虫剂
5.Preliminary observation on adult worms and eggs of Armillifer agkistrodontis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy尖吻蝮蛇舌状虫成虫、虫卵超微结构观察
6.Cysticercosis is a pig swallowed hook discharge of1,457 people infected with eggs, mistakenly intake hook tapeworm eggs have also occurred cysticercosis.猪囊虫病主要是猪吞食有钩绦虫病人排出的虫卵而感染,人误摄入有钩绦虫卵也发生囊虫病。
8.Effect of Praziquantel on Circumoval Precipitin Test (COPT) of Schistosoma Japonicum Eggs吡喹酮对日本血吸虫卵环卵沉淀试验的影响
9.Chemcal Identification and Effcts of Oviposition-Deterring Pheromones(ODPs) from Eggs of the Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae);棉铃虫卵上抑卵物质的化学组成和生物活性
10.Oogenesis in Panorpidae and Comparative Ultrastructure of Eggshells (Mecoptera)蝎蛉科昆虫卵子发生及卵壳超微结构比较研究
11.In addition, DEC is also apropriate for the quantitative examination of other helminth eggs in stool.集卵直检法还可用作粪内其它蠕虫虫卵定量检测。
12.Research on the Experimental Method of Injecting Eggs of Schistosoma Japonicum Direcly Into Spleen经脾脏注射血吸虫虫卵实验方法的探讨
13.Engineering Research on the Features Extraction and Recognition of Image of Human Helminth Eggs人体寄生虫虫卵图像特征提取与识别技术研究
14.To lay or deposit eggs in.Used of certain insects.昆虫产卵使某些昆虫产卵
15.The egg or young of a parasitic insect, such as a louse.虱卵寄生昆虫的卵或幼虫,如虱子
16.These insects deposit their eggs in the ground.这些昆虫产卵于地下。
17.From the eggs come the baby fireflies.萤火虫宝宝在卵中诞生。
18.Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs.昆虫以产卵繁殖后代。

1.Observation on the hatching of Taenia solium eggs using sodium hypochrite method;次氯酸钠法孵化猪带绦虫卵的观察
2.Effect of ~(60)Coγ-Rays on Gypsy Moth s Eggs Mortality;~(60)Coγ射线对舞毒蛾虫卵死亡率的影响
3.Observation and measurement of two kinds of Paragonimus westermani eggs in different hosts不同宿主体内两种类型卫氏并殖吸虫虫卵形态观察及测量
3)helminth egg寄生虫虫卵
1.Objective To explore how to develop a micro-image recognition system for helminth eggs.目的探讨建立寄生虫虫卵显微图像计算机自动识别系统的相关问题。
4)Ascaris egg蛔虫卵
1.To identify the Ascaris egg- like materials from pickles, after the isolation of parasitic eggs from pickles, a real-time PCR assay for identifying Ascaris egg was set up and optimized.在模拟阳性泡菜样品中寄生虫卵分离的基础上,本研究通过对单蛔虫卵分别进行加热、液氮/37℃反复冻融、PCR缓冲液冻融、裂解液消化等四种前处理后进行荧光PCR检测,表明将虫卵进行液氮/37℃反复冻融15次后用于荧光PCR检测的效果确实而稳定。
2.Objective To identify vital capacity of ascaris egg during 4 6 days (mitotic time) instead of conventional 30 days (infective stage) after the egg being cultured in plate.目的用蛔虫卵细胞分裂期鉴别生活力。
5)Artemia salina eggs卤虫卵
1.The effect of three kinds of heavy metal irons on hatching rate of Artemia salina eggs of differentorigin;3种重金属离子对不同产地卤虫卵孵化率的影响
2.By the experiment for stimulating incubation of the artemia salina eggs with 14MeV fast nutron,the best irradiation dose and the best irradiation time are chosen.用14MeV快中子低剂量辐照刺激休眠卤虫卵筛选出最佳辐照剂量和辐照时间、经过大量的实验室试验及生产中试,结果表明,辐照组比对照组的卤虫卵孵化率平均提高了17%。
6)Brine Shrimp eggs卤虫卵
1.In this paper, Brine Shrimp eggs was hydrolyzed to produce the amino acid hydrolysate by using papain and trypsin.本文以卤虫卵为原料,使用复合酶(木瓜蛋白酶:胰蛋白酶1:1)进行水解,得到复合氨基酸水解液,通过正交实验确定的最佳酶解条件是底物浓度7。

虫卵肉芽肿虫卵肉芽肿egg granuloma 一般指血吸虫患者虫卵沉积在肝、结肠等脏器内所致的组织损伤,即虫卵肉芽肿的生成。这种病变主要发生在成熟虫卵沉着的小血管内,开始大量的嗜酸性粒细胞积聚在虫卵周围,形成嗜酸性脓肿,脓肿内的嗜酸性粒细胞和血管壁及周围组织坏死和血管内血栓形成,炎症消退吸收后逐渐形成慢性虫卵结节。此时在死亡变性的虫卵周围积聚大量的类上皮细胞,其中有异物巨细胞,周围常有嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和浆细胞呈环形浸润,最后转化为纤维结节,并伴以死亡的虫卵钙化。