1.By investigation on the jumping sportsmen of track-and-field competition in Yangzhou University and the investigation on the jumping sportsmen from Yangzhou University track-and-field delegate team taking part in College Students Games of Jiangsu Province and the National College Students Games,the authors found that the college students are usually "abnormal" in the matches.通过对扬州大学田径运动会和扬州大学田径代表队参加江苏省及全国大学生田径运动会跳跃项目的运动员进行调研发现,"失常"现象普遍存在于大学生田径跳跃项目中,经过对其失常的原因、生理机制进行的分析,提出改进和调节的方法。

1.nervous system disorder神经系统失常 神经系统失常
2.arrhythmia trend recorder心律失常趋向记录器
3.ciliary arrhythmia心房颤动性心律失常
4.His mind has lost its tone.他的心智已失常态。
5.Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias中华心律失常学杂志
6.Their offspring is all somewhat odd.他们的后代都有点失常
7.His sanity had collapsed.他的神经已经失常
8.John was off his dot.约翰有点神经失常
9.His digestion is out of order他的消化系统失常
10.He pleaded insanity.他以神经失常为理由。
11.You see I'm beside myself, don't you?你看我有点失常,不是吗?
12.Carl was off his dot.卡尔有点精神失常
13.To declare legally insane.法律上宣告为精神失常
14.officially declare(sb)to be insane正式证明(某人)精神失常
15.Of, suffering from, or characteristic of delirium.失常的,精神错乱的神志失常的,遭受神志失常的痛苦的,或具有神志失常的特征的
16.Man's best plans often miscrarry神机妙算,常常失算
17.Of course, it is true that small businesses often fail.小企业确实也常常失败。
18.Failure can often be linked to things beyond its control,失败常常与事物的失控相联系,

1.The phenomenon of our country s trustworthiness disorders in recent years is because of the accumulation and deposition of many factors while the system transforms.我国近年来出现的诚信失常现象,主要是在体制转轨过程中诸多因素的不断积累与沉淀造成的。
2.1 of 1750m~3BF was disordered due to improper operation.1~#1750高炉由于操作不当,导致炉况失常
3)wind pressure go into a spin风压失常
1.It has aimportant meaning to cause gas gather when wind pressure go into a spin.介绍了主通风机风压失常报警装置的设计和研制过程 ,分析了它的工作原理。
1.Comparative study on the effects of levosimendan on the arrhythmia induced by reperfusion in isolated rat hearts;左西孟旦对离体鼠心再灌注性心律失常及心功能影响的对比研究
2.Analysis on Neonatal Arrhythmia;新生儿心律失常95例分析
5)BF operation disorder炉况失常
6)cardiac arrhythmia心律失常
1.The effect of lung ventilation function that use metoprolol treat the cardiac arrhythmia with chronic pulmonary heart disease;美托洛尔对肺心病心律失常疗效及其对肺通气安全性探讨
2.Analysis of risk factors of postoperative cardiac arrhythmia and nursing in patients with lung cancer;肺癌术后心律失常的危险因素分析及护理
3.Clinical analysis of 368 elderly cases with cardiac arrhythmia;老年人心律失常368例临床分析

肠旋转失常肠旋转失常intestinal malrotation 胚胎期中肠发育异常引起的一种消化道畸形。患婴大多于生后2~3d出现间歇性呕吐,呕吐物常含胆汁。腹胀不明显,且仅限于上腹部,有时可见胃蠕动波。24h内有胎粪排出,但以后排便减少。钡餐检查可见胃及十二指肠第1、2段扩张,钡灌肠可见回盲部的位置异常。常与其他畸形尤其是泌尿生殖系畸形并存。应及早进行手术治疗。