1.Caculation and analysis for ratio of reinforced in slab of elastic supporting block unballasted track under temperature and train loads;温度和列车荷载作用下弹性支承块式无砟轨道道床板配筋率计算
2.Research purposes: This paper finds the thickness of solid slib which replaced slab of elastic supporting block ballastless track.研究目的:找到与不规则形状形式的弹性支承式无砟轨道道床板等效的实体板的等效厚度。
3.Actually,the ballastless track slab structure bears the cycle force influence,such as vertical force from the wheel,bending stress from the temperature and so on.在国内无碴轨道设计中通常不进行疲劳设计,而实际上道床板结构承受轮轨垂向力荷载、温度翘曲荷载等循环荷载作用,有可能在其使用年限内发生疲劳破坏,故对道床板的疲劳损伤及寿命进行研究有着重要的意义。

1.The Mechanics Analysis of Continuous Bed Slab of Ballastless Track of Switch;道岔区无碴轨道连续道床板力学分析
2.Finite Element Analysis of Double Block Ballastless Track Concrete Layer under Temperature Load温度作用下双块式无砟轨道道床板有限元分析
3.Clinical Study on Urethral Plate Preseving Hypospadias Repair;保留尿道板修复尿道下裂手术方法的临床研究
4.Tubularized incised plate technique for hypospadia repair尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形治疗尿道下裂临床疗效分析
5.It is proved practically that chemical grouting can do with it.由于翻浆冒泥造成基床的软化和道碴板结引起道床整体弹性的降低,直接影响列车安全运营。
6.manipulator slide beam推床的导板(或推板)
7.Clinical application of treadmill exercise test and transesophageal atrial pacing in coronary heart disease运动平板与食道调搏心脏负荷试验诊断冠心病的临床应用
8.An upright board across the foot of a bedstead.床踏板穿过床架下端直立的板
9.A board or panel that forms the head, as of a bed.床头板构成如床等物的头的木板或隔板
10.treadle rail contact轨道接触器, 踏板
11.bilge board(船底)活水道盖板
12.A walk made of wooden planks.木板人行道木板制的道路
13.Xiangzi felt the bed and discovered that if he laid his head down he would have to prop his feet up on the wall, while if he stretched out his legs he'd have to sleep half-sitting.他摸了摸床板,知道他要是把头放下,就得把脚蹬在墙上; 把脚放平,就得半坐起来。
14.duckboard:a board or boardwalk laid across wet or muddy ground or flooring.铺道板:铺在湿的或泥泞的地上的板或板道.
15.A board or boardwalk laid across wet or muddy ground or flooring.铺道板铺在湿的或泥泞的地上的板或板道
16.a bed of boards (without a mattress).木板的床(没有垫子)。
17.ram turret lathe滑板式转塔六角车床
18.After he had put it on the floor,他把床垫往地板上一放,

cement hardening道床板结
1.According to the measured acceleration waveforms and the figures of energy spectrum density,the influence of cement hardening on the rail track vibration was qualitatively analysised with the theory of two degrees of freedom rail track vibration.根据实测的加速度波形及其能量谱密度图 ,采用二自由度钢轨振动理论 ,定性地分析道床板结对钢轨振动的影响 :道床板结使钢轨垂直加速度振动总能量增加 ,对轨枕竖向振动的影响较钢轨的大 ;道床板结对道床垂直振动的影响不大 ,但使振动能量集中部分频率降低 ;道床板结使钢轨和轨枕的位移有所降低 ,因此减弱了整个轨道系统的弹性功
3)slab track-bed板式道床
1.With an analysis of the construction technology of slab track-bed in Guangzhou UMT Line 4,this paper in- torduces the survey technology of slab track-bed,the adjust- ment technology of slab and the control technology of ZK mortar,which have gained considerable social and economic profits.通过对广州市轨道交通4号线轨道工程板式道床施工工艺的分析,介绍了板式道床的测量、轨道板调整和ZH砂浆控制等技术。
4)steel spring floating slab track bed浮置板道床
1.The technique of steel spring floating slab track bed was introduced from GERB into the first-stage construction of Subway Shenzhen.深圳地铁一期轨道工程,从德国隔尔固公司引进浮置板道床技术,首次在单洞双线马蹄形隧道内采用连续现浇金属弹簧隔振器浮置板式道床,为适应国内规范对钢筋施工精度控制要求,需进行钢筋构造间距补充设计。
5)slide plate道叉滑床板<林>
6)bed board床板
1.Objective To design a kind of bed board that is suitable for various medical image diagnostic equipments.目的:设计一种能固定受检者体位、与受检者一同搬动、适用于多种影像检查的通用床板。
