1.First create the tank s FEA model and calculate the structure deformation,then use Catia to simulate and calculate the volume of liquid tank.通过建立舱段有限元模型,计算舱段的结构变形;借助三维软件Catia模拟生成和计算液舱容积,较精确地分析液舱在静压力下结构变形的大小及导致液舱容积的变化量,并对液舱容量修正提出相关建议。

1.cubic capacity of holds including hatches包括舱口在内的舱容
2.insulated capacity保温能力隔离舱容
3.The Study on the Structure Deformation Analysis and Volume Correction of the Liquid Cargo Tank;船舶液货舱的结构变形及舱容修正技术研究
4.Rapid Calculation Method of the Liquid Tank Structure Deformation Curve Used to Volume Measurement Correction用于舱容计量修正的液货船结构变形曲线快速计算方法
5.cubic capacity of holds and bunkers货舱与燃料舱总容积
6.Maximum Allowable Quantity of Cargo Tank Carrying Dangerous Goods装运危险货物液货舱最大容许量
7.A cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive.养鱼舱渔船船舱中的排孔的,为了保持鱼活着的容器
8.`The valves are not sufficiently charged!'它们底部不透水的密封水舱的容积也不够大。
9.Development of Auxiliary Manual Repressing Unit for Astronaut-Module-Spacesuit Simulation Test人舱服试验容器手动复压装置设计与试验
10.They held up to 500 people and had watertight cabins for storage and comfortable cabins for the crew.这些船只最多可容纳500人,而且有可供储存用的水密舱和舒适的船员舱。
11.The48 capsules on the Great Beijing Wheel each provide space for40 passengers who can enter and exit while the wheel is turning.北京摩天轮拥有48个舱位,在摩天轮旋转的时候每个舱位的空间足够容纳40个乘客进出。
12.The E-4B accommodates up to 94 crew members on three decks with 510m2 of deck space.E-4B能在3个总共510平方米的机舱内容纳94名机组人员。
13.And room before for a hand or two to stand and work the sails;舱前也有一块地方,可容一两个人站在那里升帆或降帆。
14.An enclosed space for receiving and holding something, such as the wheels of an airplane when retracted.养鱼舱为接收和容纳东西而围起来的空间,如收起来的飞机轮
15.after peak bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁尾尖舱壁
16.butterworth cleaner货油舱洗舱器巴氏货油舱洗舱器
17.The bulkhead surfaces and deckheads should be of material with a surface easily kept clean. No form of construction likely to harbour vermin should be used.舱壁表面和舱室天花板的材料应为表面易于保持清洁的材料。不得使用容易隐藏害虫的构造方式。
18.Some of the Southsea Dock Workers that were working under the boat should now be much more accessible to players.在南海码头的船舱里工作的工人们,现在玩家们将更容易与他们交谈。

hold capacity舱容
1.Based on the NURBS representation of the ship hull surface and deck, polyhedron representation of the inner bottom & shell, the efficient plane-surface intersection algorithm and the geometric properties calculation method, the virtual subdivision and hold capacity calculation method for arbitrary shapes of compartments are presented.在船体曲面、甲板面NURBS表达和内底内壳多面体表达,有效的平面与曲面求交算法和几何特性计算方法基础上,给出了任意形状舱室的舱容计算方法。
3)hold space货舱舱容
4)Tank capacity calculation舱容计算
5)capacity plan舱容图

FOB包括理舱和平舱%26#8226; FOB Stowed and Trimmed(FOBST,包括理舱和平舱费在内):卖方负责将货物装入船舱并承担包括理舱费和平舱费在内的装船费用