1.The rational length of auxiliary lane and channelization of urban expressway exit have an important role to increase the exit capacity and decrease the influence to expressway traffic flow from exit.城市快速路出口附加车道及其渠化长度的合理设置,对于提高出口通行能力和减少出口对快速路交通流的影响具有重要的意义。
2.Through the example of an intersection in Zhuzhou City the paper introduces a channelization method how to make the plane curve of the skew intersection of the urban road, how to set the channelization island and turn lanes so that the capacity at the intersection matches with the capacity of the road sector.本文通过株洲市的一个交叉口实例 ,介绍了如何对城市道路斜交路口作平曲线、设导流岛和转弯车道的一种渠化方法 ,使交叉口的通行能力与路段通行能力相匹
3.To solve the problem, the intersections channelization and signal setting were discussed, the designing principle and procedure were put forward with an example.在阐述了中小城市交通特点的基础上,就这类城市平面交叉口在渠化设计和信号灯配时等方面所存在的问题进行了分析。

1.Code for geologic investigation in canalization engineering渠化工程地质勘察规范
2.Code for design of general layout of junctions in canalization engineering渠化工程枢纽总体布置设计规范
3.Prediction of Water Quality and Calculation of Pollutants Concentration Near Banks at a Canalized River渠化河道水质预测及其岸边浓度计算
4.Marketing Channel Conflict Management: The Impact of Culture on Channel Communication;营销渠道冲突管理:文化对渠道沟通的影响
5.Discuss about the Irrigation System Changes on the Jing River in Tang Dynasty and the Increased Benefits;论唐代引泾灌渠的渠系变化与效益增加
6.The reason why the region is comparatively speaking more advanced in cultural development lies in the existence of a vast network of canals.宁夏的文化繁荣,全赖渠水维系。
7.3. Promote Operational Innovation and Multi-Channel Fund-Raising(三)强化运作创新,多渠道筹措资金
8.Establish and optimize on-line/off-line hiring channel.建立和优化在线/离线的招聘渠道。
9.A Study on Water Dispatching and the Optimization in Jinghui Irrigation Area;泾惠渠灌区供水调度与优化配置研究
10.The Discussion of Optimal Allocation of Water Resource of Dujiangyan Irrigation System Canal Head;都江堰灌区渠首水资源优化配置研究
11.Study on the Informatization of Channel Management for Mobile Operators;移动通信运营商渠道管理信息化研究
12.Marketing Channels Research of TRT Cosmetics;北京同仁堂TRT化妆品营销渠道研究
13.Research on Integrating and Optimizing the Marketing Channels of CNC Shandong Branch;山东网通营销渠道体系整合优化研究
14.Research on Marketing Channel of Guangzhou Oklusy Cosmetic Co.,LTD.;广州Oklusy化妆品公司营销渠道研究
15.Research on the Sales Channels Management of Shunkai Chemical Group Co.of Shanghai;上海舜凯化工有限公司分销渠道研究
16.The Study of Marketing Channel of Future Cultural Co., Ltd;未来文化发展有限公司营销渠道研究
17.Research on Marketing Channel of Sichuan Guoguang Agrochemical Co.,Ltd;四川国光农化有限公司营销渠道研究
18.Analysis of Optimization Channel Profit under Vendor Managed Inventory;供应商管理库存的渠道利润优化分析

