1.Approach to Problems of Aesthetic Design of Interchange;初论道路立交美学设计问题
2.The calculated method of vehicle\'s pollution emission of interchange based on geometric alignment was put forward and it was verified by practical example.以机动车在匝道上的行驶速度为纽带,通过建立车速与匝道长度、机动车污染排放与车速之间的关系,推导出了机动车污染排放与匝道长度的关系,利用积分的方法对匝道变速运动段机动车污染排放进行了计算,提出了基于几何线形的道路立交处机动车污染排放计算方法,并通过算例进行了验证。

1.Diamond-shaped road interchange. Use the right-click menu to change road thickness.菱形道路立交桥。使用右击菜单可更改道路宽窄。
2.Traffic pollution evaluation model of segment of road iterchange based on extenics基于可拓的道路立交部交通污染评价模型
3.limited access highway高速公路,(部分立体交叉的)快速干道
4.Pedestrian Overpass Site Selection on Urban Road;城市道路行人过街立交设施选址研究
5.Explore on the System of After-legislation Evaluation of "People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law"《道路交通安全法》立法后评估制度初探
6.Design of Tongjiang Avenue Interchange in Inner Ring Expressway of Wuxi City无锡市内环快速路通江大道立交设计
7.Study on Analysis and Evaluation of Road Traffic Pollution about Interchange;道路立体交叉交通污染分析与评价研究
8.Cloverleaf exchange. Use the right-click menu to change road thickness.四叶型立交桥。使用右击菜单可更改道路宽窄。
9.Road Traffic Volume Forecast Based on Wavelet and Fourier Transform基于小波和傅立叶变换的道路交通量预测研究
10.We should leave the motorway at the next interchange.我们应该在下一个立体交叉道驶离高速公路。
11.Research on the Legislative Issues Involved in Socialized Management of Road Traffic Safety;道路交通安全管理社会化立法问题研究
12.The Establishment of Road Network Database with Traffic Steering Information;加入交通转向信息的道路网络数据库的建立
13.Elementary Discussion on Construction Design of Elevated Road Underpassing Existing Railway by Jacking Process浅谈下穿既有铁路立交道顶进法施工设计
14.The two countries established formal diplomatic relation, which paved the way for the further communication.两国正式建立了外交关系,从而为双方进一步的交流铺平了道路。
15.TEDA has set up noise monitoring apparatus at main crossroads.天津开发区在主要路口建立了道路交通噪声监测装置。
16.Question 1: Is the railway and surrounding roads area planned to build an overpass, can the planning scheme be provided?铁路与周边道路是否已有立交桥的规划方案,能否提供?
17.The second is switching: equipment that allows a path to be established, or routed, and rerouted.第二是交换,即让通道建立起来的设备,也即建立路由和重新建立路由。
18.A place at which roads, lines, or tracks intersect;an intersection.交叉路口公路、铁路或道路交叉的地点;交叉路口

segment of road interchange道路立交部
1.To valuate the traffic pollution quantitatively of the segment of road interchange,twelve indexes of three categories including equivalent air pollution,equivalent noise pollution and influence coefficient were studied by using the theory and method of extenics,then a traffic pollution evaluation model of the road interchange was established.为了定量评价道路立交部的交通污染状况,根据可拓学的理论和方法,选取当量空气污染、当量噪声污染、影响系数共3大类12个指标,建立了基于可拓的道路立交部交通污染评价模型。
3)road split overpass道路分离式立交
4)road interchange道路互通式立交
1.Practical method for comprehensive evaluation of road interchange project;道路互通式立交方案综合评价实用方法
5)assessement of urban interchange道路立交评估
6)urban interchange城市道路立交
1.On conceptual design of urban interchange;浅谈城市道路立交的方案设计

合肥五里墩立交桥位于合肥市区西部,在长江西路、屯溪路、合作化路的会合处,距离市中心2.6公里,是安徽省第一座高标准公路立交桥,成为合肥市一环路上的壮丽景观。这座立交桥分地上三层.地下一层,桥梁面积4万平方米,占地8.9公顷。为双“y”定向式加环型匝道的四层互通式立交,分五个交叉道向四周辐射,解决了17个流向的交通。 整座桥梁设计新颖高雅,造型美观流畅,功能合理完善,气势雄伟壮观。 最高一层的高梁桥,距底层路面高达21米,长11oo多米。整个桥梁纵横交接, 四通八达如十几条巨龙翻江倒海,给人以美的动感。五里场立交桥投资2亿多元,如今它已成为合肥市乃至安徽省增光添彩的“树形象工程”,也是合肥市迈向现代化大城市的一个重要标志。