1.Investigation On Neurobehavioral Function Of Diesel Locomotive drivers;铁路内燃机车司机神经行为功能调查研究
2.It is a usual way for drivers to estimate the speed of a locomotive by the sense of speed on coming sleepers.利用枕木流动的速度感来估计列车运行速度已是司机的习惯做法。
3.According to the theoryof human' s reliability, the paper makes preliminary discussions on the reliability of driver control.按照人的可靠性理论的思路对司机操纵可靠性问题进行了初步探讨,分析了影响司机操纵可靠性的一些因素,按信息传递过程对司机人为失误进行了总结,提出了提高司机操纵可靠性的途径。

1.ASLEF (Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen)火车司机与司炉联合会
2.The company requires the drivers to keep to schedule.公司要求司机正点行车。
3.the passenger seat,ie the seat next to the driver's seat in a motor vehicle(司机座旁的)客座
4.(of a driver)cause(an engine)to do this(指司机)使(发动机)熄火
5.cab-operated overhead crane司机室操纵桥式起重机
6.Drunken driver(a driver who is inebriated.喝醉了的司机(醉酒的司机
7.and asked the driver to take him to the BBC;要求司机将他送到英国广播公司。
8.Golden Link Taxi Owners and Drivers Association Limited金菱的士车主及司机联会有限公司
9.My name is Wang Wei.I am from the Capital Taxi Company.我是王巍,首都出租汽车公司的司机
10.computer cabinet development company计算机机房开发公司
11.International Harvester Company国际收割机公司(万国机械公司)
12.The company is a specializing computer company.该公司是专门的计算机公司
13.The company from which I hired my TV set is big.租给我电视机的那个公司是家大公司。
14.According to the requirements of the company registration authority公司应当按照公司登记机关的要求
15.Where the changed domicile goes beyond the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority公司变更住所跨公司登记机关辖区的
16.A company can only obtain the qualifications of an enterprise legal person after having been approved to register by the company registration authority as provided by law and having got a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person.公司经公司登记机关依法核准登记,领
17.A Research on the Financial Distress Considering Corporate Governance Factors;公司治理对公司财务危机的影响分析
18.Research on Motivation Mechanism of Arbin Instrument Company s Subsidiary in China;Arbin仪器公司在华子公司激励机制研究

locomotive driver司机
1.in combination on cardiovascular and hearing system in locomotive drivers.[方法]对机车乘务室内噪声、振动、高温等有害因素进行检测,采取分层整群抽样方法对120名机车司机的血压、心电图、听力进行测量。
2.Objective: To sdudy the required psychological quality of locomotive driver in high-speed train from adaptability of safe driving.目的从安全驾驶适应性方面研究高速机车司机应具备的心理素质。
1.Objective To investigate the incidence of hypertension and its risk factors among male bus drivers.目的了解司机职业人群高血压的患病率及主要危险因素,为该人群的高血压防治提供依据。
4)Locomotive driver机车司机
1.Protecting locomotive drivers of Qinghai-Tibet Railway from ultraviolet radiation;青藏铁路机车司机的紫外线辐射防护
2.The postural stability and fatigue degree of locomotive drivers are measured and evaluated.对机车司机工作过程中的身体状态、疲劳程度提出了测试方法与评价模式。
3.Discussion railroad locomotive driver this special kind of work in a factory and the fatty liver are sick the situation relations.探讨铁路机车司机这一特殊工种与脂肪肝患病情况的关系。
5)engine attendant司机;机工
6)equipment operator机工;司机

司机1.管理机器。引申为驾驭﹑操纵。 2.火车﹑汽车和电车等交通工具上的驾驶员。