1.Study on preparation and tests of properties of porous concrete used for plant-growing;植生型多孔混凝土的制备和性能试验研究
2.Performance index and durability of eco-concrete cast on site for rivage-protecting and plant-growing;现浇护堤植生型生态混凝土性能指标及耐久性能
2)plant growth植物生长
1.A Study on the Environment of the Viadud Shadow and Its Influence on the Plant Growth;高架桥阴地绿化的环境及对植物生长的影响
2.Study on L-system based on fuzzy reasoning for the simulation of the virtual plant growth;基于模糊推理L-系统的植物生长模拟研究
3.Rhizosphere talk and its impacts on plant growth;根际对话及其对植物生长的影响

1.biometry of plant growth植物生长生物测定学
2.Of, relating to, or characteristic of plants or their growth.植物的;植物生长的属于、关于或具有植物或植物生长特征的
3.A plant or an animal that lives on or close to the ground.匍匐植物;矮生植物生长在地上或贴近地面生长的植物或动物
4.influence of the substrate to plant growth基质对植物生长的影响
5.vegetative soil能使植物生长的土壤
6.water content of inhibiting plant growth植物生长阻滞含水量
7.Fertilizers will accelerate the growth of plants.肥料能促进植物生长
8.CCC plant growth regulant矮壮素植物生长调节剂
9.most important conditions for the growth of plants植物生长的最重要条件
10.a disease that affects plants.影响植物生长的病症。
11.An indigenous plant or animal.土生土长的植物或动物
12.A plant, such as a fungus, growing within another plant.内生植物在另一株植物体内生长的植物,如真菌
13.To uproot and replant(a growing plant).移植挖起后重新种植(生长中的植物)
14.different in growth habits of plants植物的不同生长习性
15.Bamboo grows faster than any other plant.竹子是生长最快的植物。
16.the life cycles of plant species植物种生活周期的长短
17.To grow or sprout as a plant does.象植物那样生长或发育
18.a plant that grows from a bulb.由球根生长成的植物。

plant growth植物生长
1.A Study on the Environment of the Viadud Shadow and Its Influence on the Plant Growth;高架桥阴地绿化的环境及对植物生长的影响
2.Study on L-system based on fuzzy reasoning for the simulation of the virtual plant growth;基于模糊推理L-系统的植物生长模拟研究
3.Rhizosphere talk and its impacts on plant growth;根际对话及其对植物生长的影响
3)Terrestrial plant陆生植物
1.Terrestrial plant stable carbon isotope composition and global change.;陆生植物稳定碳同位素组成与全球变化
2.The study on the effect of terrestrial plants(Canna generalis and Rhoeo discolor)in different planting patterns repairing entropic water showed that the removal rates of TN,NO-3-N and NH+4-N in both Canna generalis and Rhoeo discolor\'s double biomass groups are significantly higher than the ones in their single biomass groups.研究了陆生植物美人蕉(Canna generalis)与紫背万年青(Rhoeo discolor)不同种植方式对净化富营养化水体中氮的影响。
1.Research on decontaminating pig farm anaerobic fermentative wastewater with hydrophyte;水生植物净化规模化猪场厌氧发酵水的试验研究
2.Decomposition rate and nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics of three kinds of hydrophyte in Lake Honghu.;洪湖三种水生植物的分解速率及氮、磷动态
3.Anaerobic fermentation of hydrophyte press filtrate;水生植物压滤液厌氧发酵条件试验
5)wild plants野生植物
1.Status Quo of China's State Priority Protected Wild Plants;中国国家重点保护野生植物现状
2.Space-time analysis on the national protected wild plants in Jiangxi Province;江西国家重点保护野生植物的时空分析
3.Investigation of wild plants resurce in Dezhou;德州市野生植物资源调查
6)aquatic plants水生植物
1.Response of the morphological and physiological characteristics of aquatic plants to long-term soaking in the process of constructed wetland wastewater treatment;人工湿地处理污水时水生植物形态和生理特性对污水长期浸泡的响应
2.Mechanisms of water restoration by aquatic plants and its influencing factors;水生植物水体修复机理及其影响因素
3.Selection and function of aquatic plants in constructed wetlands;人工湿地中水生植物的作用和选择