1.Along with construction and circulation of the Jialingjiang River canalization project junctions, how to appropriatly solve the disadvantageous influence of canalization project construction, is an important and urgent lesson that faces the channel management dept.随着嘉陵江渠化工程枢纽的建设、运行 ,如何妥善解决好因渠化工程施工带来的不利影响 ,是航道管理部门面临的一个重要而紧迫的课题。
2.Lianjiang River canalization has experienced a long history.连江渠化过程历史悠久 ,西牛航运枢纽是连江全线渠化工程规划中的最后一座未建航运梯级 ,其建设条件优越 ,建成后综合效益显著 ,具有重要的跨时代意义。
3.The canalization and regulation engineering of Lianjiang River, comprehensive utilization of water resources and benefit obtained, as well as the experience and lessons drawn are expounded.阐述连江多年来的渠化、整治工程,连江水资源的综合利用及取得的效益和经验教训。
1.It is important to review the factors which affected traffic safety of intersections,and to study the improvement design on traffic safety,including the channellization,pedestrian safety,traffic control etc,and illuminating the feasibility with examples.通过对影响平面交叉口安全的相关因素分析,就渠化、行人过街安全、交通控制等方面进行探讨,并以具体工程实例说明其可行性,具有重要的现实意义。
2.The practice of plane channellization at Xiahe Rd/Wenzao Intersection, Xianmen, is exampled.本文以厦门市厦禾路文灶交叉口平面渠化为实例叙述了交叉口平面渠化的一般步骤和方法,并对渠化前后交叉口通行能力和车辆平均延误水平进行了分析。
1.Taking Binhai Dadao-Longkun North Road intersection of Hainan Province as an exam- ple, the design of the expanded, channeled, two-phase, traffic-light-controlled intersection is put forword.以海口市滨海大道─龙昆北路交叉口为例对交叉口的设计进行探索,提出二相位灯控展宽渠化交叉口方案。
1.This paper refered to varied channeling measures at home and abroad,especially in the design of strip waiting for vehicle and channeling island.综合国内外渠化方法,特别是在公路等车带、渠化岛的设计中,根据叉口处行车轨迹及标线,提出了等车带及渠化岛几何尺寸的计算方法,该方法结合公路等级及设计速度,在叉口处合理设计渐变段,达到车道轨迹顺适性的目的。
2.The general principles,common measures and reforming steps of Y-intersection channeling are brought about.探讨了Y型交叉口的交通流特点,分析了Y型交叉口通行能力的影响因素,提出交通渠化的一般性原则和常用的渠化措施及其实施步骤,用某交叉口的改造实例验证了Y型交叉口的治理思路。

渠化工程  在天然河流上建拦河闸坝和船闸(或升船机),壅高上游河段水位,增加通航水深,以改善航行条件的航道治理工程措施。    渠化工程的水工建筑物一般包括挡水建筑物、泄水建筑物、通航建筑物以及其他综合利用水资源的专门建筑物。它们共同组成渠化枢纽。挡水、泄水建筑物可以采用活动坝(主要是水闸)或溢流固定坝,或用固定拦河坝配以泄水的溢洪道或泄水闸。当采用活动坝时,在河流的枯水期间利用活动坝挡水,以增加枯水期的通航水深,船舶用船闸(或升船机)过坝;在洪水期间则将活动坝打开渲泄洪水流量,此时河流基本处于天然状态。这种渠化方式一般用于水位涨落迅猛的山区河流。以综合利用水资源为目的的渠化工程则多采用固定坝。    根据地形、坡降、地质等条件,通过渠化工程,将河流分成若干不同水位而又相互衔接的梯级,也就是下一级闸坝的回水与上一级闸坝相衔接,并满足通航水深的要求,即为河流渠化。如果只在局部河段建筑闸、坝以淹没闸、坝上游的滩险急弯,改善该河段的航行条件,各个渠化河段互不连接,其中还夹有天然河段,但其通航水深,可满足要求,则这种渠化方式称局部渠化。局部渠化用于航行条件一般较好,仅局部河段有碍航滩险的河流。各级闸坝的高度应根据航运以及其他国民经济部门的要求和自然条件等综合研究确定。    渠化工程能从根本上改善河流的航行条件。它具有以下特点:能较多地增加航道水深,减低水流流速,使航道的通过能力得到较大的增长;能综合利用水资源,除改善航行条件外,还可取得防洪、灌溉、发电等多方面效益;对于枯水期流量小,滩多流急的中小河流,特别是丘陵山区性中小河流和河流上游效果更为显著。不少国家对一些河流进行了多目标的渠化工程,兴建一系列渠化枢纽,使之成为渠化河流。如美国密西西比河的上游及支流俄亥俄河、田纳西河,苏联的伏尔加河,中国广东的连江、四川渠江、湖南渌水等。但是河流渠化也会带来一些问题:船舶须要通过船闸或升船机,增加了船舶的运行时间;闸坝上游水位壅高,可能淹没一些土地;河流的水文情势和生态环境也会发生变化,对农业、供水、防洪、渔业以及生态平衡、环境保护等方面将产生不同的影响。此外渠化工程的投资较大,工期较长。