1.Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers (CSR) have general and systemic influences on the structural design of VLCC.油船结构共同规范(CSR)对VLCC结构设计的影响是全面和系统的。

1.Buckling Assessment of Hull Shells Based on Common Structural Rules;基于结构共同规范的船体板屈曲分析
2.Calculation of Fatigue Damage Based on Common Structure Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers;基于双壳油船结构共同规范的疲劳损伤计算
3.Research on Direct Calculation of Yielding and Buckling Strength Based on CSR for Oil Tanker;基于油船结构共同规范的屈服与屈曲强度直接计算研究
4.Research on Direct Calculation of Yielding and Buckling Strength Based on CSR for Bulk Carriers;基于散货船结构共同规范的屈服与屈曲强度直接计算研究
5.Fatigue and Ultimate Strength Analysis Based on IACS CSR for Bulk Carriers;基于IACS散货船结构共同规范的疲劳强度与极限强度分析
6.Fatigue and Ultimate Strength Analysis Based on CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers;基于结构共同规范的油船疲劳强度与极限强度研究
7.Structural Strength Research Based on IACS CSR for Bulk Carriers;基于共同规范的散货船结构强度研究
8.Structual Optimize Design for Cargo Tank Region of Oil Tankers Based on Common Structural Rules;基于共同结构规范的油船货舱区结构优化设计
9.Study on Key Techniques of Structural Design Based on CSR for Bulk Carriers基于共同规范散货船结构设计关键技术研究
10.Common structural rule computation software CSR-SDP of China Classification Society中国船级社共同结构规范计算软件CSR-SDP
11.An Analysis on Hull Girder Shear Strength in Accordance with CSR满足油船共同结构规范的船体梁剪切强度分析
12.On Construction of Community of Knowledge:Rules and Structure;知识共同体的构建:基于规则与结构的探讨
13.Regulation in Private Law;私法内的管制——《劳动合同法》规范结构的初步整理
14.Code for design of machinery building structures机械工厂结构设计规范
15.Code for design of steel storage racks钢货架结构设计规范
16.Technical code for strengthening steel structures钢结构加固技术规范
17.Code for design of concrete structures混凝土结构设计规范
18.Reconsidering the Normative Structure of Science:A Thinking on the Questioning of Merton s Norms;论科学规范结构的重构——对默顿规范质疑的思考

common structure rules共同结构规范
1.Design of Capsize Bulk Carriers Based on Common Structure Rules;基于共同结构规范的好望角型散货船设计
2.Discussion on Application of the Common Structure Rules for Bulk Carriers散货船共同结构规范应用探讨
3)common structural rules共同结构规范
1.Structual Optimize Design for Cargo Tank Region of Oil Tankers Based on Common Structural Rules;基于共同结构规范的油船货舱区结构优化设计
2.This paper presents the technical background,characteristics and procedure of JTP common structural rules for double hull oil tankers,and its courses to be executed.首先阐述了双壳油船共同结构规范(以下简称“JTP”)建立的背景,技术发展的特点和路径,以及实施进程。
3.In order to improve the oil tankers' safety and unify the evaluation flow, IACS weaved a new regulation called "Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers".本文以50000DWT成品油/原油船结构设计为基础,应用油船共同结构规范(简称CSR)进行其结构设计,理清了CSR中的载荷计算思路,应用载荷计算方法计算了尾部主要构件载荷和尺寸的大小,计算出的构件尺寸与根据CCS钢规计算的尾部主要构件的尺寸进行了对比;根据CCS钢规计算了货舱区的构件尺寸,计算出的构件尺寸与50000DWT油船的货舱区的构件尺寸进行了对比。
4)Common Structure Rules For Bulk Carriers散货船共同结构规范
1.This paper introduces the finite element calculation of cargo hold structures of 30000 DWT Bulk Carrier, which meets the requirement of Common Structure Rules For Bulk Carriers by using MSC Patran/Nastran and ShipRight SDA.利用MSCPatran/Nastran和英国劳氏船级社(LR)的ShipRight SDA软件对30000 DWT散货船进行货舱段结构强度直接计算,使其满足散货船共同结构规范直接强度分析的要求。
2.The fatigue strength analysis of the connection between the inner bottom plate and the sloping plate of the lower stool of a 30 000 dwt bulk carrier is carried out,based on the hot spot stress method in Common Structure Rules for Bulk Carriers.基于散货船共同结构规范(CSRBC)的热点应力法,对一艘30000t级散货船内底板与底凳的斜板相交处进行了疲劳强度分析。
6)Common Structure Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers双壳油船结构共同规范
1.Calculation of Fatigue Damage Based on Common Structure Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers;基于双壳油船结构共同规范的疲劳损伤计算

钢结构结构施工质量验收规范GB50205-2001根据我部“关于印发《二OOO至二OO一年度工程建设国家标准制订、修订计划》的通知”(建标[2001]87号)的要求,由冶金工业部建筑研究总院会同有关单位共同修订的《钢结构结构施工质量验收规范》,经有关部门会审,批准为国家标准,编号为GB50205-2001自2002年3月1日起施行。其中,4.2.1、4.3.1、4.4.1 、5.2.2 、5.2.4 、6.3.1 、8.3.1 、10.3.4 、11.3.5 、12.3.4 、14.2.2 、14.3.3为强制性条文,必须严格执行。原《钢结构结构施工质量验收规范》GB50205-95和《钢结构结构施工质量检验评定标准》GB50221-95同时废止。本规范由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释,冶金工业部建筑研究总院负责具体技术内容的解释,建设部标准定额研究所组织中国计划出版社出版发行。详细内容 点击下载,解压密码:machine365.com下载声明:· 本站提供的所有资料 均来自互联网,资料的版权属于作者本人 。 · 本站提供的所有资料 只供个人学习用,不得非法出版、销售。