1.From "Disenchantment" to "Reenchantment"-Research on Aesthetic Self-discipline;从“祛魅”到“返魅”—对审美自律性之考察
2.Try to make its characters more prominent and more brilliant, namely with the characters of era, of class, sociality, authenticity and self-discipline.新闻要以正确的舆论引导人,全心全意为人民服务,坚持真实性原则等内涵,使其特点更加突出和鲜明,即具有时代性、阶级性、社会性、自律性,从而对新闻媒体和新闻工作者提出了更高的要求,这是由社会主义新闻事业的性质所决定的。
3.This paper analyses the tension between the self-discipline and disci- pline of the Chinese literature at the meeting of centuries,and reveals the contradic- tion motion between them in hope of offering some helpful inward references to the Chinese contemporary literature.世纪之交的中国文学始终在多重矛盾的共同扭缠下不断改塑着自身的表现形态和运行轨迹,其中自律性与他律性之间的张力是不容忽视的。

1.On the Multiple Nature of Bach Keyboard Music --Self-discipline,Dramaticality and Poeticality;论巴赫键盘音乐的多重性——自律性、戏剧性和诗性
2.From "Disenchantment" to "Reenchantment"-Research on Aesthetic Self-discipline;从“祛魅”到“返魅”—对审美自律性之考察
3.Autonomy:the Internal Contradiction of Bourdieu s Theory;自律性:布尔迪厄理论的“内在冲突”
4.On the Independent Politicization after the disaggregation of Literature Self-discipline;自律外的自律——论文学自律解体后的独立政治性
5.Self-discipline & Heteronomy-Practice of Rationality in Moral Building;自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践品性
6.Autonomy and Heteronomy in Welfare-based Third Sector Development;福利性第三部门发展中的自律与他律
7.An Analysis of Natural Universality and Free Causality of Kant;康德的自然普遍律与自由原因性辨析
8.Thought on Law of Autonomy and Heteronomy of University Administration in China;高校内部管理自治性与他律性的法律思考
9.The Compulsive Migration of Construction and Chinese Juridical Tradition;工程性非自愿性移民与中国法律传统
10.Govern Corruption--The Non-equilibrium of Institution Restraint and Ethics Self-discipline;治理腐败——制度他律与道德自律的非均衡性
11.Law s Autonomy,Authority and Legitimate--Criticized reading on the concept of law;法律的自恰、权威与正当——《法律的概念》批判性阅读
12.On the Spontaneity and Consciousness of the Action Mechanism of Historical Law论历史规律作用机制的自发性和自觉性
13.The main feature of moral is self-control, while the law is the nation's implementation-compulsory.道德主要靠自律,法律则具有国家的强制性即他律;
14.Article 33 Auto financing companies may establish a trade association for self-regulation purposes.第三十三条 汽车金融公司可成立行业性自律组织,实行自律管理。
15.The legal profession is largely self-governing.律师职业很大程度上是自治性的职业。
16.Our discipline rests on such consciousness.我们的纪律就建筑在这个自觉性上边。
17.Something dictated by invariable physical laws.必然性由不变的自然规律决定的东西
18.About the Evolution Law of Natural Geographical Environment自然地理环境随时间演化规律性探究

1.Analyzing the Autonomy and Heteronomy of Art;试析美术的自律性与他律性
2.By means of the discussion on Deconstruction, the paper elaborates dynamic equilibrium between substantiveelements and metaphysical elements of western architecture and reveals the evolution process of western architecture fromclassical static state, autonomy and dynamic state, autonomy of modernism to dynamic state.论文通过对解构主义的探讨,阐述了西方建筑的形象因素与形而上因素在发展中的动态平衡关系,揭示了西方建筑从古典的静态、自律性,到现代主义的动态、自律性直至解构主义的动态,非自律性的演进过程。
3.This paper, aiming at exploring Su Manshu s translation of Byron s poems from the autonomy and heteronomy of aesthetic activity,holds that Su s translation activity is the combination of individual aestheticism and social aestheticism.从审美活动的自律性和他律性看苏曼殊对拜伦诗的译介,认为苏对拜伦诗的翻译活动是个人审美与社会审美的统一。
1.Automaticity of Mahaim fiber and it s response to effective ablation;马汉姆纤维的自律性以及对有效消融的反应
2.Aim: To investigate the effects of exogenous NO donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and 3 morpholinosydnonimine (SIN 1) on automaticity of the rabbit sino atrial node in vitro and the action mechanism.目的 :观察外源性NO供体硝普钠 (SNP)和吗啉 斯德酮亚胺 (SIN 1)对离体兔窦房结起搏细胞 (SANC)自律性的影响 ,并初步探讨其作用机制。
3.Aim and Methods: Standard microelectrode technique was used to study the effects of paeonal on the automaticity induced by epinephrine, ouabain induced delayed afterdepolarization (DAD) and triggered activity (TA) of isolated guinea pig right ventricular papillary muscle.目的与方法:采用常规玻璃微电极技术研究丹皮酚对离体心肌细胞自律性(AM)、延迟后除极(DAD) 及触发活动(TA)的影响。
1.The Effects of 3 -daidzein Sulfonate Sodium on Autorhythmicity and Contractile Characteristics in Isolated Guinea Pig Right Atrium;3 -大豆苷元磺酸钠对豚鼠离体右心房自律性及收缩特性的影响
2.The Effects of Polygonum bistorla L. n-Butyl Alcohol Extract on Autorhythmicity and contractile Characteristics in Isolated Guinea Pig Right Atrium;目的研究拳参正丁醇提取物对豚鼠离体右心房自律性及收缩特性的影响,并探讨其作用机制。
5)automatic rhythmicity自律性
1.unautonomy of Deconstruction.论文通过对解构主义的探讨,阐述了西方建筑的形象因素与形而上因素在发展中的动态平衡关系,揭示了西方建筑从古典的静态、自律性,到现代主义的动态、自律性直至解构主义的动态,非自律性的演进过程。

自律性自律性idiorhythm  组织细胞能够在没有外来刺激的条件下,自动发生节律性兴奋的特性,是自动节律性的简称。