1.Objective To verify validity of the increase in adaptability of blood redistribution in human body with repeated body position change training and to find preferable training method for increasing astronaut′s adaptability of blood redistribution.目的检验反复体位改变训练在提高人体对血液重新分布适应性方面的有效性 ,寻找可行的训练方法。
2.There are so many questions about stop log in engineering,In this paper explored these questions,from experiments and theory find out the reasons why the upper half and lower half of the stop log does not slip relatively,the leading cause is the redistribution of normal stress.工程中存在着大量的叠梁问题,本文对简支叠梁进行了探索研究,从实验观察和理论分析两方面得出叠梁上下部分不产生相对滑动的原因,主要是梁上的正应力重新分布的结果。

1.redistribute the troops more strategically.在战略上重新分布军队。
2.Dynamic Characteristics of Nonsteady Flows with Phase Redistribution in Double Porous Media and Fractal Reservoir考虑相重新分布的双重介质分形油藏不稳定渗流压力动态特征
3.Uranium has been redistributed by biological processes as well as in the sedimentary cycle.由于生物作用,以及沉积旋回,铀发生重新分布
4.The redistributed charges set up an electric field of their own, which partially cancels the external field.重新分布的电荷会建立自己的电场,并且部份抵消了外加的电场。
5.The redistribution of fiber architecture correlated with infarct size and left ventricular function.纤维组织的重新分布于梗死的面积和左心室的功能相一致。
6.Our older mountain ranges are gradually being worn away and their mass redistributed over the earth.古老的山脉正在逐渐磨损,其质量重新分布在地球上。
7.Expression of GLAST and GS were increased on 1 d and 3 d respectively after normal saline induced acute intraocular hypertension and decreased gradually.GLAST和GS在存活1d和3d时表达上调然后下调,GS还存在重新分布
8.Relocation of syngenetic uranium may explain a characteristic feature of the deposits.同生铀的重新分布可以用来解释矿床的一个典型特征。
9.It means organize or arrange differently.也就是:重新整理,重新安排,或重新布置.
10.Development of Research on Ruin Probabilities of Heavy-tailed Distribution;重尾分布破产概率研究的最新进展综述
11.To change the arrangement of.重新整理改变对……的布置
12.She reorganized the room.她重新布置了房间。
13.Napoleon declared the order dissolved in 1809 and redistributed most of its remaining lands.1809年拿破仑宣布解散该团,并重新分配其占有的土地。
14.!!Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, evenly distributed (changes on recalculation)!!!返回大于或等于0且小于1的平均分布随机数(依重新计算而变)!
15.Each state is headed by a governor .1994年2月颁布的宪法政令重新把全国划分为26个州。
16.Distribution of Enterprise Residual Rights:a New Perspective Based on Stakeholder Theory;企业剩余权的分布:基于利益相关者理论的重新思考
17.A New Method for Power Quality Disturbance Detection Based on Rearranged Bilinear Time-Frequency Distribution一种基于重排二次型时频分布的电能质量检测新方法
18.Spatial Structure and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils from Pudong of Shanghai上海浦东新区农田土壤重金属空间结构及分布特征

xenon redistribution氙重新分布
3)Carving and Distribution Again分割与重新分布
4)electric field redistribution电场重新分布
5)Compressive stress redistribution压应力重新分布
6)redistributed power能量重新分布

Pro/E 工程图的重新生成· 1.5.1. 重新生成视图及视图(Regenerating Views and Drawings )重新生成工程图,不仅仅重画视图,而是对模型进行整体的“再生”,即重新计算模型的每个尺寸,然后再“重画”一回视图。而选择“REDRAW按钮,并不能重新生成模型。如果在视图中,你添加的尺寸(使用create-dimension命令),这些尺寸均被成为“driven dimensions”,即被驱动的尺寸,当模型的尺寸改变时,这些尺寸或自动改变。因此,我们只有使用Regenerate命令,才能更新这些尺寸· 1.5.2 重新生成视图Regenerating a View在菜单view-regen view中,并且和config的选项“auto_regen_views.”一起使用:· 1.5.3 关于config的选项“auto_regen_views.”>>见配置文件config.pro· 1.5.4 在修改模型后重新生成工程图 Regenerate a Drawing View After Making a Change to the Model选择菜单:View > Regen View ;选择视图,选择done sel,或选择菜单View > Regen View > All Sheets或使用菜单:regenerate-model· 1.5.5 重新生成模型尺寸使用菜单regenerate-model或regenerate-draft