收集归档,Collection filing
1)Collection filing收集归档

1.Reflections on Strengthening the Filing and Collection of Scientific Research Files in Colleges and Universities;加强高校科研档案收集归档工作的思考
2.Practice and Think on the Filing of Both Electronic Documents and Paper Documents;电子文件与纸质文件双套收集归档的实践及思考
3.Assemble your papers and put them in the file.把你们的论文收集起来归档。
4.On the Collection,Accumulation,Identification and Filing of Electronic Files;谈电子文件的收集、积累、鉴定与归档
5.Collecting and Filing of Electronic Document under the Network;浅议网络环境下电子文件的收集与归档
6.A Reflection on the Requirement of Collecting and Filing the Electronic Document at University;关于高校电子文件收集与归档要求的思考
7.Collect, assort and file the documents from material management.对物料管理工作中形成的资料进行收集、整理、归档。
8.Archival paraffin blocks of 42 cases of NPC were collected and 4 μm and 8 μm consecutive paraffin sections were cut from each case.收集42例鼻咽癌病例的归档蜡块,4μm、8μm连续组织学切片各一张。
9.Talking about Receiving in Internet and Files Management of Electronic Files about Education System;关于教育系统电子档案的网上接收和归档管理
10.Adoption papers were duly filed in May 1974.有关收养的文件在1974年5月就已归档。
11.On Archives Collection and Management Model of Institution after Colleges-united;档案收集与合并高校档案管理模式研究
12.Support the work of project declaring, establishing, quality checking& accepting, completing materials' filing.支持项目申报、项、量验收,竣工资料归档工作。
13.Collect and record quality information (create records).收集并记录质量信息(创建档案)。
14.A collection of related data or program records.文件,文档相关资料或程序记录的收集
15.a person in charge of collecting and cataloguing archives.负责收集和整理档案的人。
16.Collection and Management of Engineering Files of Power Plant Building Corporations;电力建设企业工程档案的收集与管理
17.On the Collection of College Teaching Archives in the New Period;新时期高校教学档案的收集工作刍议
18.On material collection of cadres personnel files;干部、人事档案的动态材料收集浅议

archive set归档集
1.In the evolutionary process of calculating for similarity between two generations archive set,if the algorithm in the early running for two generations of its similarity archive sets less than the pre-set threshold,then the algorithm has a certain probability that the local convergence.在进化过程中计算连续两代归档集合群体之间的种群相似度,若在算法运行的早期其连续两代归档集的相似度小于预先设置的阈值,则认为算法有一定概率局部收敛。
3)archives collection档案收集
1.This paper analyzes the problems existing in archives collection of university, and advances some countermeasures for improving the archives collection of university.分析了高校档案收集中存在的问题,提出了改进高校档案收集的对策。
2.In the process of knowledge accumulation innovated and expanded from archives collection,"the concept of broad archives"should be set up.从档案收集创新拓展成为知识积累,应树立"大档案观",按知识资源体系扩大档案收集范围;程序化、总结性和弥补性生成文件,固化隐性知识;扩大文件归档范围,控制内源显性知识;收集外部信息,获取外源显性知识。
4)file collection档案收集
1.According to research process of research items in universities, the paper definited collection range of file materials of research items, explained the main problems in the file collection work and put forward corresponding concrete measures.档案收集工作是整个档案工作的基础和起点。
5)data set archive数据集归档
6)scope of collecting files档案收集范围
