1.2 in Shanghai,and the dislocation of the shield segments in the jacking process is surveyed on the spot.随着盾构法隧道施工技术的发展和众多问题的解决,管片错台引起的管片开裂、拼装困难和防水隐患等问题对施工和运营的影响日益凸显。
2.With the shield tunnel construction technology development and standardization of the requirements, segments floating and dislocation caused the cracking of the segments, assembled difficultie.随着盾构隧道日益广泛的应用,盾构管片的上浮和错台问题越来越受到工程界的关注。

1.To make an error, especially to forget or botch one's lines.忘词尤指犯了忘记或说错台词的错误
2.Primary Exploration on Control of TBM Segment Displacement under Construction in the TunnelTBM施工中管片接缝错台控制措施初探
3."Deposed" - that's it, is it?‘下台’——没错吧?
4.To forget or botch(one's lines).忘记或说错了(台词)
5.parity error奇偶错误,[台]同位误差
6.The actress fluffed her lines.那女演员念错了台词。
7.An error, especially in the delivery of lines, as by an actor or announcer.失误尤指如演员或报幕员的台词错误
8.They're good ones, too. In the grandstand.票的位子也不错,在正面看台。
9.The judge had made a terrible bluder, so he had to step down.法官犯了大错,所以他只好下台。
10."Check this remote installation server for errors"检查这台远程安装服务器是否有错误
11.a blunder (especially an actor's forgetting the lines).一种错误(特别是演员忘记台词)。
12.Taiwan is a complex of intricate relationships.台湾是个各种关系错综复杂的地方。
13.That mistake will hasten his downfall.那个错误将加速他的垮台。
14.Visit Nanning from my balcony, the scenery is beatiful.从阳台看南宁,觉得风景还算不错的。
15.China yesterday urged the United States not to send the wrong signal to Taiwan separatists by selling missiles to the island.中国昨天力劝美国不要买给台湾导弹,给台湾分裂主义错误的信号.
16.Ward console and Enhanced Ward console have had their icons swapped, as they were not correct.防御控制台和加强型防御控制台的图标对换了,错误显示。
17.Error starting console to run external program.启动控制台以运行外部程序时出现错误。
18.Ellen acted well on the stage, but she failed her screen test.埃伦的舞台演技很不错,但是试镜头时不合格。

altitude difference错台
1.This is a special type of tunnel because the altitude of two tunnels is different which is called altitude difference.主要对小间距隧道在洞口偏压和两个洞口有错台的情况下进行施工动态监测和平面数值模拟分析。
1.The species was found by the authors from the Late Pleistocene flora in Taicuo Lake, Ritu County, Northwest Xizang(Tibet).是在研究西藏西北部日土县台错古湖剖面沉积物中硅藻植物群时发现的 ,剖面沉积物中保存了非常丰富的硅藻化石 ,Cymbella taicuonensis就是这些硅藻化石中的一个新化石种。
4)longitudinal joint dislocation纵缝错台
1.On the prevent steps of rigid pavement longitudinal joint dislocation;浅谈对刚性路面纵缝错台的预防措施
5)dislocation of duct piece管片错台
1.In this article, authors analyze the interaction between the shield machine and duct pieces, study the dislocation of duct pieces and concrete crack problems caused by in-coordination between the attitude of shield machine and the trend of lining structure, and provide some advice.从分析盾构机与管片相互作用入手,研究了盾构机姿态与衬砌走向不协调导致管片错台及混凝土开裂问题,并给出一些相关建议。
6)Dahyab Tso(Taicuo) of Tibet西藏台错
