1.Analysis on the Tidewater Characteristics of Shipwreck;海难事故潮水特征分析——以如东“4.15”为例
2.By analyzing the situation and causes of the shipwreck in the world, the preventing measures in the beginning and during the voyage are put forward in this paper.通过分析世界海难事故的现状和产生的原因,提出了在开航前和航行中预防发生海难事故的对策。

1.An Analysis on the two casualties in BO HAI within one day.渤海一天两起海难事故的惨痛教训之探讨
2.Discussion on some issues relating to life-saving emergency drill through lessons learned from several maritime casualties从几起海难事故看船舶应急演习的问题
3.Swindlers can also, by taking advantage of natural calamities such as storm and submerged reefs, forge and reported sea accidents.诈骗分子也可能利用风暴、暗礁等自然灾害,伪造和谎报海难事故
4.International Maritime Organization established international Safety Management( ISM) Code, which was compelling, for preventing and decreasing shipwreck.国际安全管理(SM)则是国际海事组织为预防和减少船舶海难事故而制定的强制性规则。
5.He had been on a whaling voyage in the Arctic, once - a voyage that was to have been for three years and which had terminated in shipwreck at the end of six months.他曾在北极作过捕鲸航行。原打算去三年的,因为出了海难事故三个月就结束了。
6.But Hafetz persisted: " Isn't it true that you concocted a story, in the vernacular, to cover your derriere?"可是海法兹并不放松:“你难道没有编造一个故事,常言道,以图自保吗?”
7.a fishy story一个难以相信的故事
8.tall story [ tale ]令人难以相信的故事
9.There are many shipwrecks in these waters.在这些海域多海难事件。
10.Under all marine risk , recoverable loss will be confined to those arise from peril of sea and maritime accident only .抽保一切海洋运输货物险,其损失的赔偿仅限于因海上灾难和海运意外事故所造成的损失。
11.Discussion on Accident Law in maritime management considering the calamity in the Red Sea从红海海难看海事管理中的“海恩法则”
12.Old sailors like to spin yarns.老海员们喜欢讲故事。
13.Maritime Traffic Accident Report海上交通事故报告书
14.multilateral agreement for the prevention of incidents at sea防止海上事故多边协定
15.The scene is laid in Hainan.故事发生在海南岛。
16.His story has a flavo(u)r of the sea.他的故事具有大海风情。
17.The bottom of the sea, as personified in songs and stories.海神,海妖海底,在歌曲和故事中拟人化
18."Davy Jones:The bottom of the sea, as personified in songs and stories.""海神,海妖:海底,在歌曲和故事中拟人化."

maritime accident海难事故
1.Practical research on the grey incidence analysis of world maritime accidents;灰色关联分析在海难事故中的应用研究
2.0 on implementation of maritime accident through analyzing function and designing module,in order to learn from the former and help navigating safely.鉴于海难事故多发的现状,通过分析功能,设计模块,完成了一套基于SQL Sever数据库和Delphi 6。
3)accident disaster事故灾难
1.It is of great importance to establish the emergency system against accident disaster for coal corporations,which should cover three aspects: the duties of the headship,the equipment for emergency,and the plan for disaster treatment.煤矿企业事故灾难应急机制的建立具有非常重要和迫切的意义。
2.It is important to construct the scientific, systemic and highly efficient emergency management system of accident disaster, which can improve emergency management, effectively reduce and get rid of the disadvantageous situation, and ensure safety work.构建科学、系统、高效的事故灾难应急管理系统对提高应急管理水平,有效地降低和摆脱由事故灾难带来的不利局面,保障安全生产具有十分重要的意义。
4)mass casualty and disaster events灾难事故
1.The role dental profession can play in mass casualty and disaster events;口腔医学专业在灾难事故中的工作和目标
5)Dilemma stories两难故事
6)maritime accident海事事故
1.This article introduces SHEL model,and uses it to analyze one maritime accident in order to prevent such similar maritime accidents happen again or reduce accident losses.介绍SHEL模式,分析发生在江苏某水域的海事事故,以避免类似海事事故的发生或减少事故损失。
