1.This technique involving the reinforcement of soft soil deposits with soilbags has been used widely in fields of water resource engineering, ocean engineering, traffic engineering, civil engineering and environmental engineering etc.土工编织袋加固软土地基处理方法已被广泛应用于水利、海洋、交通、土木建筑、环境保护等工程实践中,并有了一些研究成果。
2)woven geotextiles bag机织土工袋
3)nonwoven geotextiles bag非织造土工袋
4)geotextile bag土工织物充填袋
1.Behavior of geotextile bags filled with non-uniform silty slurry;泥浆不均匀时土工织物充填袋特性

2.Study on Character of Reinforced Filling Embankment with Layered Geotextiles多层土工织物加固填土路基的特征分析
3.automatic form-fill-seal packaging machine自动制袋充填包装机
4.cover ,cot, of knitted or crocheted textile materials, not stuffed or internally fitted吊床罩,针织或钩编织物制,无充填物或无内衬物
5.cover ,bed, of knitted or crocheted, not stuffed or internally fitted床罩,针织或钩编织物制,无充填物或内衬物
6.counterpane ,of textile materials, not stuffed or internally fitted床罩,纺织品制,无充填物或内衬
7.Application of Nano-calcium carbonate Filling Masterbatch in production of plastic woven bags纳米碳酸钙填充母料在塑料编织袋生产中的应用
8.Furthermore, a portion of space is filled with clay and cementing material.而且,部分孔隙被粘土和胶结物质填充。
9.Prevention and Treatment construction technique of Crack Aerated concrete Block Wall加气混凝土砌块填充墙抗裂施工技术
10.a rug made of a coarse fabric having a cotton warp and a wool filling.用粗糙的织物织起来的,棉花里填充着羊毛。
11.On the modular design of the form - fill - seal packaging machine based on reverse engineering;基于反求工程的制袋—充填—封口包装机模块化设计
12.Application of Sand-bag Cofferdam by Hydraulic Filling for NAJMAT Project in UAE水力填充砂袋围堰在阿联酋NAJMAT码头工程中的应用
13.To fill plentifully, as with money or food.填充用钱或食物填满
14.Experimental Study on Injectable Dermal Filler Using Tissue Engineering Technique and Abundant Cells in Human Body;应用组织工程技术和人自体细胞探索可注射性真皮充填物的实验研究
15.The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.筑堤用的材料例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质
16.Loadings: Substances, such as china clay or other mineral fillers added to the furnish of paper .填料:加于造纸浆料内的黏土或其他矿物的填充料。
17.Electrodeposition and Characterization of Rare-earth Element Filled Thermoelectric Material CoSb_3Sm_x电沉积制备稀土填充热电材料CoSb_3Sm_x工艺条件探索
18.Analysis of filling effect and filling ratio of backfill mining in longwall face长壁工作面充填开采的充填比与充填效应分析

woven geotextiles bag机织土工袋
3)nonwoven geotextiles bag非织造土工袋
4)geotextile bag土工织物充填袋
1.Behavior of geotextile bags filled with non-uniform silty slurry;泥浆不均匀时土工织物充填袋特性
5)Gromembrane bag fall of sand装砂土工织物袋
6)woven bags编织袋
1.Application of Nano-calcium carbonate Filling Masterbatch in production of plastic woven bags纳米碳酸钙填充母料在塑料编织袋生产中的应用
2.The process of complex plastic woven bags from polypropybene powder by direct pasting method is introduced,the effect of raw material and additive against coating quality and production process are discussed.介绍了聚丙烯粉料直接涂覆法生产复合塑料编织袋的工艺技术,讨论了原料和助剂对涂覆质量和生产过程的影响。
