1.Research on transition modes of overlay and strengthening on old cement concrete pavement;旧水泥路面加铺补强过渡方式研究
2.Decision-making Technology of Pavement Overlaying for Airport Runway;跑道道面加铺决策技术研究
3.A Discussion on Construction Technique for Overlaying Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Cement Concrete Pavement旧水泥砼路面加铺沥青砼的施工技术探讨

1.Research on Asphalt Overlay Technology of Existing Cement Concrete Pavement;旧水泥混凝土路面沥青加铺技术研究
2.The Experimental Study of the Application of SMA Overlay on an Airport Runway;SMA在机场道面加铺中应用的试验研究
3.On addition of asphalt concrete pavement on cement road surface浅谈水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层
4.Commenting on Design Procedures for Additional Layer of AASHTO Flexible Pavement对AASHTO柔性路面加铺层设计方法的评述
5.Overlay design considering remnant life of old asphalt pavement考虑旧路剩余寿命的加铺层结构设计
6.Thermal Stresses of Asphalt Overlay on Cement Concrete Pavement (Ⅰ):Mechanistic Models沥青加铺层温度应力研究(Ⅰ):力学模型
7.Study on Paving Width of Fiberglass-Polyester Paving Mat Based on Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Overlay基于加铺层疲劳性能的聚酯玻纤布合理铺设宽度研究
8.Study of Overlay Structure Selection on Old PCC Pavement in Guangxi广西旧水泥混凝土路面加铺层结构选型研究
9.How much be the room for the bed ?外加床铺要付钱吗?
10.For each additional bed, there'll is an extra charge of four dollars per bay.每增加1个床铺,每天要加收4美元。
11.For each additional bed, there 'll be an extra charge of three dollars per day .每增加上个床铺,每天要另收3美元。
12.He bought two tickets and Pullman berths.他买了两张车票加头等卧铺票。
13.Electrical Reinforcement and Rewiring Programme加强供电及重铺电力装置计划
14.Nine cents more will put the next man to bed;再加9分钱就可以给下一个找个铺位。
15.I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。
16.Place plastic sheet, then bath blanket, under the child.在小儿身下铺上塑料单,上面加浴毯。
17.Second Step:Paint general hue(grounding colour).步骤二:添加五官,铺大体色调(上底色)。
18.Stack crepes on a microwave-safe plate, and cover with a paper towel; microwave just until warm and pliable, 15 to 25 seconds.将薄饼铺在微波烤盘上,铺一层纸巾在上面;加热15到25秒,使其变软。

1.Based on the practical construction experience of the repaving works of an international airport in Shanghai, the article sums up the main construction technological process of repaving the asphalt pavement under the condition of the non-suspending air service at night and the emergent handling scheme.随着我国国民经济的不断发展,航空交通量持续增长,许多机场道面必须进行改造或加铺
2.Combined with the repaving design of existed cement concrete pavement the application of asphalt concrete overlays and other new materials are introduced in order to prolong service period of pavement and improve the water-stable property of asphalt pavement.结合旧水泥混凝土路面加铺改造的现状 ,对采用沥青混凝土加铺层改造旧水泥混凝土路面的处治方案及新材料的应用等内容作了介绍 ,以延长路面使用周期 ,提高路基的稳定和沥青路面的水稳
1.In allusion to old Liangqing cement-concrete pavement rebuilding in Wuxi,this paper expatiates the design of the rebuilding scheme at length,and tries to study the method and construction of using SMA asphalt adding layer to rebuild the old cement-concrete pavement.结合无锡市梁清路旧水泥混凝土路面加铺改造工程,阐述了其改造方案的设计、板底压浆技术和玻纤格栅的应用、改性沥青的应用、SMA配合比设计及加铺过程中的施工控制等。
2.After practising in Hongchen road surface design of comprehensive transformation works, two technique problems were discussed about road surface rebuilding and broadening in road extension design.通过洪城路综合改造工程的路面设计实践,对改扩建道路设计中路面加铺及加宽两个技术难题进行了探讨,提出了一些设计处理方法。
1.Combining the Haoxi Road Transformation Project, the paper introduces the design method of paving bituminous concrete surface after treating the disease of cement concrete pavement.该文结合南通市濠西路改造工程,介绍水泥混凝土路面病害处理后,加铺沥青混凝土面层的设计方法。
1.Simply talking about the disease treantment for old cement concrete pavement before overlay construction;浅谈加铺层施工前旧水泥混凝土路面病害的处理
2.Mechanic property of asphalt concrete overlay on old cement concrete pavement;旧水泥混凝土路面沥青加铺层的力学分析
3.Fatigue performance of overlay on concrete pavement;水泥混凝土路面加铺层的疲劳性能
6)pavement overlay加铺方案
1.312 national highway of Huning section,the paper introduces some measures of pavement overlay of existing road and put forward optimization design solutions and control factors.结合312国道沪宁段扩建的工程实例,探讨老路改造的路面加铺方案,并提出了相应的优化设计方案和控制因素。
