1.Availability of Rainwater Resources and Local Economy Development in Qingshuihe Region;清水河地区雨水资源化与区域经济发展研究
2.Calculation of groundwater allowable exploitation in water source region in Qingshuihe,Inner Mongolia内蒙古清水河水源地地下水允许开采量计算
3.The article mainly introduces the methods of excavating and construction measurement for 100 m high capped pier in 54 m inlaid rock deep base blasting for Qingshuihe creek bridge.本文重点介绍了清水河大桥百米高墩54m嵌岩深基爆破开挖和施工测量方法。

1.Distributed hydrological model based on DEM in Qingshui River Basin;基于DEM的清水河分布式水文模型
2.Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Qingshui River Plain,in Ningxia Province宁夏清水河平原中游地下水数值模拟
3.A study of the characteristics of groundwater circulation and the formation of bitter and saline groundwater in the Qingshuihe Basin in the southern Ningxia宁南清水河盆地地下水循环特征与苦咸水成因
4.An Analysis of Qingshuihe Water-Supply and Drainage Design and Construction of Qingshuihe Playing-with-water Square浅析清水河戏水广场给排水设计及施工
5.Calculation of groundwater allowable exploitation in water source region in Qingshuihe,Inner Mongolia内蒙古清水河水源地地下水允许开采量计算
6.The Study on Evaluation and Planning of Construction of New Countryside in Qingshuihe County;清水河县新农村建设评价与规划研究
7.Measures for construction quality control for subgrade of South Ring Road in Zhangjiakou City to South Bank of Yanghe River张家口市清水河滨河路南环至洋河南岸段工程路基施工质量控制
8.The river was clean and there were many old trees beside the river.河水清澈,河边有很多古老的树木。
9.The Inundation of the Yellow River and Henan Local Society in the Jiaqing-Daoguang Periods of Qing Dynasty;清嘉道年间黄河水患与河南地方社会
10.The Surface Water Pollution Investigation and Evalution of Yanhe River and Qingjianhe River延河、清涧河流域地表水污染调查评价
11.The trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water.沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。
12.Clear and Muddy Flows: Environmental Change and Special Features of the Water - Control of the Da Qing River Lower Reaches;清浊分流:环境变迁与清代大清河下游治水特点
13.This work will be done in the Bahe River, Qinghe River, Liangshuihe River, North-ring waterways and Wenyuhe River with a view to improving the water quality of the lower reaches of the city.继续实施市区坝河、清河、凉水河、北环水系和温榆河的综合整治,全面改善城市下游河流水质。
14.Development and application of a two-dimensional water quality model to the confluence of the Daqinghe River and Dianchi Lake滇池大清河河口二维水环境模型研究与应用
15.Nearby, the clear Wanquan River empties itself into the boundless Pacific Ocean.不远处,清清万泉河水流入浩瀚的太平洋。
16.There are white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.这里有白色的沙滩和清澈见底的河水。
17.Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。
18.Situation and Countermeasure of Water Pollution in Jinan Section of Xiaoqing River;小清河济南段水污染现状与防治对策

Qingshui River清水河
1.Ecological Renovation of Small Watershed in Rural-Urban Fringe of Developing City ——A Case From the Ecological Renovation in Qingshui River of Chengdu City;发展型城市城乡结合部小流域生态整治试点——以成都市清水河整治为例
2.An Analysis of the Image along Zhangjiakou Qingshui River;对张家口清水河两岸形象塑造的探析
3)Qingshuihe formation清水河组
1.A high production reservoir mainly controlled by lithology has been recently discovered in the Member 1 of the Qingshuihe Formation(K_1q_1)at the Shinan 31 Well in the central Junggar Basin.准噶尔盆地腹部的石南31井区,下白垩统清水河组一段为一个近期新发现的以岩性控制为主的高产油藏。
4)Qinghe reservoir清河水库
1.Application of flood classification forecast in flood control operation of Qinghe reservoir;洪水分类预报在清河水库防洪调度中的应用
2.Study on operation mode for flood control forecast in Qinghe reservoir;清河水库防洪预报调度方式的研究
3.Qinghe Reservoir Flood Forecasting and Flood Prevention Dispatch Engineering Research;清河水库洪水预报与防洪调度技术研究
5)Qingshuihe county清水河县
1.The Study on Evaluation and Planning of Construction of New Countryside in Qingshuihe County;清水河县新农村建设评价与规划研究
2.Study on the Problems of Adjusting the Agricultural Production Structure in Qingshuihe County of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古清水河县农业生产结构调整问题研究
6)Qingshui-river country清水河乡
