钢索塔,steel pylon
1)steel pylon钢索塔
1.Local stress analysis on abnormal steel pylon of torch bridge;火炬桥异型钢索塔局部应力分析
2.Accuracy control techniques of vertical matching for curved steel pylons曲线形钢索塔立式匹配精度控制技术
3.The closing installation conditions of steel pylon cross beams have direct influence on the global geometric shape and geometric precision of the pylon.钢索塔横梁的合龙安装状况直接影响到钢索塔的整体线形和几何精度,横梁合龙安装及其接口的制孔,是钢索塔安装的两个重要环节,其工艺设计和技术措施是安装质量控制的重点工作。

1.Optimization of the Steel Pylon s Constitutions and Analysis of Pylon Style s Mechanics Characters;钢索塔构造优化与塔形力学特性分析
2.Accuracy control techniques of vertical matching for curved steel pylons曲线形钢索塔立式匹配精度控制技术
3.Study on the Key Technology of the Steel Pylon s Construction Survey of Super-huge Bridge;特大型桥梁钢索塔施工测量关键技术研究
4.Control Technique of Linear Form in the Steel Pylon of Nanjing Third Yangzi River Bridge Construction南京长江三桥钢索塔施工线形控制技术
5.Technology of the steel-pylon's process assembling survey of Nanjing Third Yangzi River Bridge南京长江三桥钢索塔现场拼装测量的关键技术
6.Design and Construction of Steel Tower and Stastic Nonlinear Analysis of Nanjing Yangzi 3RD Bridge;南京长江三桥钢索塔设计与施工及全桥几何非线性静力分析
7.The cables intersect the tower or pylon at different heights.钢索在桥塔或塔柱的不同高度上相交。
8.Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Stability for Middle Steel Tower of Triple-Tower Suspension Bridge三塔悬索桥钢中塔弹塑性稳定性分析
9.Design of Middle Steel Tower on Triple-Tower Suspension Bridge of Taizhou Yangtze River Bridge泰州长江大桥三塔悬索桥钢中塔设计
10.Measurement and Analysis for Cable Tension of Steel Arch Bridge钢管拱桥扣索塔缆索张力测试与分析
11.Also, workers tied strong steel cables around the structure.同时,工人们绕着塔系上了坚硬的钢索,
12.Cables and towers are small and, therefore, easy to fabricate and erect.钢索与塔柱均小,因此,易于制作与安装。
13.Analysis of 3D FEM and Stress Mechanism for Steel-concrete Anchor Region of Cable-stayed Bridge斜拉桥索塔钢混组合锚固区受力分析
14.Simplified Method about Tension Distributing between Steel Anchorage Box and Concrete Pylon Wall on the Anchorage Section of Pylon of Cable-stayed Bridge斜拉桥索塔钢锚箱与塔壁混凝土拉力分配简化分析
15.Calculation and Analysis for Transverse Arched Steel Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge and Detailed Stress Analyses of Anchorage on Pylon横向拱形钢塔斜拉桥全桥计算分析和索塔锚固详细应力分析
16.Research on Ultimate Load Capacity of Steel-Encased Concrete Tower of Suspension Bridge;外包钢板混凝土悬索桥桥塔极限承载力研究
17.Study on Anchor Zone of Steel-Concrete Composite Pylon of Cable Stayed Bridge;斜拉桥钢—混凝土组合结构索塔锚固区受力研究
18.Model Experiment Analysis on Steel Anchor Plate Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone钢锚板式索塔锚固区足尺模型试验研究

1.Technology of the steel-pylon's process assembling survey of Nanjing Third Yangzi River Bridge南京长江三桥钢索塔现场拼装测量的关键技术
2.Nanjing Third Yangtze River Bridge is the super-huge cable-stayed bridge in China which first applied in the construction of steel-pylon.南京长江三桥为我国首座采用钢索塔的特大型斜拉桥。
3.This paper focuses on the crucial survey technology applied in the construction of steel-pylon, and in combination with requirements of engineering practices some researches have been done in order to advance effective survey methods and measurements.本文针对南京长江第三大桥钢索塔施工中的测量关键技术,结合工程实际进行研究,以期提出行之有效的测量方法、措施。
3)steel-concrete composite pylon钢-混凝土组合索塔
1.Analysis of load transferring and distribution in anchorage zone of steel-concrete composite pylon under inclined cable forces;斜向索力下钢-混凝土组合索塔锚固区荷载传递与分配关系分析
4)steel tower of stay rope prestressing拉索预应力钢结构塔
5)cable tower索塔
1.Model test of the mechanical property of the cable tower of Liede Bridge and the theoretical analysis猎德大桥索塔力学性能模型试验及理论分析
2.The cable towers incline in axial direction and have angulated 70 degrees with ground line.湖北省孝襄高速公路孝南互通A、B匝道斜拉桥为独塔无背索弯坡斜拉桥,索塔在顺桥向倾斜与地面线成70°角,斜塔柱采用爬模爬架施工。
3.According to the concrete structure of cable towers of Great Donghai Bridge,authors state construction methods of climbing scaffoldings used in construction of cable towers,and introduce winter construction situation of marine concrete of cable towers.以东海大桥索塔混凝土结构为背景,介绍了索塔施工爬升排架施工工艺以及索塔海工混凝土冬季施工情况。
1.Experimental Study on Tension Control of Double U Tendons in Anchorage Zone of Cable-stayed Bridge Pylon;斜拉桥索塔锚固区双层U形预应力束的张拉控制试验研究
2.Study of optimal arrangement of prestressed tendonsin pylon for cable-stayed bridge;斜拉桥预应力索塔优化布束方式研究
3.Construction Survey of Pylons and Main Girders of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan;武汉长江二桥索塔与主梁的施工测量
