深潜救生艇,deep submergence rescue vehicle
1)deep submergence rescue vehicle深潜救生艇
1.Supervisory control of deep submergence rescue vehicle s mating process;深潜救生艇对接过程的监督控制
2.Research on Control of Dynamical Position System for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle;深潜救生艇动力定位系统控制方法研究
3.Key technologies research on launching and recovering device of deep submergence rescue vehicle深潜救生艇收放装置关键技术研究

1.deep submergence rescue vehicle深潜救生艇深水救助船
2.Research on Multi-manipulators Interfacing Apparatus of Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle;深潜救生艇多机械手对接装置的研究
3.The Hydraulic Control System of DSRV Interfacing Manipulators深潜救生艇对接机械手的液压控制系统
4.DSRV Underwater Interfacing Manipulator and Its Control System深潜救生艇水下对接机械手及其控制系统
6.Research on Control of Dynamical Position System for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle;深潜救生艇动力定位系统控制方法研究
7.Research on Automatic Mating Process for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle;深潜救生艇自动对接过程控制方法研究
8.A Research on Formal Safety Assessment for DSRV s Joint and Its Engineering System;深潜救生艇对口救生作业的综合安全评估方法研究
9.Research on Virtual Prototype and Simulation System for Interfacing Apparatus of DSRV深潜救生艇对接装置虚拟样机及仿真系统的研究
10.Research on Control Technology of Automatic Mating Process for DSRV with a Gradient Skirt安装有斜裙的深潜救生艇自动对接控制方法研究
11.Structure design and carrying capacity analysis of mating skirt on the DSRV深潜救生艇对接转裙的结构设计及承载能力分析
12.The virtual prototype for interfacing apparatus of DSRV has been built and the interfacing process has been done in this paper.本文建立了深潜救生艇水下主动对接装置的虚拟样机,并进行了虚拟样机的对接仿真。
13.submarine escape immersion equipment潜艇逃生与沉水救援设备
14.deep submergence search vessel深海潜水船深潜搜索艇
15.emergency lifeboat应急救生艇值勤救生艇
16.line that raises or lowers a deep-sea diver.一种沉下或拉上深水潜水员的救生索。
17.Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开
18.Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say.挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开。  

1.Structure design and carrying capacity analysis of mating skirt on the DSRV深潜救生艇对接转裙的结构设计及承载能力分析
2.The current situation of deep submergence rescue vehicles(DSRV) is reviewed,the methods of DSRV rescuing distressed submarines are analyzed,and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.综述国内外深潜救生艇的发展现状,分析深潜救生艇援救失事潜艇的方法及其优缺点,得出结论:母潜艇驮载深潜救生艇水下援潜救生模式是最佳选择。
3.This paper introduces the experimental platform used for the docking system of DSRV.以深潜救生艇六自由度动力定位技术为背景,本文设计了一个深潜救生艇对接实验平台。
3)Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV)深潜救生艇
1.A multi-DOF movement system was designed and a control strategy was proposed according to the requirement of mating process with Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV).从深潜救生艇(DSRV)实施对接的实际需求出发,设计了一个多自由度运动系统,提出了DSRV的实施救生的控制策略,并利用该系统,结合虚拟现实技术进行深潜救生艇与失事潜艇对接过程的模拟,通过仿真试验验证了台架的实用性和系统的有效性,为潜救作业中各项关键技术研究提供了一个有效的试验平台。
2.This paper is based on ability of Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) in six-freedom dynamic positioning , and by means of hybrid dynamical system (HDS) theory and eight whirling fluid sensors which are fixed on the skirt rim of the DSRV instead of four manipulators.本文以六自由度深潜器所具有的动力定位功能为基础,在将深潜器救生裙口处安装的四只机械手改换成八个涡流传感器之后,运用混杂系统动态理论探讨了深潜救生艇裙口与失事艇救生平台自动对接过程中的预测控制和离散控制问题。
4)deep submergence rescue vehicle(DSRV)深潜救生艇(DSRV)
5)deep submergence rescue vehicle深潜救生艇深水救助船
6)submarine lifesaving潜艇救生
1.Aimed at the effective action and pressure stability of watertight switch in submarine lifesaving appliance, the paper presents operating principle of Hall Bearing-press watertight switch and its corresponding electrical technical parameter in terms of Hall effect.本文针对潜艇救生设备中的水下开关的有效动作和水密承压稳定性问题,从霍尔效应入手,阐述了霍尔承压水密开关的制作原理和相应的电气设备的技术参数。
2.Aimed at the effective sense and detection of the water level signal in submarine lifesaving appliance, the author elaborates the operating principle of Hall water level signal sensor and its corresponding electrical technical parameter in terms of Hall effect.本文针对潜艇救生设备中的水位信号的有效传感与检测问题,从霍尔效应入手,阐述了霍尔水位信号传感器的制作原理和相应的电气设备的技术参数。

救生艇救生艇lifeboat )iushengting救生艇(li feboat)舰船乘员用于弃船自救或援救海难人员的专用小艇。长度不小于5米,采用桨、帆、机械或机器推进,额定乘员60一100人,有的超过100人。1974年《国际海上人命安全公约》和《海船救生设备规范》对船舶上救生艇的配备、额定乘员、强度、浮性、稳性和抗沉性等均有严格规定并要求在紧急情况一{很口刻可用按结构材料,分为木质救生艇、金属救生艇和玻璃钢救生艇;按结构形式,分为升敞式救生艇、封闭式救生艇和全封闭式救生艇。开敞式救生艇,没有固定棚盖,便于遇险人员迅速登乘,一般传统的救生艇均属此类;封闭式救生艇,装有免受风吹、日晒和雨淋的棚盖;全封闭式救生艇,通常配置在油船上,有耐火艇体和固定的封闭棚盖,防止烟火和热气进人艇内,棚盖上设有喷水冷却系统,内部装有自备供氧系统,保证在火焰完全包围晴况下能持续安全航行8分钟以上。救生艇内通常装有淡水、食品、急救药品、救生电台和救生信号等属具,以便乘员在海上逗留待救。艇体涂以橙黄色,艇首用黑漆标明所属舰船名和艇号,艇尾标明船籍港,便干援救船舶或飞机发现和识别。平时固定在救生甲板的吊放设备上,便于人员登艇、降至水面和安全驶离母船。(陆儒德)