1.The calculation method and program of calculating corresponding middle stake mileage based on arbitrary point coordinate;由任意点坐标计算对应中桩里程的算法及程序
2.Study of the pole Mileage tie dispatches in Road Vertical Section measurement;道路纵断面测量中桩里程平差研究
3.Automatic adjustment of mileage in route surveying;线路测量中里程的自动调整

1.through chainage【测】统一里程, 贯通里程
2.unit oneth kilometric indicating drum个位公里里程记录鼓
3.Railway length increased from 65,969 km to 71,500 km.铁路营运里程由65969公里增加到71500公里;
4.percentage of electrified sections to total route kilometres电气化区段里程占线路总里程百分率
5.27 Note:The data of Length of Highways and all-weather highways includes length of roads between villages from 2005.26注:2005年以后的公路线路里程和晴雨通车里程包括村道里程数。
6.We pass a milestone.我们途经一块里程碑。
7.Trip Odometer Inoperative Or Wrong里程计失效或者出错
8.magnetic inductive speedometer磁感应式车速里程
9.means depreciation kilometre公共交通工具折旧里程
10.It's 400 yuan per day, unlimited mileage.1天400元,不限里程数。
11.It's about 4,500 km long!行程4500公里。
12.rarita schwinger equation拉里塔 施温格尔方程
13.d Bridgeman equation比特和布里奇曼方程
14.It's a haul of ten miles.那是十英里路程的拖运。
15.It is a long walk to the town.到城里要走很长的路程。
16.This gun ranges over two miles.这支枪的射程是两英里。
17.This gun ranges 4 miles.这枪的射程可达4 英里。
18."What courses should be taught in school?"“学校里该教哪些课程?”

3)mileage/ticket price table里程里价表
4)mileage indicator英里里程表
6)odometer distance里程表行程
