1.On the memory and record of history in ancient times;试析上古时期的历史记忆与历史记载
2.Yet the earliest record of translation was in Shang Dynasty,and there were translation organizations and translation staff up to Zhou Dynasty.我国是一个多民族不断融合的大国,从新石器时代开始,不同言语的各族群在交融分合中产生了言语翻译的需要,而最早的翻译记载是在商朝时,到周朝时已设有翻译机构和人员。
3.Historical annotation is the record and evaluation for the historical figures, the historical events and the activities of the human beings.历史注释是对历史人物、历史事件及所有人类历史活动的记载与评价,是人类历史活动主体在历史中注入其主体性与主观性的活动过程。

1.historical records, research历史记载、 研究.
2.The hieroglyphic code...据象形文字记载...
3.write [deliver] a eulogy of [on]...记载 [陈述] …的颂辞
4.aircraft loading table飞机装载表 -记载飞机装载品种和数量
5.a precise record of events对事件的准确的记载.
6.the coldest day on record.历史记载最冷的一天
7.We record history in books.我们将历史记载在书上。
8.Recorded descent from purebred stock.良种,有记载的纯种出身
9.Shen Gua (1031-1095) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) once wrote the following passage:北宋沈括(1031-1095)记载
10.the gospel of St John圣约翰所记载的福音
11.His achievements are worthy record.他的功绩是值得记载的。
12.It is recorded in ancient books.此事古书上曾有记载
13."Date:Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year."以日、月、年记载的时间.
14.According to records put down in Chinese literature,从历史文献记载来看,
15.in recorded history在有文字记载的历史上
16.dance inscribed on oracle bones甲骨文中的舞蹈记载
17.chronicle the growth of a town记载某个城镇的发展史
18.In recording, the rate of movement of the re-cording material past the reading or writing head.在记载技术中,记载资料经过读写头的活动速度。

1.Based on the survey and analysis of Chinese historical recordations about the Chinese northern minorities\' skiing activities and snow transportation,we can see that the skiing has been clearly noted in ancient documents since the 3rd century BC at the latest and this hunting means has been practiced up to the latter-day by the Chinese northern people.通过对文献中我国北方少数民族的滑雪及雪上交通有关的记载进行了梳理,可以看出,从公元前3世纪开始,滑雪已在我国文献中有了明确的记载
3)keep track of; keep record of记载;记录;登记
4)labeled vector标记载体
1.One selected clone with a promoter fragment was cloned into pIJ2925 and pBBR-MCS2,and then constructed the recombinant pIJGFP and labeled vector pBBRGFP.挑选其中一个阳性克隆 ,将启动子片断克隆到pIJ2 92 5和 pBBR -MCS2上构建成重组质粒 pIJGFP和广宿主标记载体pB BRGFP 。
5)recordation method记载方法
6)record of cargo货物记载
