1.The results by landsonar method and acoustic wave measurement method with boreholes are compared,which shows that they are consistent.陆地声纳法在浅层勘查、隧道地质预报等方面已有大量应用,它可用锤击震源在隧道壁测量围岩松弛带的深度,经与双孔对穿声波测量法对比,二者所测结果相符。

1.Application of the land sonar method in tunnel defective geological advanced prediction陆地声纳法在隧道不良地质超前预报中的应用
2.Speaking of finding enemy submarines, sonar works underwater similar to the way that radar works above land.讲讲搜寻敌人的潜艇,声纳在水下工作就好像雷达在陆地上工作。
3.GLORIA (Geological Long LORIA Range Inclined Asdic)地质用远程斜向声纳
4.A hail on the land side.从陆地方向传来了一声呼唤。
5.and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it touched down.待飞机一着陆,就马上不声不响地离开飞机。
6.Application of Flexural Vibration Ultrasonic Sensors to Autonomous Land Vehicle弯曲振动超声换能器在陆地自主车上的应用
7.Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic lacustrine fault basin, and pre-Mesozoic constitutes its basement.银根-额济纳旗盆地是中新生界陆相盆地,前中生界构成盆地基底。
8.We may assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds correspond closely to these with which we are familiar on land.我们可以假定水下声音和陆地上我们熟悉的声音含意相似。
9.side-scan surface sonar with a parametric profilograph装有参量剖面测量仪的侧扫地表声纳
10.A statement of taxable goods or of properties subject to duty.申报纳税品或房地产上税的声明
11.Research on Key Technologies of Positioning System Based on Multistatic Sonar基于多基地声纳定位的关键技术研究
12.Scattering Cell Division and Modeling for Bottom Reverberation in Bistatic Sonar双基地声纳海底混响面元划分与建模
13.Bistatic Sonar Algorithms Based on Geometrical Dilution of Precision基于GDOP定位误差的双基地声纳算法
14.A deployment algorithm of multistatic sonar for surveillance mode警戒模式下多基地声纳配置方法研究
15.A Localization Algorithm with Combined Subsets for Multistatic Sonar System一种多基地声纳的联合估计定位算法
16.In scenario5, there was not enough water area for the ships. The land was to be cut back and a few ships deleted.场景5,没有足够的水面容纳船只。陆地应该缩进一些,删掉点船。
17.In 1820, US Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer discovered the frozen continent of Antarctica.1820年美国船长纳撒尼尔发现了南极州冰栋的陆地。
18.When planes fly low over the land, the very loud sounds can cause damage to houses. Very loud sounds can even make people deaf.飞机在陆地上低飞时,其剧烈的响声会引起房屋损坏,甚至使人耳聋。

1.By making use of integrated data interpretation of land-sonar method and differential electrical sounding method, we can effectively distinguish velocity and thickness of lower-velocity layer and low-velocity layer zone.利用陆地声纳法与微分电测深法 ,可有效地划分出低速带、降速带的厚度和速度 ,其结果与微地震测井成果吻合。
3)loose stratum陆地声纳法
1.In this paper a project example measuring the depth of loose stratum is introduced.介绍了在某工程中将陆地声纳法作为主要方法结合超声波法测量松弛带厚度的一个实例。
5)bistatic sonar双基地声纳
1.On low-frequency scattering characteristics of objects for bistatic sonar;双基地声纳目标低频散射特性研究
2.Real-time monitoring system of water depth based on bistatic sonar in harbor channel基于双基地声纳的港口航道水深实时监测系统
3.A data fusion algorithm for bistatic sonar based on vector transducer基于矢量传感器的双基地声纳数据融合
6)Multistatic sonar多基地声纳
1.Because of the separable resource and receiver, multistatic sonar has many special character in underwater target detection and localization.双、多基地声纳由于其收发设备分置,因而在水下目标的检测和定位方面,具有很多独特的优点。
2.Because of the separable resource and receiver, multistatic sonar has many special characters in underwater target detection and localization.多站址综合检测系统(双、多基地声纳)由于其收发设备分置,因而在水下目标的检测和定位方面,具有很多独特的优点。
3.Because of the separable resource and receiver, multistatic sonar inherits advantages of active sonar many special advantages in underwater target detection and localization, such as target independent, known signal wave form shape, also keep the characteristic of passive sonar, such as good stealthiness,, long operating range.而多基地声纳由于其收发设备分置,既具有主动声纳工作不依赖于目标状态、信号波形已知等优点,也具有被动声纳隐蔽性好的优点,还增大了作用距离。

海岸声纳  设置在近岸海域的固定式声纳。是海岸防潜警戒系统的主要水中探测设备。由水听器基阵、海底电缆、岸上电子设备和电源等组成。用于海峡、基地、港口、航道和近海水域对潜警戒,并引导岸基或海上的反潜兵力实施对潜攻击。海岸声纳的工作方式有主动式和被动式两种,通常以被动式为主。当基阵接收到潜艇的噪声或回声信号时,把它转换成电信号,通过海底电缆传送到岸上的电子设备,经处理后供显示和收听,并将目标数据传送给海岸防潜作战指挥系统。海岸声纳被动式探测距离为20~30海里,最大可达70海里。海岸声纳主动式利用布放在深海声道中的基阵,接收由反潜飞机或舰艇投掷的水声信号弹的爆炸声波碰到潜艇反射的回声,探测距离可达100海里。海岸声纳的隐蔽性好,探测距离较远,但其基阵体积庞大,海上安装和维修困难,其性能易受水文气象条件和底质的影响。    随着核动力战略导弹潜艇的出现,需要增大防潜警戒系统的纵深,发展了由海岸声纳、锚系声纳浮标和深海基阵组成的水下区域性对潜监视系统;20世纪80年代,又进一步向全球性的全时对潜监视跟踪系统的方向发展。