1.On Looks in Villette论《维莱特》中的“
2.One of four famous works in China—shui hu zhuang uses many of different words infer the same meanings of look and hit.四大名著之一的《水浒传》用许多不同的词语表达“”和“打”两种意义,这些词语之间既有联系又有着细微的区别。
3.Speaking, listening and looking in the classroom teaching ref le ct the students existence state, way of thinking and spiritual experience as we ll as the real ideas of education and influence of education on students.课堂教学中的说、听、反映出学生的生存状态、思维方式、精神体验,同时也反映出教育的真正理念、教育对学生的影响。

1.Look! I see dumplings!!我见了饺子!
2.Look at that stupid man.‘那个蠢人哪。’”
3.he said, looking out."他说,探头
4.Wow! Look at all the people.哇!这些客人。
5.And then he looked up, first at Rilla and then at Kiah.之后他抬起头瑞拉又凯。
6."Look back, look back, and see if we are pursued!"“后头,后头,有人追没有?”
7.Daisy looked desperately from one to the other.黛西惊惶地这一个又那一个。
8.I spent hours browsing in the bookshop.我花了几小时在书店里东西
9.During this visit to Tianjin, I should like to see your development district and have a look around the city. I'd like to see the harbour as well.我这次来天津,要你们的开发区,市容,还要到港口
10.Let's have a look at the thermometer.咱们来体温表。
11.Switch over to the other side.转到另一个频道.
12.Why not try other channels?为什么不其他频道?
13.Once or twice she looked over her shoulder at me.有一两次她回头我。
14.You should have a look around.“你应该在周围。”
15.His watch only registered 1.30.表才指到1点半。
16.To view or exhibit in advance.预预先观或展览
17.May I look at that bracelet?我可以那只手镯吗?
18.Look at the light ensphered in a dewdrop.露珠里面的亮光。

1.To See, to Experience, and to Express——The Design World of Japanese Landscape Architect Yoshiki Goda;日本景观设计师户田芳树的设计世界——·体验·表述
2.On Application of"see"in Japanese;论“”在日语中的运用
3.“See” in vision was emphasized in western tradition philosophy.西方哲学在生存论上以视觉的“”为优先,所建立的范畴(“相”)相应于“”而更注重形式性,注重存在的“明”性(清楚明白性),通达“相”的道路则是以分离为特征的“抽象”;中国哲学在生存论上以整个人的“感”为优先,所建立的范畴(“象”)相应于“感”而更注重形式质料统一,注重世界“幽”与“明”的统一性,通达“象”的道路是“立象”、“取象”。
1.The Discussion of language Particle"kan"and its Combination语助词“”及其组合浅析
2.On a lot of Corpus, the paper explores "XP kanlai" whose typical one is "zai……kanlai" , and " XPlaikan" whose typical one is " cong……laikan", especially the subjectivisation.本文以大量语料为基础,以“来”的主观化进程为重点,对现代汉语中以“在……来”为代表的“XP来”句式和以“从……来”为代表的“XP来”句式进行了考察。
1.The article reveals the reason why watching is emphasized in Chinese city square.重轻用是目前广场建设的一大价值取向,文章对其产生的背景,发展的原因以及这一取向带来的后果做了详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广场分级建设的原则。
1.Looking: The Introjection with Respect to the Field of Thinking between Heidegger and Aristotle;“”:海德格尔与亚里士多德的思域融合
