1.A correlation study of nurses' job insecurity and somatization discomfort during changed hospital system;医院改制中护士工作不安全感与躯体化不适相关性研究
2.Investigation and Analysis on the Somatization of Pregnant Women and Its Related Factors;不同妊娠期妇女躯体化状况及相关社会因素分析
3.Somatization and Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Succors in Urgent Period after Earthquake in Wenchuan County;汶川特大地震应急期救灾人员躯体化和强迫症状调查

1.Items and expense of accessory tests and examinations and related factors of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder躯体化障碍和未分化躯体形式障碍患者辅助检查项目和费用调查
2.The comparison of the personalities,physical complaints and life quality in patient with somatization disorders and depression presented with somatic complaints躯体化障碍与以躯体症状为主诉的抑郁症个性、躯体主诉、生活质量比较
3.A Study of Neurosis and Depression with Somatic Symptoms and Economic Burdens;神经症与抑郁症躯体化症状及经济负担的研究
4.Studies on Characters and Related Factors of Somatization Disorder;躯体化障碍的特征及其相关因素的研究
5.Several Manifestations of Bodily Symptoms of Freshmen in Institutes of Higher Learning and Their Analysis;高校新生躯体化症状的若干表现及分析
6.Life Quality in Patients with Somatization Disorder Its Relative Factors躯体化障碍患者的生命质量及其相关因素研究
7.Somatization of Mental-emotional Distress, a Cross-cultural View;情感性精神障碍的躯体化,东西方文化的比较研究
8.The Relationship among Stress,Career Commitment and Job Burnout of Children Teacher.;幼儿教师压力、职业承诺与职业倦怠及躯体化症状的关系
9.Comparative study of clomipramine combined with cognitive therapy in the treatment of somatization disorder氯米帕明联合认知疗法治疗躯体化障碍的对照研究
10.Clinical Study on Paroxetine Combined with Small Dose of Doxepin for Somatization Disorder帕罗西汀联用小剂量多塞平治疗躯体化障碍的临床研究
11.The body of a human being.身躯,躯壳人的躯体
12.Of or relating to the body.躯体的躯体的,与躯体有关的
13.The Changes of Gastric Parietal Cellular Configuration in Rats under Various Somatic Stressor;不同躯体应激状态下大鼠胃壁细胞形态变化
14.On the Animalization Trend about Masculine Body s Depiction in Ancient Chinese Novels;论中国古代小说男性躯体描写的“动物化”倾向
15.somatotopic localization躯体部位定位 躯体部位定位
16.somatic motor component躯体运动成分 躯体运动成分
17.The changes of physical function and general health perceptions after the treatment of interstitial cystitis躯体功能及总体健康感在女性间质性膀胱炎治疗过程中的变化
18.The human body excluding the head and limbs;trunk.(人体的)躯干不包括头部和四肢的人的身体;躯体

somatization disorder躯体化障碍
1.Study on clinical feature of somatization disorder;躯体化障碍临床特征的研究
2.Comparison between paroxetine and amitriptyline in the treatment of somatization disorder;帕罗西汀与阿米替林治疗躯体化障碍的疗效比较
3.A comparison between Paroxetine and Amitriptyline in the treatment of somatization disorder;帕罗西汀与阿米替林治疗躯体化障碍对照研究
3)somatic symptoms躯体化症状
1.A comparative study of neurosis and depression with somatic symptoms and economic burdens;神经症与抑郁症的躯体化症状及经济损失比较
2.Recently, more and more people went to see doctors of comprehensive hospitals for the problems of somatic symptoms.近几年来,越来越多的人因躯体化症状问题至综合性医院就诊,经历了反复的检查,却无法得出疾病的明确诊断,因而影响了疾病的治疗,给患者带来了长期的痛苦,同时加重了患者本人、家庭和社会的负担。
1.Characteristics and Treatment of Patient with Somatization Disorder.;躯体化障碍症状特征及治疗
2.Somatization Disorder and Childhood Trauma;躯体化障碍与童年期的创伤
5)physical symptom躯体化倾向
1.The result showed that 7 drawing characters reflected the physical symptoms.通过问卷、绘画测验和回归分析 ,7项绘画特征被验证能够有效反映神经症躯体化倾向。
6)somatization symptoms躯体化症状
1.Objective To assess the severity of somatization symptoms and the state of anxiety and depression of patients with cardiac neurosis,and evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of antidepressants for these patients.目的评估心脏神经症患者躯体化症状和焦虑抑郁情绪的严重程度,及抗抑郁药物在治疗心脏神经症中的作用。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理