1.As one of the traditional transport,ferry is of high risk and difficult to manage.轮渡作为传统运输行业,安全风险高,管理难度大,本文通过对安全风险管理理论的深入分析,提出了轮渡企业实现安全风险管理的基本思路和对策。
2.Research purposes: According to the files from the process of pre-study,design,building and operation for train ferry on Qiongzhou Straits,this paper summarizes the thinking of system design for train ferry at that time and explores the regular patterns of it from system viewpoint.研究目的:根据琼州海峡铁路轮渡系统前期研究、设计、建设和运行中有关资料,从系统角度回顾及归纳当时的总体设计思路,探索海上铁路轮渡系统总体设计理念中的有关规律。
3.The degree of difficulty ferry is managed as transport industry, safe risk of tradition height,is big,thorough analysis the main body of this paper is passed to safe risk management theory,fundamental train of t.轮渡作为传统运输行业,安全风险高,管理难度大,本文通过对安全风险管理理论的深入分析,提出了轮渡企业实现安全风险管理的基本思路和对策。

1.The cross-channel ferries connect with train on either side海峡轮渡与两岸的火车联运。
2.Coastal Shipping, Feeder and Ferry Services沿海航运、驳接运输及轮渡运输
3.Coastal Shipping, Feeding and Ferry Services沿海航运,驳接运输及轮渡运输
4.HYF owned 77 vessels and operated 24 ferry routes, including passenger and vehicular services and licensed services.油麻地小轮拥有渡轮77艘,经营24条渡轮航线,包括载客、汽车渡轮及持牌渡轮服务。
5.car ferry hovercraft载车气垫渡轮载车气垫渡船
6.a ferry that transports motor vehicles.运送机动车辆的渡轮。
7.Airport Ferry Services Limited机场渡轮服务有限公司
8.a transatlantic cruise liner横渡大西洋的邮轮.
9.HYF had a licensed fleet of 51 vessels and operated 19 franchised and licensed ferry services.油地小轮的船队共有渡轮51艘,经营19条专营及持牌渡轮航线。
10.a train, bus, ferry, etc timetable火车、 公共汽车、 渡轮等的时刻表
11.Ferry and Paratransit Branch [Transport Department]渡轮及辅助客运科〔运输署〕
12.The passengers were transferred to a ferry at the bus terminus.在公共汽车终点站乘客转上渡轮。
13.ferryboats took them to Ellis Island.渡轮带他们到了埃利斯岛。
14.proper and efficient ferry service适当而有效率的渡轮服务
15.They had only a few Siebel ferries.他们只有为数不多的“斯比尔”渡轮。
16.They had only a few Siebel ferrices.他们只有为数不多的”斯比尔”渡轮。
17.Our oceangoing ship is ploughing across the Pacific Ocean.我们的远洋轮正在横渡太平洋。
18.Any ship that crosses the pacific,任何一艘横渡太平洋的轮船,

1.Based on the investigation of Jiangyin railway ferries and related data analysis as well as the linear multiple regression analysis,this paper presents the function relationship between various dodging-measures and ferry s cycle.通过对江阴铁路渡轮的实地调研和数据分析,应用多元线性回归分析的方法,找出了渡轮的各种避让措施与渡运时间的函数关系。
2.Research purposes: The relevant technique about railway ferry in early years is not adopt to the modern development and the need of the traffic in our country.汲取多项世界先进技术,在渡轮动力推进系统、人行栈桥设计、栈桥轨道结构等方面创造了我国铁路轮渡“四个第一”。
3.In terms of applied mathematical theory,the probability is analyzed that railway ferries are obstructed by ships when passing through the Yangtze River,so is the time to lengthen railway ferry s cycle at an average time.应用数学理论分析了铁路渡轮穿越江面时与长江船只发生干扰的概率和平均一次干扰延长轮渡周期的时间 ,从而推导出单艘渡轮一昼夜通过能力的计算公式 。
5)Transition pulley过渡带轮
6)tansition gear wheel过渡齿轮
